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auto chiv heal, buff and bandage heal by luckystriike

Related: Chivalry

Description: This heals and buffs you with chiv and bandages. I'll expand this script later with cures and other stuff.

This script will only work with warmode on. Add this script to a hotkey, enable warmode and hit the hotkey. The script keeps healing and buffing till warmode is turned off.

You will need to make 3 in-game cooldowns "divine_fury", "Enemy_of_one" and "consecrate_weapon". Set the cooldown to 30000 for all 3.

1// This script will only work with warmode on.
2// add this script to a hotkey, enable warmode and hit the hotkey
3// the script keeps healing and buffing till warmode is turned off
4// NOTE: You will need to make 3 in-game cooldowns "divine_fury", "Enemy_of_one" and "consecrate_weapon". Set the cooldown to 30000 for all 3.
6while not dead and warmode on
7    createlist 'symbols'
9    if ingump "14/" 1387930325
10        for 14
11          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
12        endfor
13     elseif ingump "13/" 1387930325
14        for 13
15         pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
16        endfor
17     elseif ingump "12/" 1387930325
18        for 12
19          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
20        endfor
21    elseif ingump "11/" 1387930325
22        for 11
23          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
24        endfor
25    elseif ingump "10/" 1387930325
26        for 10
27          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
28        endfor
29    elseif ingump "9/" 1387930325
30        for 9
31         pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
32        endfor
33    elseif ingump "8/" 1387930325
34        for 8
35          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
36        endfor
37    elseif ingump "7/" 1387930325
38        for 7
39          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
40        endfor
41    elseif ingump "6/" 1387930325
42        for 6
43         pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
44        endfor
45    elseif ingump "5/" 1387930325
46        for 5
47          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
48        endfor
49    elseif ingump "4/" 1387930325
50        for 4
51          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
52        endfor
53    elseif ingump "3/" 1387930325
54        for 3
55          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
56        endfor
57    elseif ingump "2/" 1387930325
58        for 2
59         pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
60        endfor
61    elseif ingump "1/" 1387930325
62       for 1
63          pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back'
64        endfor
65    elseif ingump "0/" 1387930325
66    endif
70    if hp < 90 and not bandaging
71        hotkey 'Bandage Self'
72    endif
73    wait 200
75    if hp <= 65 and list "symbols" >= 5
76        say '[HolyLight'
77        wait  250
78        target self
79        for 5 
80            poplist 'symbols' 'back'
81        endfor
82    elseif hp <= 65 and list "symbols" >= 4 
83        say '[NobleSacrifice'
84        wait  250
85        target self
86        for 4 
87            poplist 'symbols' 'back'
88        endfor
89     else  
92     if poisoned and  list "symbols" >= 2 
93        say "[CleanseByFire"
95        for 2 
96          poplist 'symbols' 'back'
97        endfor
98      elseif findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" and list "symbols" >= 3 
99        say "[CloseWounds"
101        for 3 
102          poplist 'symbols' 'back'
103        endfor
104      endif
106      if list "symbols" >= 4  and not cooldown 'divine_fury'
107        say '[DivineFury'
108        cooldown  'divine_fury' 30000
110        for 4 
111          poplist 'symbols' 'back'
112        endfor
113        wait 600
114      endif
116      if list "symbols" >= 3  and not cooldown 'Enemy_of_one'
117        say '[EnemyOfOne'
118        cooldown 'Enemy_of_one' 30000
120        for 3 
121          poplist 'symbols' 'back'
122        endfor
123        wait 600
124      endif   
126      if list "symbols" >= 4 and not cooldown 'consecrate_weapon'
127        say '[ConsecrateWeapon'
128        cooldown  'consecrate_weapon' 30000
130        for 4 
131          poplist 'symbols' 'back'
132        endfor
133        wait 600
134      endif
136      removelist 'symbols'
137    endif   