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Chivalry heal check snippet by initsu

Related: Chivalry

Description: You need cooldowns: "Holy Light", "Noble Sacrifice" and "Heal potion" or it wont work.

1if skill 'Chivalry' > 0
2    if not gumpexists 1387930325
3        yell '[ChivalryHotbar'
4        waitforgump 1387930325
5    endif
6    if ingump '10/' 1387930325
7        @setvar holy_symbols 10
8    elseif ingump '11/' 1387930325
9        @setvar holy_symbols 11
10    elseif ingump '12/' 1387930325
11        @setvar holy_symbols 12
12    elseif ingump '1/' 1387930325
13        @setvar holy_symbols 1
14    elseif ingump '2/' 1387930325
15        @setvar holy_symbols 2
16    elseif ingump '3/' 1387930325
17        @setvar holy_symbols 3
18    elseif ingump '4/' 1387930325
19        @setvar holy_symbols 4
20    elseif ingump '5/' 1387930325
21        @setvar holy_symbols 5
22    elseif ingump '6/' 1387930325
23        @setvar holy_symbols 6
24    elseif ingump '7/' 1387930325
25        @setvar holy_symbols 7
26    elseif ingump '8/' 1387930325
27        @setvar holy_symbols 8
28    elseif ingump '9/' 1387930325
29        @setvar holy_symbols 9
30    else
31        @setvar holy_symbols 0
32    endif
34    @setvar holy_symbols 0
37if hp < 65
38    if skill 'Chivalry' >= 95 and 5 <= holy_symbols and not cooldown 'Holy Light'
39        // yell '[HolyLight'
40        gumpresponse 19 1387930325
41        cooldown 'Holy Light' 30000
42        wait 600
43        if insysmsg "You must wait another 1 second before you may use that ability again."
44            cooldown 'Holy Light' 1000
45        endif
46    elseif skill 'Chivalry' >= 80 and 4 <= holy_symbols and not cooldown 'Noble Sacrifice'
47        target cancel
48        target clear
49        while not targetexists
50            // yell '[NobleSacrifice'
51            gumpresponse 16 1387930325
52            waitfortarget 1000
53        endwhile
54        while targetexists
55            hotkey 'Target Self'
56            for 10
57                if not targetexists
58                    break
59                endif
60                wait 100
61            endfor
62        endwhile
63        cooldown 'Noble Sacrifice' 30000
64        if cooldown 'Heal potion' < 5000
65            cooldown 'Heal potion' 5000
66        endif
67        if cooldown 'Holy Light' < 5000
68            cooldown 'Holy Light' 5000
69        endif
70    endif