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Walk and chop logs by golfinh0

Description: You should consider setting a hotkey 'Stop current script' so if you need to run, recall, or whatever, you just hit that key.

I use Hiding as my stop condition, so if I see any PK I hide myself and the script stop.

# Author: golfinho # Check for hatchet if lhandempty and findtype 'hatchet' backpack as _hatchet dclick _hatchet elseif not findlayer self lefthand sysmsg "No hatchet found!" 38 stop endif # Track PKs if you have tracking if skill 'Tracking' > 0 and not findbuff 'Tracking Hunting' @setvar! tracking_gump 4267467659 while not gumpexists tracking_gump useskill 'Tracking' waitforgump tracking_gump 500 endwhile while not insysmsg "You will now hunt all hostile players." gumpresponse 8 tracking_gump waitforgump tracking_gump 500 endwhile gumpresponse 6 tracking_gump endif # In case a PK is seen, just notify. It is up to you what to do if insysmsg "Now tracking:" overhead "**PK SEEN**" 38 endif # I use Hiding as my stop condition, so if I see any PK I hide myself and the script stop # Feel free to remove this if hidden stop endif hotkey 'use item in hand' wft 300 target self while not insysmsg "You chop some" and not insysmsg "You hack at" if insysmsg "You do not see any" or hidden wait 1000 break endif wait 1000 endwhile loop