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Bapeth's Ocean Master Backround by barryroser

Description: This script is the default background script that should be running most of the time

In defensive mode (peace mode) it will auto heal, auto cure, top up bard buffs, auto spyglass, auto drop loot to hold, and auto pick up bombs on your own deck

In offensive mode (war mode) it will use necro abilities, auto spyglass, auto spell cast, auto skin corpses, auto heal, auto cure, auto cleanse, and auto loot enemy holds

# Bapeths "Master Background" Ship Script # # Sept 30th (preliminary pooner code addition, may be buggy its unfinished) # # Script is desinged for Necromancers # Best aspect is "Madness" but many other spell focused aspects work as well # # SCRIPT MUST BE NAMED "Master Background" OR IT WONT LINK TO OTHER SCRIPTS # # "****REQUIRED****" # Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file) # "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns "" # "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad # The cooldowns with "Tigger Text" Must be adjusted to "your ships stats" and "your Wizard Grimoire upgrades" in the UO in game Options # Set spyglass cooldown to your perferred radar inverval (default 7 is fastest possible) in the UO in game Options # # This script is the defaut backround script that should be running most of the time # In defensive mode (peace mode) it will auto heal, auto cure, top up bard buffs, auto spyglass, auto drop loot to hold, and auto pick up bombs on your own deck # In offensive mode (war mode) it will use necro abilities, auto spell cast, auto skin corpses, auto heal, auto cure, auto cleanse, auto explode pot, and auto loot enemy holds # # This script has a phase shift from Offensive to Defensive # Generally you should be in peace mode when on your own ship and in war mode when on an enemy ship # Use warmode on your own ship for fighting mobs on your own ship (bosses and fishing) # Toggle "war mode on" for offensive stance and "war mode off" for defensive stance # # This script can "phase shift" into single-target focus or multi-target focus # Default is always multi-target focus # Type "[Atlas" in game to spawn a free weightless "Atlas" in your bag # Double click the atlas while this script is playing to "phase shift" # Hotkey "Grants the player an Atlas" in razor hotkey tab if you dont want to doubleclick # # "Auto Loot Control" # This script uses razor "Auto-Queue Object Delay" setting # Make sure this setting is turned ON in the razor Options tab > Targeting & Queues sub-tab # And set "object delay to 503" AUTO LOOTING WILL BE SLOW IF YOU DONT DO THIS! # # Script starts here if skill "Tactics" >= 100 if hp = maxhp //donothing elseif not bandaging and findtype 3617 backpack hotkey "Bandage Self" endif while poisoned and not targetexists if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot dclick curepot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif endwhile if skill "Alchemy" >= 0 and not hidden if not findbuff "Strength" and findtype "White Potion" backpack as wpot dclick wpot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if not findbuff "Agility" and findtype "Blue Potion" backpack as bpot dclick bpot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" and findtype "Black Potion" backpack as mpot dclick mpot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif endif endif if insysmsg "You now feel familiar with the area" cooldown "Adv Pack" 720000 endif if findtype 3834 backpack 0 as bbook @ignore bbook endif if gumpexists 341416395 and not timerexists changetarget gumpclose 341416395 createtimer changetarget overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288 elseif gumpexists 341416395 and timerexists changetarget gumpclose 341416395 removetimer changetarget overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085 endif if not timerexists oceanscan createtimer oceanscan settimer oceanscan 600 endif if not timerexists checktarget createtimer checktarget settimer checktarget 18000 endif if timerexists changetarget and timer checktarget >= 18000 overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288 settimer checktarget 0 elseif not timerexists changetarget and timer checktarget >= 18000 overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085 settimer checktarget 0 endif if insysmsg "repaired" gumpclose 1271619955 say "[Repair" endif if not warmode if not queued and not targetexists and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Spyglass" and hp >= 66 and findtype "spyglass" backpack as bspy gumpclose 2890020940 dclick bspy wft 500 target self hotkey "Cancel Current Target" waitforgump 2890020940 500 if gumpexists 2890020940 gumpresponse 4 waitforgump 2890020940 500 endif if gumpexists 2890020940 overhead 'Yarr!' 67 endif endif if findtype 3834 backpack 0 as bbook @ignore bbook endif if not timerexists petguard createtimer petguard settimer petguard 5000 endif if followers >= 1 and timer petguard >= 14000 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" say "all guard me" 45 settimer petguard 0 endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 if timerexists reflect if timer reflect > 30000 overhead "Magic Reflect is ready..." 201 settimer reflect 12000 endif endif if findbuff "Magic Reflection" and timerexists reflect removetimer reflect endif if not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and not timerexists reflect createtimer reflect endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 20 if timerexists reactive if timer reactive > 30000 overhead "Reactive Armor is ready..." 139 settimer reactive 13500 endif endif if findbuff "Reactive Armor" and timerexists reactive removetimer reactive endif if not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and not timerexists reactive createtimer reactive endif endif if skill "Tracking" >= 10 and not findbuff "Tracking Hunting" skill 'tracking' waitforgump 4267467659 500 gumpresponse 6 pause 250 gumpclose 4267467659 cooldown "Disco" 10000 endif if not targetexists while hp < 33 and skill "Magery" >= 30 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endwhile if hp < 77 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot dclick healpot endif if hp < 55 and skill "Magery" >= 60 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Greater Heal' wft 3500 hotkey 'Target self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endif if hp < 83 and skill "Magery" >= 30 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endif while poisoned and not targetexists if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot dclick curepot elseif mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40 cast "Cure" wft 2500 target self hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif endwhile if skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana <= 20 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Magic Mushroom" dclicktype 'mushroom' endif if skill "Provocation" >= 10 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and not cooldown "Song of Discord" and not cooldown "Song of Provocation" and not cooldown "Song of Peacemaking" and not findbuff "Song of provocation" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" useskill "Provocation" wft 500 targetrelloc -1 -1 endif if skill "Discordance" >= 10 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and not cooldown "Song of Discord" and not cooldown "Song of Provocation" and not cooldown "Song of Peacemaking" and not findbuff "Song of discordance" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" useskill "Discordance" wft 500 targetrelloc -1 -1 endif if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not findbuff "Cunning" and mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40 cast "Cunning" wft 1500 target self hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 50 and followers = 0 and timer petguard >= 12500 overhead 'I should get some followers...' 39 settimer petguard 0 endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and not gumpexists 622436516 say [necromancyhotbar pause 250 endif if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 2 as bomb dclick bomb endif if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 22 as bomb overhead "***BOMB***" 34 bomb endif if timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Arcane" >= 80 and cooldown "Fray" clearsysmsg hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif settimer oceanscan 0 elseif timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Fishing" >= 80 and cooldown "Fray" clearsysmsg hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif settimer oceanscan 0 endif if not timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and cooldown "Fray" if varexist "Manual Override" attack "Manual Override" endif attack "oceantarget" elseif timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and cooldown "Fray" if varexist "Manual Override" attack "Manual Override" endif hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' attack lasttarget endif if find "shiphold" ground -1 -1 1 clearsysmsg while findtype "cathedral tapestry|Darkscale tapestry|large painting|landscape painting|portrait painting|hieroglyph|figurine|statue|44987|49730|47107|18653|45127|47103|29363|47105|29361|3712|3648|3650|3708|3648|2475|3649|29833|29832|43453|5899|47109|45250|41509|43447|18657|4025|51308|45156|51304|45214|28769|28799|28803|28765|45211|45248|51259|45220|51328|45218|3842|51327|45222|45241|51336|51375|45282|54722|45255|45246|28795|44983|45235|45251|45238|51258|51314|28761|45236|51260|54718|18400|45252|18656|47111|3839|45239|45242|45254|45281|45247|42241|45216|28775|2594|51321|3838|51318|5901|5905|5903|48407|51302|4248|27611|15296|43166|5359|5981|4026|3985|25359|17686|3836|17087|5356|29030|24434|22336|29036|3843|29025|51098|29034|8826|51094|576|3827|22326|45315|3891|2539|39898|39896|39892|39918|39911|39916|39897|39905|39891|39917|39912|39909|39889|31047|31017|31049|31019|31055|31051|31053|31025|31027|31031|31041|54717|31021|31011|31023|31029|31043|31003|31035|31033|31045|31037|31002|20006|31169|31006|30999|31012|31009|30996|7109|7107|31128|31188|20014|31014|31004|31142|31001|31000|37181|31010|30998|31172|30988|30997|31038|31141|7947|20008|31005|31191|31008|31007|30994|30993|31182|30989|20012|31186|31178|31015|30991|20010|20016|31184|31190|30990|30995|31176|31180|30992|31130|5207|7031|7026|7034|7033|7027|7035|7029|5078|5063|5059|5105|5060|5138|5129|5201|5142|5143|5076|5106|7610|5139|5090|5103|5132|7177|5061|7181|7179|3920|5042|5127|5117|5185|5125|3938|5177|3937|5044|5121|3915|3909|3568|3932|5123|5144|5119|5056|5135|5187|5074|5089|3934|3913|3917|3721|5075|5046|5049|7170|5146|5205|5203|5115|5204|5040|5179|5070|5182|5085|5181|3719|7173|5131|3911|5101|7175|7169|3713|5112|22187|9917|3859|3862|3878|3865|3856|3873|3877|3834|3742|3762|3740|3763|10245|3572|3573|3571|3885|7127|4225|12686|19985|19981|19984|19982|19983|19991|19989|19986|19987|19988|19994|19995|19992|19993|19990|19980|19977|19976|19978|7154|19979|3861|3821" backpack as bitem lift bitem 60000 drop shiphold while queued //dotnothing endwhile endwhile endif elseif warmode if not timerexists leylinetimer createtimer leylinetimer settimer leylinetimer 3000 endif if skill "Arcane" >= 80 and mana <= 80 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 say "[weaponability2" settimer leylinetimer 0 endif if gumpexists 341416395 and not timerexists changetarget gumpclose 341416395 createtimer changetarget overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288 elseif gumpexists 341416395 and timerexists changetarget gumpclose 341416395 removetimer changetarget overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085 endif if timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Arcane" >= 80 clearsysmsg hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif settimer oceanscan 0 elseif timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Fishing" >= 80 clearsysmsg hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif settimer oceanscan 0 endif if not timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" if varexist "Manual Override" attack "Manual Override" endif attack "oceantarget" elseif timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" if varexist "Manual Override" attack "Manual Override" endif hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' attack lasttarget endif if not queued and not targetexists and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Spyglass" and hp >= 66 and findtype "spyglass" backpack as bspy gumpclose 2890020940 dclick bspy wft 500 target self hotkey "Cancel Current Target" waitforgump 2890020940 500 if gumpexists 2890020940 gumpresponse 4 waitforgump 2890020940 500 endif if gumpexists 2890020940 overhead 'Yarr!' 67 endif endif if not targetexists while hp < 33 and skill "Magery" >= 30 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endwhile if hp < 77 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot dclick healpot endif if hp < 55 and skill "Magery" >= 60 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Greater Heal' wft 3500 hotkey 'Target self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endif if hp < 83 and skill "Magery" >= 30 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endif while poisoned and not targetexists if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot dclick curepot elseif mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40 cast "Cure" wft 2500 target self hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif endwhile if not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Bleed" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew pause 1200 dclick cbrew createtimer brew elseif not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Diseased" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew dclick cbrew createtimer brew endif if timerexists brew if timer brew >= 120000 removetimer brew endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana <= 80 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Magic Mushroom" dclicktype 'mushroom' endif endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and not gumpexists 622436516 say [necromancyhotbar endif if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 22 as bomb overhead "***BOMB***" 34 bomb endif if timerexists openhull removetimer openhull endif if find "shiphold" ground -1 -1 1 //donothing elseif not queued and findtype "hatch" ground -1 -1 1 as mobship dclick mobship getlabel backpack ping while findtype "cathedral tapestry|Darkscale tapestry|large painting|landscape painting|portrait painting|hieroglyph|figurine|statue|44987|49730|47107|18653|45127|47103|29363|47105|29361|43453|5899|47109|45250|41509|43447|18657|4025|3712|3648|3650|3708|3648|2475|3649|29833|29832|51308|45156|51304|45214|28769|28799|28803|28765|45211|45248|51259|45220|51328|45218|3842|51327|45222|45241|51336|51375|45282|54722|45255|45246|28795|44983|45235|45251|45238|51258|51314|28761|45236|51260|54718|18400|45252|18656|47111|3839|45239|45242|45254|45281|45247|42241|45216|28775|2594|51321|3838|51318|5901|5905|5903|48407|51302|4248|27611|15296|43166|5359|5981|4026|3985|25359|17686|3836|17087|5356|29030|24434|22336|29036|3843|29025|51098|29034|8826|51094|576|3827|22326|45315|3891|2539|39898|39896|39892|39918|39911|39916|39897|39905|39891|39917|39912|39909|39889|31047|31017|31049|31019|31055|31051|31053|31025|31027|31031|31041|54717|31021|31011|31023|31029|31043|31003|31035|31033|31045|31037|31002|20006|31169|31006|30999|31012|31009|30996|7109|7107|3922|31128|31188|20014|31014|31004|31142|31001|31000|37181|31010|30998|31172|30988|30997|31038|31141|7947|20008|31005|31191|31008|31007|30994|30993|31182|30989|20012|31186|31178|31015|30991|20010|20016|31184|31190|30990|30995|31176|31180|30992|31130|5207|7031|7026|7034|7033|7027|7035|7029|5078|5063|5059|5105|5060|5138|5129|5201|5142|5143|5076|5106|7610|5139|5090|5103|5132|7177|5061|7181|7179|3920|5042|5127|5117|5185|5125|3938|5177|3937|5044|5121|3915|3909|3568|3932|5123|5144|5119|5056|5135|5187|5074|5089|3934|3913|3917|3721|5075|5046|5049|7170|5146|5205|5203|5115|5204|5040|5179|5070|5182|5085|5181|3719|7173|5131|3911|5101|7175|7169|3713|5112|22187|9917|3859|3862|3878|3865|3856|3873|3877|3834|3742|3762|3740|3763|10245|3572|3573|3571|3885|7127|4225|12686|19985|19981|19984|19982|19983|19991|19989|19986|19987|19988|19994|19995|19992|19993|19990|19980|19977|19976|19978|7154|19979|3861|3821" mobship as bitem if not timerexists openhull createtimer openhull overhead "Yarr the booty be mine!" 2091 endif hotkey 'Grab Item' target bitem while queued //donothing endwhile endwhile endif if not find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and timer oceanscan >= 600 clearsysmsg hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target" if not insysmsg "No one matching" @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget endif settimer oceanscan 0 endif if find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50 clearsysmsg hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' skill 'Discordance' wft 500 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target self' elseif timerexists changetarget // I took Manual Override out here because single target discord was hitting the ship hamburger bars. I could simply retarget the crew I want to hit but its an extra step when I can just place myself next to closest. This may have been needed for boss fights. hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "Song of Discordance" overhead "Argh!! Manual Override is not on a target that can be Discorded" 38 endif if insysmsg "creatures" overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91 cooldown "Disco" 5000 elseif insysmsg "You play successfully" overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91 cooldown "Disco" 5000 elseif insysmsg "You fail to discord" overhead "Argh, I missed a note..." 38 cooldown "Disco" 5000 if cooldown "Barding Reset" cooldown "Disco" 0 replay endif endif endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 12 if ingump '20/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '19/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '18/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '17/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '16/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '15/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '14/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '13/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '12/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '11/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '10/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '9/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '8/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '7/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '6/' 622436516 createtimer pain elseif ingump '5/' 622436516 createtimer pain endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and timerexists pain and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown 'Pain Spike' clearsysmsg if targetexists hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif say '[Painspike' wft 500 hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "Unholy" cooldown "Pain Spike" 30000 endif removetimer pain endif endif if find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 clearsysmsg if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 and not queued and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp clearsysmsg dclick purp wft 500 hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target." cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000 else cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000 hotkey '> Interrupt' hotkey "Cancel Current Target" dclicktype "Purple Potion" wft 500 while targetexists overhead "THROW IT OVERBOARD!!!" 38 endwhile endif hotkey "Cancel Current Target" elseif skill "Magery" >= 50 and not queued and mana >= 9 and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp clearsysmsg cast "Telekinesis" wft 3000 hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' @setvar "telemastertarget" lasttarget getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen" cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000 elseif insysmsg "any explosive potions thrown" and not queued and find "telemastertarget" ground -1 -1 12 dclick purp wft 500 lasttarget getlabel backpack ping endif if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target." cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000 elseif not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and insysmsg "Where should I throw this potion?" cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000 hotkey '> Interrupt' hotkey "Cancel Current Target" dclicktype "Purple Potion" wft 500 while targetexists overhead "THROW IT OVERBOARD!!!" 38 endwhile endif hotkey "Cancel Current Target" endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and ingump '20/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '19/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '18/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '17/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '16/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '15/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '14/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '13/' 622436516 createtimer necroab elseif ingump '12/' 622436516 createtimer necroab endif if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and timerexists necroab if not cooldown "Strangle" pause 550 say '[Strangle' cooldown "Strangle" 30000 pause 550 endif if not cooldown "Evil Omen" say '[EvilOmen' cooldown "Evil Omen" 30000 pause 550 endif if not cooldown "Corpse Skin" say '[CorpseSkin' cooldown "Corpse Skin" 30000 pause 550 endif removetimer necroab endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 if not cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 4 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Magic Arrow" wft 1000 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster' elseif timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif elseif not cooldown "Harm" and mana >= 6 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Harm" wft 1500 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster' elseif timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif elseif not cooldown "Lightning" and mana >= 11 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Lightning" wft 2500 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster' elseif timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif elseif not cooldown "Chain Lightning" and cooldown "Lightning" and cooldown "Harm" and cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 40 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Chain Lightning" wft 3000 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster' elseif timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif elseif cooldown "Lightning" and cooldown "Harm" and cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 40 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Flamestrike" wft 3000 if not timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster' elseif timerexists changetarget hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster' endif endif pause 150 endif endif endif loop