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auto chiv heal, buff and bandage heal by luckystriike

Related: Chivalry

Description: This heals and buffs you with chiv and bandages. I'll expand this script later with cures and other stuff.

This script will only work with warmode on. Add this script to a hotkey, enable warmode and hit the hotkey. The script keeps healing and buffing till warmode is turned off.

You will need to make 3 in-game cooldowns "divine_fury", "Enemy_of_one" and "consecrate_weapon". Set the cooldown to 30000 for all 3.

// This script will only work with warmode on. // add this script to a hotkey, enable warmode and hit the hotkey // the script keeps healing and buffing till warmode is turned off // NOTE: You will need to make 3 in-game cooldowns "divine_fury", "Enemy_of_one" and "consecrate_weapon". Set the cooldown to 30000 for all 3. while not dead and warmode on createlist 'symbols' if ingump "14/" 1387930325 for 14 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "13/" 1387930325 for 13 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "12/" 1387930325 for 12 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "11/" 1387930325 for 11 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "10/" 1387930325 for 10 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "9/" 1387930325 for 9 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "8/" 1387930325 for 8 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "7/" 1387930325 for 7 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "6/" 1387930325 for 6 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "5/" 1387930325 for 5 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "4/" 1387930325 for 4 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "3/" 1387930325 for 3 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "2/" 1387930325 for 2 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "1/" 1387930325 for 1 pushlist 'symbols' '1' 'back' endfor elseif ingump "0/" 1387930325 endif if hp < 90 and not bandaging hotkey 'Bandage Self' endif wait 200 if hp <= 65 and list "symbols" >= 5 say '[HolyLight' wait 250 target self for 5 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor elseif hp <= 65 and list "symbols" >= 4 say '[NobleSacrifice' wait 250 target self for 4 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor else if poisoned and list "symbols" >= 2 say "[CleanseByFire" for 2 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor elseif findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" and list "symbols" >= 3 say "[CloseWounds" for 3 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor endif if list "symbols" >= 4 and not cooldown 'divine_fury' say '[DivineFury' cooldown 'divine_fury' 30000 for 4 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor wait 600 endif if list "symbols" >= 3 and not cooldown 'Enemy_of_one' say '[EnemyOfOne' cooldown 'Enemy_of_one' 30000 for 3 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor wait 600 endif if list "symbols" >= 4 and not cooldown 'consecrate_weapon' say '[ConsecrateWeapon' cooldown 'consecrate_weapon' 30000 for 4 poplist 'symbols' 'back' endfor wait 600 endif removelist 'symbols' endif endwhile