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Set Trapped Loot Pouch and move weapon into pouch or take it out by Jaseowns

Description: This is a proof of concept for a question about moving your weapon into a trapped pouch and then pulling it back out

# Set Trapped Loot Pouch and move weapon into pouch or take it out by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # Description: # This is a proof of concept for a question about moving # your weapon into a trapped pouch and then pulling it back out # Requirements: # This assumes you are using a right hand weapon (I tested with a cross bow) if not varexist myTrappedLootPouch @setvar! myTrappedLootPouch 0 endif if not varexist myWeaponToHide @setvar! myWeaponToHide 0 endif if not find myTrappedLootPouch backpack if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 as lootPouch @setvar! myTrappedLootPouch lootPouch endif endif if not find myWeaponToHide self if findlayer self righthand as weapon @setvar! myWeaponToHide weapon endif endif if not find myWeaponToHide self overhead "Cannot find righthand weapon" 34 stop endif if not find myTrappedLootPouch backpack overhead "Cannot find loot pouch" 34 stop else getlabel myTrappedLootPouch desc overhead desc if findlayer self righthand as weapon if weapon = myWeaponToHide lift myWeaponToHide drop myTrappedLootPouch wait 650 else dclick myWeaponToHide wait 650 endif else dclick myWeaponToHide wait 650 endif endif