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Provocation Hotkey by Nevor
1//----- MANUAL SETUP ----//
3//You can prevent Razor spamming system messages by using filters
4//It is not mandatory, but highly recommended to use them
5//Go to 'Filters' tab in Razor menu -> Text & Messages -> Check Enable text filter -> Click Add
6//Make sure to check 'Filter system messages', but do not check 'Ignore filtered messages in overhead and scripts'
7//Create the following text filters:
8// target set
9// Target a new
10// No one matching that was found on your screen
12//This variable determines the search radius for barding targets, change at your own risk (not tested)
13@setvar! bardingTargetSearchRadius 8
14//Amount of time to wait for the server to respond with system messages (adjust according to ping if necessary)
15@setvar! forServerResponse 300
17//----- AUTO SETUP ----//
19if not timerexists ProvoTimer
20 createtimer! ProvoTimer
21 settimer ProvoTimer 10500
22elseif timer ProvoTimer <= 10500
23 overhead '[SKILL COOLDOWN]' 43
24 stop
27@setvar! firstProvocationTarget 1
28@setvar! secondProvocationTarget 3
29@setvar! needToBard 3
30@setvar! previousLastTarget 7
32//---- CLEANING UP ----//
35if targetexists
36 if targetexists 'beneficial'
37 target self
38 wait 50
39 else
40 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
41 wait 50
42 endif
45//---- INSTRUMENT CHECK ----//
47if not varexist myInstrument or not find myInstrument backpack
48//lute 3763, drum 3740, lap harp 3762, tambourine 3742, bamboo flute 10245
49 while findtype 3740|3742|3762|3763|10245 backpack as instrucheck
50 getlabel instrucheck instrulabel
51 wait forServerResponse
52 if 'supremely' in instrulabel
53 @setvar myInstrument instrucheck
54 overhead 'New supreme instrument set'
55 wait forServerResponse
56 dclick myInstrument
57 break
58 elseif 'exceedingly' in instrulabel
59 @setvar myInstrument instrucheck
60 overhead 'New exceeding instrument set'
61 wait forServerResponse
62 dclick myInstrument
63 break
64 else
65 @ignore instrucheck
66 endif
67 endwhile
68 @clearignore
69 if not varexist myInstrument or not find myInstrument backpack
70 overhead "Instrument not found. Set a new one!"
71 @setvar myInstrument
72 wait forServerResponse
73 dclick myInstrument
74 endif
75 if not varexist myInstrument or not find myInstrument backpack
76 for 3
77 overhead '** NO INSTRUMENT **' 33
78 endfor
79 stop
80 endif
83//---- TARGET SEARCH ----//
85@setvar! preScriptLastTarget lasttarget
86if find preScriptLastTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius
87 if noto preScriptLastTarget = 'hostile' or noto preScriptLastTarget = 'criminal'
88 @setvar! previousLastTarget preScriptLastTarget
89 endif
91if previousLastTarget != preScriptLastTarget
92 hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster'
93 @setvar! previousLastTarget lasttarget
95@setvar! checkLastTarget previousLastTarget
97while not dead previousLastTarget
98 if find checkLastTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius
99 getlabel checkLastTarget BardingStatusCheck
100 if 'break' in BardingStatusCheck
101 //do nothing
102 elseif 'pacified' in BardingStatusCheck or 'provoked' in BardingStatusCheck
103 if find checkLastTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and checkLastTarget != firstProvocationTarget and checkLastTarget != secondProvocationTarget
104 @setvar! possibleProvoTarget checkLastTarget
105 endif
106 else
107 if not find firstProvocationTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and find checkLastTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and checkLastTarget != secondProvocationTarget
108 @setvar! firstProvocationTarget checkLastTarget
109 endif
110 if not find secondProvocationTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and find checkLastTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and checkLastTarget != firstProvocationTarget
111 @setvar! secondProvocationTarget checkLastTarget
112 endif
113 endif
114 endif
115 if not dead firstProvocationTarget and not dead secondProvocationTarget
116 @setvar! needToBard 1
117 break
118 elseif index > 0 and checkLastTarget = previousLastTarget
119 if dead firstProvocationTarget and not dead possibleProvoTarget and possibleProvoTarget != secondProvocationTarget
120 @setvar! firstProvocationTarget possibleProvoTarget
121 elseif dead secondProvocationTarget and not dead possibleProvoTarget and possibleProvoTarget != firstProvocationTarget
122 @setvar! secondProvocationTarget possibleProvoTarget
123 endif
124 @setvar! possibleProvoTarget 0
125 if find firstProvocationTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius and find secondProvocationTarget ground -1 -1 bardingTargetSearchRadius
126 @setvar! needToBard 1
127 endif
128 break
129 endif
130 hotkey 'Next Non-Friendly Monster Target'
131 @setvar! checkLastTarget lasttarget
134//---- BARDING ----//
136if needToBard = 1
137 hotkey 'Provocation'
138 wft 3000
139 target firstProvocationTarget
140 wait forServerResponse
141 if insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen'
142 overhead "▼ Not visible ▼" 43 firstProvocationTarget
143 elseif insysmsg 'That is too far away.'
144 overhead '▼ Too far away ▼' 43 firstProvocationTarget
145 else
146 wft 3000
147 target secondProvocationTarget
148 wait forServerResponse
149 if insysmsg 'You play successfully, provoking'
150 overhead '[PROVO SUCCESS]'
151 overhead '▼ Provoked ▼' 88 firstProvocationTarget
152 overhead '▼ Provoked ▼' 88 secondProvocationTarget
153 settimer ProvoTimer 0
154 elseif insysmsg 'You fail to incite'
155 overhead '[PROVO FAIL]' 43
156 overhead '▼ Failed ▼' 43 firstProvocationTarget
157 overhead '▼ Failed ▼' 43 secondProvocationTarget
158 settimer ProvoTimer 5000
159 elseif insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen'
160 overhead "▼ Not visible ▼" 43 secondProvocationTarget
161 elseif insysmsg 'That is too far away.'
162 overhead '▼ Too far away ▼' 43 secondProvocationTarget
163 elseif insysmsg 'The creatures you are trying to provoke are too far away from each other for your music to have an effect.'
164 overhead '▼ Too far apart ▼' 43 firstProvocationTarget
165 overhead '▼ Too far apart ▼' 43 secondProvocationTarget
166 elseif insysmsg 'tell someone to attack themselves!'
167 //Oops, that should not be possible to happen
168 overhead '[SELF TARGETING FAIL]' 33
169 else
170 //maybe the server could not respond with a sysmsg in time - adjust forServerResponse variable in setup to a higher value
171 overhead '[UNEXPECTED PROVO RESULT]' 33
172 settimer ProvoTimer 5000
173 endif
174 endif
176 overhead '[NO TARGETS]' 43
179//---- INSTRUMENT CHECK ----//
181getlabel myInstrument InstruLabel
182if '(10/' in InstruLabel
183 overhead '10 Songs left to play' 33
184elseif '(3/' in InstruLabel
185 overhead '* 3 Songs left to play *' 33
186elseif '(2/' in InstruLabel
187 overhead '** 2 Songs left to play **' 33
188elseif '(1/' in InstruLabel
189 for 3
190 overhead '*** LAST SONG ***' 33
191 endfor
194//---- CLEANING UP ----//
196hotkey 'Set Last Target'
197wft 3000
198target preScriptLastTarget
200if targetexists
201 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'