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Test server clothing, hue and pet finder by Isc4riot

Description: search for clothes or hues fast on test server player editor statue

#search for clothing, hues or pets on test shard easily by Isc4riot #basically just input the name or part of the name of the item you are searching for in the same format it is on the spawner so like 'SpiderEarrings' for clothes, 'Shimmer Passion' for hues, 'Fortress' or 'FortressBeetle' for pets #it can only search clothing items to the left because it gets stuck on Fur items for some reason as you cannot right click past them but if you want you can change 18 to 19 #replace the number after gumpresponse to 18-19 for searching clothes, 10-11 for searching hues or 3-4 for searching pets or just turn them into separate scripts while not ingump 'NameOfItemHueOrPet' 431030585 gumpresponse 18 431030585 endwhile overhead 'search done'