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Quick Escape Macro (gate, recall, chiv) by Roeshambo

Description: Quick escape macro. Will instantly use moongate if in range. If you have magery and not near a moongate, it will cast recall and either target your runebook (make sure to have a default selected), or a free rune if that's all that is in your bag. If you have chiv over 95 it will use sacred journey and use the portal (must push the button repeatedly to cast and use the gate as waits cause hangups. Or else, if all you have is a runebook, it will instantly cast the selected recall (change the gumpresponse at the bottom to correlate with the rune you wish to use).

1if findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as mGate
2    while not gumpexists 3899019871
3        dclick mGate
4    endwhile
5    if gumpexists 3899019871
6        gumpresponse 2 3899019871
7        stop
8    endif
9elseif findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 2 as mGate
10    while not gumpexists 3773199800
11        dclick mGate
12    endwhile
13    if gumpexists 3773199800
14        gumpresponse 2 3773199800
15        stop
16    endif
17elseif skill "Magery" > 70 and mana > 11 and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
18    while not targetexists
19        cast "Recall"
20        wait 200
21    endwhile
22    if findtype 8901 backpack as portTarget
23        target portTarget
24    elseif findtype 7956 backpack as portTarget
25        target portTarget
26    endif
27elseif skill "Chivalry" > 95 and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
28    if not gumpexists 1482653814
29        say '[SacredJourney'
30    elseif gumpexists 1482653814
31        gumpresponse 1
32    endif
33    if findtype 30528 ground 2091 1 2 as mgate
34        dclick mgate
35    endif
36    if gumpexists 3773199800
37        gumpresponse 2
38    endif
39elseif findtype 8901 backpack as runebook and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
40    //change gumpresponse to number correlating to rune in book
41    //Page 1: 2,6,14,20,26,32,38,44  Page 2: 50,56,62,68,74,80,86,92
42    dclick runebook
43    waitforgump 1551740969 1000
44    if gumpexists 1551740969
45        gumpresponse 74
46    endif