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Chivalry Tanking Script by demlar

# Some things taken from Jaseowns scripts #Modified by: Demlar # UO Outlands ##IMPORTANT!!! ## **** this script currently assumes you have the auto unquip and reequip in razor **** # requip is this way because we wont need to requip soon. # have a seperate script that taunts all and plays this script after. (if needed dm and will add it to the list of scripts *patch will prevent this as some point*) #Version 1.2 #Changes: # 1.1 # 1: Updated useCurePotionBelowHp now should work properly. # 2: Codex update should populate the codex # # 1.2 # 1: Fixed CodexHotbar to work properly # ############################################################# @setvar! chivCD 30000 @setvar! skinningCD 3000 # # USER PREFERENCES!! @setvar! autoSkinning 0 @setvar! autoDropGold 1 @setvar! useCurePotionBelowHp 80 @setvar! useCleansebyFire 1 #mainly for bosses if not timerexists ChivHeal1 createtimer ChivHeal1 settimer ChivHeal1 chivCD endif if not timerexists ChivHeal2 createtimer ChivHeal2 settimer ChivHeal2 chivCD endif if not timerexists chivCloseWounds createtimer chivCloseWounds settimer chivCloseWounds chivCD endif if not timerexists chivCleansebyFire createtimer chivCleansebyFire settimer chivCleansebyFire chivCD endif if not timerexists skinningTimer createtimer skinningTimer settimer skinningTimer skinningCD endif if not timerexists HPots createtimer HPots settimer HPots 10000 endif #Finding Your Weapons and Shield overhead 'setting hands' if findlayer self righthand as item @setvar! rightEquip item endif if findlayer self lefthand as item @setvar! leftEquip item endif #Starting up verbose info your missing! overhead 'Checking inventory' if count 'bandages' = 0 overhead 'No Bandages!' overhead 'Get some Bandages!' 88 elseif not findtype 'Yellow Potion' backpack overhead 'No Greater heal pots' overhead 'Get some Greater heal pots!' 88 elseif not findtype 'Orange Potion' backpack overhead 'No Greater cure pots' overhead 'Get some Greater Cure pots!' 88 endif #lets stop the script, if we dont have anything. are you tanking hits bro? if count 'bandages' = 0 or not findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack or not findtype "Orange Potion" backpack overhead "Stopping script" 88 stop endif if findtype "shield codex|fencing codex|macing codex|sword codex|archery codex|wrestling codex" backpack as item getlabel item codexDesc while not gumpexists 2016719803 overhead "Loading Codex Hotbar" say "[CodexHotBar" wait 350 endwhile endif #No Hands left behind ########################################### if rhandempty lift rightEquip drop 'self' RightHand endif if lhandempty lift leftEquip drop 'self' LeftHand endif endif ############################################### while not dead if not bandaging and hp < maxhp and count 'bandages' > 0 hotkey 'Bandage Self' wait 300 endif #check for food buffs if not findbuff "food satisfaction" and findtype 'tray' backpack as food dclick food wait 500 endif #poison removal sequence if poisoned and timer chivCleansebyFire > chivCD and useCleansebyFire = 1 overhead "Cleansing Poison With Fire" wait 250 say '[CleanseByFire' if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer chivCleansebyFire 0 endif endif if poisoned and hp < useCurePotionBelowHp while poisoned if findtype 'Orange Potion' backpack overhead 'Cure Pot Used!' hotkey "Drink Cure" wait 1000 endif endwhile endif #need a pot check here dont do it if we dont have any pots!!! if poisoned and hp <= 40 overhead "Emergency Poison Removal Activated" if not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer ChivHeal1 > chivCD say '[HolyLight' if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer ChivHeal1 0 endif endif endif if findbuff "bleed" and timer chivCloseWounds > chivCD and useCloseWounds > 0 overhead "Bleed Detected. Closing wounds." say '[Closewounds' wait 500 if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer chivCloseWounds 0 wait 350 else settimer chivCloseWounds 27000 endif endif //Reduce Disease Damage if findbuff "disease" and timer chivCloseWounds > 30000 and useCloseWounds > 0 say '[Closewounds' overhead "You got diseased. Closing Wounds." if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer chivCloseWounds 0 wait 350 else settimer chivCloseWounds 27000 endif endif //Emergency Heal Sequence if diffhits > 30 if timer ChivHeal1 > chivCD say '[Holylight' wait 250 if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer ChivHeal1 0 endif endif endif wait 350 if diffhits > 50 if timer ChivHeal2 > chivCD say '[NobleSacrifice' wait 350 target self wait 350 if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' hotkey 'clear target queue' endif if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:" settimer ChivHeal2 0 endif endif endif #need a pot check here dont do it if we dont have any pots!!! if diffhits > 50 and timer HPots > 10000 and findtype 'Yellow Potion' backpack wait 250 hotkey 'Drink Heal' overhead "Healing Pot Used" settimer HPots 0 wait 550 endif if autoSkinning = 1 and findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as skinCorpse if findtype "Elven Spellblade" backpack and timer skinningTimer >= skinningCD while not targetexists useskill 'forensicevaluation' endwhile if targetexists beneficial or targetexists neutral hotkey "Target Self" wait 200 settimer skinningTimer 0 @ignore skinCorpse endif endif endif if autoDropGold = 1 and findbuff "weaken" and weight > maxweight if findtype "gold coin" backpack as item lift item 2000 droprelloc 0 0 wait 200 if insysmsg "cannot drop anything" drop backpack -1 -1 -1 endif wait 650 else overhead "We are overweight and cannot drop anything" 34 endif endif // Trapped if paralyzed if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 yell "[pouch" wait 200 else overhead "Out of Pouches!" 34 endif endif // capture world saving outside the loop if insysmsg 'world is saving' for 30 overhead 'Waiting for world save...' wait 1000 if insysmsg 'save complete' overhead 'Save complete - continue on!' 88 replay endif endfor endif endwhile