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Ougah Dexxer Bard Single target by Jephgag

Description: This is a work in progress. This script is for my play style. Read the beginning of the script to make sure to setup the cooldowns properly.

Updated :

Added Peace/Disco Song buffs

Added Refresh Potions

Moved The clean up section outside of the main loop

# Ougah Dexxer Bard # By [Myth]Ougah Ougah # This script is work in progress # The overhead targetting portion of the script is taken from Jasowns Autodexxer Script # The drinking potion part of the script is taken from Jasowns Autodexxer Script # The Chiv symbol counting is taken from Jasowns Autodexxer Script # # This script is very specific to my style of play, but feel free to try it and modify it. # This script requires : # Chivalry # Discord and Peace making # A skinning knife if you want to autocarve the bodies of your target # The philosophy behind this script is that it can be used both in solo play and group play. The goal is to target a single monster. # If the player needs to retreat, then the script will stop by itself (you will see the message Target Lost) # The order of priority of this script # 1. Heal/Cure the player # 2. Peace the target first to reduce damage # 3. Then discord the target for easier kills # 5. Up the chivalry buffs (musicianships buff to come) # 4. Once the target is dead, skin the corpse (if enabled) # This script only use Heal potion and cure potion (for now) # There are a few user variable to setup below for what type of heal to use (Noble, Holy light, Hp pot) and which buff to use (EoO, Divine Fury) # The following Cooldowns must be setup in your UO Client (Options -> Cooldowns) # Be careful to write them as they are written below, case sensitive # Musicianship # Peacemaking # Pacified # Discordance # Discorded # Healing Potion # Cure Potion # Refresh Potion # Heal Preventend # Chivalry Ability CD # Noble Sacrifice # Divine Fury # Enemy Of One # Cleanse By Fire # Close Wounds # Holy Light # Song Buff Delay # Song Of Discordance # Song Of Peacemaking ###################################################### # Start of Script Setup ###################################################### #***************************************************** # User Variables #***************************************************** @setvar! PeacemakingReapply 30000 @setvar! DiscordanceReapply 60000 @setvar! AutoCarving 1 @setvar! FindTargetRefresh 3000 @setvar! StopWhenTargetCannotBeSeen 1 @setvar! HpNobleSacrifice 65 @setvar! HpHolyLight 40 @setvar! HpHealPotion 55 @setvar! HpCurePotion 95 @setvar! StamRefreshPotion 90 @setvar! EnableCleanseByFire 1 @setvar! EnableCloseWounds 1 @setvar! EnableNobleSacrifice 1 @setvar! EnableHolyLight 1 @setvar! EnableDivineFury 1 @setvar! EnableEnemyOfOne 1 @setvar! EnablePeacemakingBuff 1 @setvar! EnableDiscordanceBuff 1 @setvar! SongReapply 840000 @setvar! EnableHealPotion 1 @setvar! EnableCurePotion 1 @setvar! EnableRefreshPotion 1 @setvar! EnableParalyzePouch 1 #variable reused from jasowns autodexxer script @setvar! minimumWaitForPing 300 @setvar! minimumWaitForPingUnequipping 650 #***************************************************** # End of User Variables #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # Script Variables #***************************************************** @setvar! StopTheLoop 0 @setvar! UseHealPotion 0 @setvar! UseCurePotion 0 @setvar! ChivAbilityCd 31000 @setvar! PotionCd 10000 @setvar! TimeBetweenChivAbility 300 @setvar! SongBuffDelay 11000 #***************************************************** # End of Script Variables #***************************************************** ###################################################### # End of script Setup ###################################################### ###################################################### # Beginning of Main Loop ###################################################### #***************************************************** # Setup of Main Loop #***************************************************** hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster' if insysmsg "No one matching that was found on your screen" @setvar CurrentTarget 0 overhead "[*** NO CREATURE ***]" 88 else @setvar LastTarget CurrentTarget @setvar CurrentTarget lasttarget clearsysmsg #clean the cooldowns if LastTarget != CurrentTarget cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 endif #***************************************************** # end of Setup of Main Loop #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # Main Loop #***************************************************** while not dead CurrentTarget and StopTheLoop = 0 if not timerexists "FindTarget" createtimer "FindTarget" settimer "FindTarget" FindTargetRefresh endif if timer "FindTarget" >= FindTargetRefresh attack CurrentTarget overhead "● ▼▼ HERE ▼▼ ●" 88 CurrentTarget attack CurrentTarget settimer "FindTarget" 0 endif getlabel CurrentTarget descTarget #***************************************************** # Start of Survival Loop #***************************************************** if paralyzed and EnableParalyzePouch = 1 if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 yell "[pouch" wait minimumWaitForPing endif endif if EnableNobleSacrifice = 1 if hits <= HpNobleSacrifice and skill "Chivalry" >= 80 and not cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" and not cooldown "Heal Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[NobleSacrifice" if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy symbols for that ability" waitfortarget 500 target 'self' wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Heal Prevented" 5000 cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" ChivAbilityCd cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" TimeBetweenChivAbility endif endif endif if EnableHolyLight = 1 if hits <= HpHolyLight and skill "Chivalry" >= 95 and not cooldown "Holy Light" and not cooldown "Heal Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[HolyLight" wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Holy Light" ChivAbilityCd cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" TimeBetweenChivAbility endif endif #check for both cure and heal potion to not remove the weapons 2 times. if EnableHealPotion = 1 if hits <= HpHealPotion and not cooldown "Heal Prevented" and not cooldown "Healing Potion" @setvar! UseHealPotion 1 else @setvar! UseCurePotion 0 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if hits <= HpCurePotion and not cooldown "Cure Potion" and poisoned @setvar! UseCurePotion 1 else @setvar! UseCurePotion 0 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if stam <= StamRefreshPotion and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" @setvar! UseRefreshPotion 1 else @setvar! UseRefreshPotion 0 endif endif #stole this part from the AutoDexxer Jasowns script # if UseCurePotion = 1 or UseHealPotion = 1 or UseRefreshPotion = 1 if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else if not findlayer self lefthand and not findlayer self righthand @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else if findlayer self lefthand as myLefthand @setvar! jaseLeftHand myLefthand endif if findlayer self righthand as myRightHand @setvar! jaseRightHand myRightHand endif if not lhandempty if not rhandempty @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 else // handle two handed weapons getlabel jaseLeftHand desc if skill "Swordsmanship" > 0 if "axe" in desc or "bardiche" in desc or "halberd" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Mace Fighting" > 0 if "staff" in desc or "crook" in desc or "war hammer" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Fencing" > 0 if "spear" in desc or "pitchfork" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Archery" > 0 if "bow" in desc or "heavy crossbow" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Wrestling" > 0 @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif endif endif if not rhandempty if lhandempty @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else @setvar! needShieldSwap 1 endif endif endif endif endif if jaseCanDrinkPotion = 1 // do nothing else if needTwoHandSwap = 1 if skill "Swordsmanship" > 0 and findtype "cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword|katana" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Mace Fighting" > 0 and findtype "maul|war axe|war mace|mace|hammer pick|club" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Fencing" > 0 and findtype "kryss|war fork" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Archery" > 0 and findtype "crossbow" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing else hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait minimumWaitForPing endif @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 elseif needShieldSwap = 1 overhead "we should be disarming left hand" while not lhandempty hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait minimumWaitForPingUnequipping while queued wait 100 endwhile endwhile setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif endif if jaseCanDrinkPotion = 1 if UseHealPotion = 1 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "[Drinking Heal Potion]" 34 dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Healing Potion" PotionCd else overhead "No Heal potion found!" 34 endif @setvar! UseHealPotion 0 endif if UseCurePotion = 1 if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "[Drinking Cure Potion]" 34 dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Cure Potion" PotionCd else overhead "No Cure potion found!" 34 endif @setvar! UseCurePotion 0 endif if UseRefreshPotion = 1 if findtype "Red Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "[Drinking Refresh Potion]" 34 dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Refresh Potion" PotionCd endif @setvar! UseRefreshPotion 0 endif if needTwoHandSwap = 1 dclick jaseLeftHand wait minimumWaitForPing elseif needShieldSwap = 1 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait minimumWaitForPingUnequipping endif endif if EnableCleanseByFire = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[CleanseByFire" wait minimumWaitForPing if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy symbols for that ability" cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" ChivAbilityCd endif endif endif if EnableCloseWounds = 1 if findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if skill "chivalry" >= 70 and not cooldown "Close Wounds" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[CloseWounds" wait minimumWaitForPing if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy symbols for that ability" cooldown "Close Wounds" ChivAbilityCd cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" TimeBetweenChivAbility endif endif endif endif #***************************************************** # End of Survival Loop #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # Start of PeaceMaking #***************************************************** if not cooldown "Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Pacified" if "pacified" in descTarget and cooldown "Pacified" #do nothing else skill "Peacemaking" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny target inny else #Cause an error message target CurrentTarget overhead "No instrument in backpack" endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target CurrentTarget wait minimumWaitForPing endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." and StopWhenTargetCannotBeSeen = 1 #stop the script @setvar! StopTheLoop 1 break endif if insysmsg "You play successfully, pacifying your target" cooldown "Pacified" PeacemakingReapply cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 cooldown "Peacemaking" 11000 endif if insysmsg "you fail to pacify your opponent" cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 endif endif endif #***************************************************** # End of Peacemaking #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # Start Discordance #***************************************************** if not cooldown "Discordance" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Discorded" if "discord" in descTarget and cooldown "Discorded" #do nothing else skill "Discordance" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny target inny else #Cause an error message target CurrentTarget overhead "No instrument in backpack" endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target CurrentTarget wait minimumWaitForPing endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." and StopWhenTargetCannotBeSeen = 1 #stop the script @setvar! StopTheLoop 1 endif if insysmsg "You play successfully, disrupting your opponent" cooldown "Discorded" DiscordanceReapply cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 cooldown "Discordance" 11000 endif if insysmsg "You fail to discord your opponent" cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 endif endif endif #***************************************************** # End of Discordance #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # Chiv Abilities #***************************************************** if EnableDivineFury = 1 if not cooldown "Divine Fury" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[DivineFury" wait minimumWaitForPing if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy symbols for that ability" and not insysmsg "You must wait a moment before attempting to use another Chivalry ability." cooldown "Divine Fury" ChivAbilityCd cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" 500 endif endif endif if EnableEnemyOfOne = 1 if not cooldown "Enemy Of One" and not cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" yell "[EnemyOfOne" wait minimumWaitForPing if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy symbols for that ability" and not insysmsg "You must wait a moment before attempting to use another Chivalry ability." cooldown "Enemy Of One" ChivAbilityCd cooldown "Chivalry Ability CD" 500 endif endif endif #***************************************************** # end of Chiv Abilities #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # End of Musicianship Buff #***************************************************** if EnablePeacemakingBuff = 1 and not cooldown "Song Of Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Song Buff Delay" skill "Peacemaking" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny target inny else #Cause an error message target CurrentTarget overhead "No instrument in backpack" endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target backpack wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Song Of Peacemaking" SongReapply cooldown "Song Buff Delay" SongBuffDelay #no need to refresh the musicianship cooldown. endif endif if EnableDiscordanceBuff = 1 and not cooldown "Song Of Discordance" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Discordance" and not cooldown "Song Buff Delay" skill "Discordance" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny target inny elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny target inny else #Cause an error message target CurrentTarget overhead "No instrument in backpack" endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target backpack wait minimumWaitForPing cooldown "Song Of Discordance" SongReapply cooldown "Song Buff Delay" SongBuffDelay #no need to refresh the musicianship cooldown. endif endif #***************************************************** # End of Musicianship Buff #***************************************************** #***************************************************** # World Save #***************************************************** if insysmsg "world is saving" if not timerexists "WorldSaveTimer" createtimer "WorldSaveTimer" endif settimer "WorldSaveTimer" 0 #Wait a maximum of 5 seconds in this loop, or when the save complete message pops while timer "WorldSaveTimer" < 5000 if insysmsg "save complete" break endif endwhile overhead "Resuming Script..." 88 endif #***************************************************** # end of WorldSave #***************************************************** endwhile #***************************************************** # End of Main Loop #***************************************************** overhead "[*** TARGET LOST ***]" ###################################################### # End of Main Loop ###################################################### endif ###################################################### # Beginning of Clean Up ###################################################### #Clean-up #clean the cooldowns cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 #carve your kill wait 500 if AutoCarving = 1 if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as rip overhead "[Skinning]" dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" waitfortarget 1500 target 'self' @ignore rip endif else overhead "[No Skinning Knife]" 88 endif endif ###################################################### # End of Cleanup ######################################################