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Auto healer assistant (Bandage + Potion) by Pickleback

Description: I run this script all the time when I'm out. It puts healing on auto-pilot.

# This script keeps you alive. # Starts bandaging fast, falls back to GH potions. # Doesn't waste a potion timer if the bandage is about to land. # Tweak as you like! clearsysmsg if not timerexists "healpot" createtimer "healpot" settimer "healpot" 11000 endif if not timerexists "bandage" createtimer "bandage" settimer "bandage" 11000 endif if not timerexists "warning" createtimer "warning" settimer "warning" 31000 endif if not timerexists "curepot" createtimer "curepot" settimer "curepot" 11000 endif while not dead if hidden continue endif if poisoned and timer 'curepot' > 11000 potion 'cure' wait 200 settimer 'curepot' 0 endif if poisoned or hp < maxhits if targetexists continue endif if timer 'bandage' > 10250 hotkey 'Use Bandage (No Timer)' wft 200 hotkey 'Target Self' endif endif if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'bandage' 0 endif if not findtype 'Yellow Potion' backpack and timer 'warning' > 30000 overhead 'No heal pots!' 34 wait 200 settimer 'warning' 0 endif if hp < 39 and timer 'bandage' < 8000 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack if timer "healpot" > 11000 overhead 'Drinking heal!' wait 200 potion "heal" wait 200 settimer "healpot" 0 endif endif endif wait 100 endwhile