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SUPER-Auto healing by dennozz

Description: Auto healing script using different healing methods.

#SUPER Auto-healer ver.3.01 #********** INFORMATION **********# #Made by @dennozz on discord. #Inspired/learned by other scrips in #Information : This is a script to auto heal you using Magery, Chivarly, Potions, Bandages and magery buffs #Optional : Set system messages filters in razor since the script spams alot to heal you as soon as possible. #********** SET YOUR SETTINGS **********# #--- Set Mage auto heals ---# @setvar! miniHeal 1 @setvar! greaterHeal 1 @setvar! cureSpell 1 #--- Set Mage Buffs ---# @setvar! magicReflect 1 @setvar! bless 1 @setvar! armorReflect 1 @setvar! protectionSpell 1 @setvar! miniumManaToBuff 50 #--- Set Chivarly auto heals ---# @setvar! nobleSacrifice 1 @setvar! holyLight 1 #--- Set potions ---# @setvar! drinkStr 1 @setvar! drinkAgility 1 @setvar! drinkMagicResist 1 @setvar! drinkHeal 1 @setvar! drinkCure 1 @setvar! drinkRefresh 1 @setvar! strengthLowerThan 100 @setvar! staminaLowerThan 80 #--- Auto healing hp diffs ---# @setvar! lowDiff 1 @setvar! medDiff 30 @setvar! highDiff 50 @setvar! extremeDiff 60 @setvar! criticalDiff 75 #--- Optional : Have a cooldown named `Heal Pot` ---# @setvar! healingPotCD 8000 #********** DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ********** @setvar! holyPoints 0 @setvar nobleCD 5000 settimer nobleTimer nobleCD @setvar! maxwaittimeinms 650 #--- Script msgs timers ---# @setvar! autoHealMessageCD 4500 settimer autoHealMessageTimer 0 @setvar! guardMessageCD 5500 settimer guardMessageTimer guardMessageCD #--- Resources timers ---# @setvar! pouchMessageCD 5000 settimer pouchMessageTimer pouchMessageCD @setvar! aidsMessageCD 4000 settimer aidsMessageTimer aidsMessageCD @setvar! whiteMessageCD 3000 settimer whiteMessageTimer whiteMessageCD @setvar! blueMessageCD 3000 settimer blueMessageTimer blueMessageCD @setvar! blackMessageCD 2500 settimer blackMessageTimer blackMessageCD @setvar! orangeMessageCD 2000 settimer orangeMessageTimer orangeMessageCD @setvar! yellowMessageCD 1500 settimer yellowMessageTimer yellowMessageCD @setvar! redMessageCD 1000 settimer redMessageTimer redMessageCD #--- Magery buffs timers ---# @setvar! magicReflectCD 15000 settimer magicReflectTimer 15000 @setvar! armorReflectCD 15000 settimer armorReflectTimer 15000 @setvar! protectionCD 15000 settimer protectionTimer 15000 overhead "Auto Healing Activated" 66 if nobleSacrifice = 1 or holyLight = 1 if findtype 'paladin spellbook' backpack yell '[chivalryhotbar' while not gumpexists 1387930325 yell '[chivalryhotbar' waitforgump 1387930325 maxwaittimeinms endwhile endif endif while not dead if timer autoHealMessageTimer > autoHealMessageCD overhead "* auto-healing *" 11 settimer autoHealMessageTimer 0 endif #********** AUTO-HEALING IF NEEDED ********** while diffhits >= lowDiff or paralyzed or poisoned if timer autoHealMessageTimer > autoHealMessageCD overhead "* auto-healing *" 11 settimer autoHealMessageTimer 0 endif #--- Trapped ---# if paralyzed if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 yell "[pouch" wait 200 else if timer pouchMessageTimer > pouchMessageCD overhead "Out of Pouches!" 34 settimer pouchMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif #--- Self bandage ---# if diffhits >= 1 and not bandaging if skill 'healing' >= 50 or skill "veterinary" >= 50 if findtype 'clean bandage%s%' backpack if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif dclicktype 'clean bandage%s%' waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 else if timer aidsMessageTimer > aidsMessageCD overhead "Out of bandages" 34 settimer aidsMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endif #--- Drink str pot ---# if drinkStr = 1 and str < strengthLowerThan if not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self dclicktype "White Potion" wait 200 else if timer whiteMessageTimer > whiteMessageCD overhead "Out of str pots" 34 settimer whiteMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endif #--- Drink agility pot ---# if drinkAgility = 1 if not findbuff "Agility" if findtype "Blue Potion" self dclicktype "Blue Potion" wait 200 else if timer blueMessageTimer > blueMessageCD overhead "Out of agility pots" 34 settimer blueMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endif #--- Drink magic resist pot ---# if drinkMagicResist = 1 if not findbuff "Magic Resist" if findtype "Black Potion" self dclicktype "Black Potion" wait 200 else if timer blackMessageTimer > blackMessageCD overhead "Out of resist pots" 34 settimer blackMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endif #--- Poisoned ---# if 1 = drinkCure or 1 = cureSpell while poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" self dclicktype "Orange Potion" wait 200 else if timer orangeMessageTimer > orangeMessageCD overhead "Out of cure pots" 34 settimer orangeMessageTimer 0 endif if diffhits > highDiff or not findtype 3972 self or not findtype 3973 self break endif if skill 'magery' >= 40 and mana >= 6 and 1 = cureSpell and not casting cast 'cure' wait 50 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'cure' wait 50 endwhile while not targetexists and casting endwhile waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 else break endif endif endwhile endif #--- Drink Heal Pot ---# if diffhits >= highDiff and 1 = drinkHeal if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as hPot getlabel hPot potLabel if "next" in potLabel #do nothing else @setvar! ch 0 if counttype 3852 self as c @setvar! ch c endif clearsysmsg dclicktype 3852 getlabel backpack xxx wait 200 if ch != counttype 3852 self or insysmsg "potion satchel used" cooldown "Heal Pot" healingPotCD endif endif else if timer yellowMessageTimer > yellowMessageCD overhead "Out of heals pots" 34 settimer yellowMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif #--- Drink red pot ---# if stam < staminaLowerThan and 1 = drinkRefresh if findtype "Red Potion" self dclicktype "Red Potion" wait 200 else if timer redMessageTimer > redMessageCD overhead "Out of refresh pots" 34 settimer redMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif #--- Cast Chivarly ---# if ingump "20/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 20 elseif ingump "19/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 19 elseif ingump "18/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 18 elseif ingump "17/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 17 elseif ingump "16/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 16 elseif ingump "15/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 15 elseif ingump "14/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 14 elseif ingump "13/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 13 elseif ingump "12/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 12 elseif ingump "11/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 11 elseif ingump "10/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 10 elseif ingump "9/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 9 elseif ingump "8/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 8 elseif ingump "7/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 7 elseif ingump "6/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 6 elseif ingump "5/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 5 elseif ingump "4/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 4 elseif ingump "3/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 3 elseif ingump "2/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 2 elseif ingump "1/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 1 else @setvar holyPoints 0 endif if skill 'chivalry' >= 95 and diffhits >= extremeDiff and 1 = holyLight and 4 < holyPoints and timer nobleTimer > nobleCD if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif clearsysmsg yell '[holylight' wait 200 if insysmsg "Holy symbols" overhead "[> Holy Light <]" 55 #Activate timer endif endif if ingump "20/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 20 elseif ingump "19/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 19 elseif ingump "18/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 18 elseif ingump "17/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 17 elseif ingump "16/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 16 elseif ingump "15/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 15 elseif ingump "14/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 14 elseif ingump "13/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 13 elseif ingump "12/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 12 elseif ingump "11/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 11 elseif ingump "10/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 10 elseif ingump "9/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 9 elseif ingump "8/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 8 elseif ingump "7/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 7 elseif ingump "6/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 6 elseif ingump "5/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 5 elseif ingump "4/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 4 elseif ingump "3/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 3 elseif ingump "2/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 2 elseif ingump "1/" 1387930325 @setvar! holyPoints 1 else @setvar holyPoints 0 endif if skill 'chivalry' >= 80 and diffhits >= criticalDiff and 1 = nobleSacrifice and 3 < holyPoints if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif clearsysmsg yell '[noblesacrifice' wait 200 if targetexists waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 if insysmsg "Holy symbols" overhead "[> Noble Sacrifice <]" 55 settimer nobleTimer 0 endif endif endif #--- Cast heals ---# if skill 'magery' >= 40 and diffhits >= lowDiff and diffhits < medDiff and mana >= 4 and miniHeal = 1 and not casting cast 'heal' while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'heal' endwhile while not targetexists and casting endwhile waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 elseif skill 'magery' >= 60 and diffhits >= medDiff and diffhits <= highDiff mana >= 11 and greaterHeal = 1 and not casting cast 'greater heal' while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'greater heal' endwhile while not targetexists and casting #--- Poisoned ---# if 1 = drinkCure while poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" self dclicktype "Orange Potion" wait 200 else if timer orangeMessageTimer > orangeMessageCD overhead "Out of cure pots" 34 settimer orangeMessageTimer 0 break endif endif endwhile endif #--- Drink Heal Pot ---# if diffhits >= highDiff and 1 = drinkHeal if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as hPot getlabel hPot potLabel if "next" in potLabel #do nothing else @setvar! ch 0 if counttype 3852 self as c @setvar! ch c endif clearsysmsg dclicktype 3852 getlabel backpack xxx wait 200 if ch != counttype 3852 self or insysmsg "potion satchel used" cooldown "Heal Pot" healingPotCD endif endif else if timer yellowMessageTimer > yellowMessageCD overhead "Out of heals pots" 34 settimer yellowMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endwhile waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 elseif skill 'magery' >= 40 and diffhits > highDiff and mana >= 4 and miniHeal = 1 and not casting cast 'heal' while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'heal' endwhile while not targetexists and casting endwhile waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 endif endwhile #********** AUTO-MAGERY BUFFS IF NEEDED ********** if magicReflect = 1 and skill 'magery' >= 70 and not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and mana >= miniumManaToBuff and diffhits < lowDiff if timer magicReflectTimer > magicReflectCD cast 'Magic Reflection' while not casting and diffhits < lowDiff getlabel backpack xxx wait 200 if insysmsg "that spell will not" or insysmsg "that spell is already" settimer magicReflectTimer 0 break endif if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Magic Reflection' endwhile while casting and diffhits < highDiff #--- Poisoned ---# if 1 = drinkCure while poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" self dclicktype "Orange Potion" wait 200 else if timer orangeMessageTimer > orangeMessageCD overhead "Out of cure pots" 34 settimer orangeMessageTimer 0 break endif endif endwhile endif #--- Drink Heal Pot ---# if diffhits >= highDiff and 1 = drinkHeal if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as hPot getlabel hPot potLabel if "next" in potLabel #do nothing else @setvar! ch 0 if counttype 3852 self as c @setvar! ch c endif clearsysmsg dclicktype 3852 getlabel backpack xxx wait 200 if ch != counttype 3852 self or insysmsg "potion satchel used" cooldown "Heal Pot" healingPotCD endif endif else if timer yellowMessageTimer > yellowMessageCD overhead "Out of heals pots" 34 settimer yellowMessageTimer 0 endif endif endif endwhile wait 200 endif endif if armorReflect = 1 and skill 'magery' >= 30 and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and mana >= miniumManaToBuff and diffhits < lowDiff if timer magicReflectTimer > magicReflectCD cast 'Reactive Armor' while not casting and diffhits < highDiff getlabel backpack xxx wait 200 if insysmsg "that spell will not" or insysmsg "that spell is already" settimer armorReflectTimer 0 break endif if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Reactive Armor' endwhile while casting and diffhits < lowDiff endwhile wait 200 endif endif if protectionSpell = 1 and skill 'magery' >= 40 and not findbuff "Protection" and mana >= miniumManaToBuff and diffhits < lowDiff cast 'Protection' while not casting and diffhits < highDiff if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Protection' endwhile while casting and diffhits < lowDiff endwhile wait 200 endif if bless = 1 and skill 'magery' >= 50 and not findbuff "Cunning" and mana >= miniumManaToBuff and diffhits < lowDiff sysmsg 'blessing..' cast 'Bless' while not casting and diffhits < highDiff if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Bless' wait 50 endwhile while not targetexists and casting endwhile waitfortarget maxwaittimeinms target 'self' wait 200 endif endwhile