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backstabberHide by tarouca

Related: Stealth backstab

# THIS SCRIPT DEPENDS FROM: # SCRIPTS: backstabberSetup # COOLDOWNS: Tactics, Weapon Ability, Smoke Bomb, Health Potion, Hiding, Rope # TO SET THIS COOLDOWNS: # PAPERDOLL > OPTIONS > COOLDOWNS > NEW ENTRY # ALL COOLDOWNS SHOULD BE SET AS MENTIONED (Tactics, Weapon Ability, Smoke Bomb, Health Potion, Hiding, Rope) # ON EACH CHECK: HIDE WHEN INACTIVE, PAUSE DURING WORLD SAVE # MOUNT TOKEN # OVERHEAD MESSAGES ARE USEFUL # TO SETUP OVERHEAD MESSAGES: # RAZOR > DISPLAY/COUNTERS > OVERHEAD MESSAGES # CHECK: SHOW # ADD MESSAGE FOR: stealth steps remaining. WITH OVERHEAD OF: {3} STEPS # ADD MESSAGE FOR: You feel ready to continue stealthing. WITH OVERHEAD OF: RENEWED # ADD MESSAGE FOR: You will automatically stealth when out of steps. WITH OVERHEAD OF: RENEWED # TO SETUP ENSURE YOU EDIT THE backstabberSetup SCRIPT # ADJUST THE lagTimer_ TO YOUR LIKING OR LEAVE IT AS IS # ADJUST THE smokeBombCooldown_ TO REFLECT YOUR COOLDOWN (120000 IS THE BASE) # ADJUST THE useMagery_ TO 0 IF TEMPLATE HAS MAGERY < 60 # IF MAGERY >= 60 INVISIBILITY SCROLLS ARE NEEDED # REGARDING SERIALS REPLACE XXXXXXXXXX BY THE SERIALS OF YOUR ITEMS: # IF NOT USING 2 WEAPON SKILLS, SET THE myBow_ WITH THE SAME VALUE AS myMace_ # A MAGICAL WIZARD HAT IS NEEDED TO KEEP A DIFFERENCE IN STAMINA SO THAT ON MOVEMENT CHARACTER WONT GET OUT OF STEALTH # SET SERIALS FOR: myMount_, myHeadPiece_, myWizardHat_, myMace_, myBow_ setvar notStealthing_ 1 setvar checkSteps_ 1 warmode "on" warmode "off" if hp < 90 and not cooldown "Health Potion" and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack dclicktype "Yellow Potion" cooldown "Health Potion" 11000 endif if not dead lasttarget and find lasttarget ground -1 -1 12 if not hidden and not cooldown "Smoke Bomb" and findtype "bombs" backpack and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Rope" say "[SmokeBomb" wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ if hidden cooldown "Smoke Bomb" smokeBombCooldown_ setvar notStealthing_ 0 if mounted dclick myMount_ endif endif endif if not cooldown "Hiding" useskill "Hiding" wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ if hidden cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif else if not cooldown "Hiding" useskill "Hiding" wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ if hidden cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif if not hidden and not cooldown "Smoke Bomb" and findtype "bombs" backpack and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Rope" say "[SmokeBomb" wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ if hidden cooldown "Smoke Bomb" smokeBombCooldown_ setvar notStealthing_ 0 if mounted dclick myMount_ endif endif endif endif if useMagery_ = 1 and not hidden if mana >= 20 and skill "magery" >= 60 if findtype "Invisibility Scrol" backpack or skill "magery" >= 80 overhead "CASTING INVISIBILITY" 43 hotkey "Invisibility" waitfortarget target "self" wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ wait lagTimer_ useskill "Hiding" cooldown "Hiding" 10000 else overhead "SCROLL/REGS" 28 endif else overhead "MANA/SKILL" 28 endif endif if hidden and mounted dclick myMount_ endif clearsysmsg while hidden if find myMace_ backpack dclick myMace_ endif while notStealthing_ = 1 and hidden if timer "dontWalkOverheadTimer_" > dontWalkOverheadTimerTarget_ overhead "DONT WALK" 28 settimer "dontWalkOverheadTimer_" 0 endif if insysmsg "You feel comfortable enough to begin stealthing." setvar notStealthing_ 0 overhead "STEALTH" endif endwhile if stam = maxstam and timer "staminaControlTimer_" > staminaControlTimerTarget_ dclick myWizardHat_ backpack dclick myHeadPiece_ backpack settimer "staminaControlTimer_" 0 endif if checkSteps_ = 1 if insysmsg "You have 4 stealth steps remaining." or insysmsg "You have 3 stealth steps remaining." or insysmsg "You have 2 stealth steps remaining." overhead "WARNING" 43 elseif insysmsg "You have 1 stealth steps remaining." or insysmsg "You have 0 stealth steps remaining." overhead "STOP" 28 endif endif if insysmsg "You have 0 stealth steps remaining." and checkSteps_ = 0 setvar checkSteps_ 1 endif if insysmsg "You will automatically stealth when out of steps." and checkSteps_ = 1 setvar checkSteps_ 0 endif endwhile