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Auto Recall and go to Inn Rental Room by rick.jf

Description: Recalls to Innkeeper/House Steward rune, and then get inside Inn Rental Room

#Set rune`s button to GH`s CY (if it has a House Steward npc) #or near Innkeeper npc, from the runebook as follows: #Page 1: 2, 6, 14, 20, 26, 32, 38, 44 #Page 2: 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80, 86, 92 @setvar! runeButton 2 #IF NOT room owner (visiting other`s) set this to 0 #and wich room (starts on 100 and goes 101, 102, 103...) @setvar! ownRoom 1 @setvar! roomButton 100 if findtype 8901 backpack as runebook dclick runebook waitforgump 1551740969 1000 if gumpexists 1551740969 gumpresponse runeButton wait 2200 say 'room' waitforgump 2393832411 1000 if gumpexists 2393832411 if ownRoom = 1 gumpresponse 4 else gumpresponse 2 wait 100 waitforgump 2393832411 1000 gumpresponse roomButton endif endif endif endif stop