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Bandage resurrection by gorloke

Description: Resurrects/heals a target. Wont heal criminals.

@unsetvar somedeadguy @setvar! somedeadguy @unsetvar isdead @setvar isdead 1 clearsysmsg say "You poor lost soul! I shall aid you." while isdead == 1 hotkey 'Use Bandage (No Timer)' waitfortarget target somedeadguy wait 500 if insysmsg "You cannot perform beneficial acts on your target" say "Criminals shall get no aid from me" @setvar isdead 0 endif if insysmsg "That being is not damaged!" overhead "They are not dead" @setvar isdead 0 endif if insysmsg "That is too far away." overhead "Too Far" endif while bandaging wait 500 endwhile if insysmsg "You fail to resurrect your patient." overhead "Failed to res, Retrying" endif if insysmsg "You are able to resurrect your patient." overhead "Successful res" say "Welcome back to the world!" @unsetvar somedeadguy @setvar isdead 0 endif if insysmsg "You finish applying the bandages" say "I have healed your wounds." @setvar isdead 0 endif wait 650 endwhile