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Lumberjacking with hiding, tracking, and camping by wolfgeist

Description: Modified based on Jaseown's lumberjacking script. Hides after a certain amount of failed attempts, and stays hidden until you move again.

Occasionally puts logs into a trapped pouch.

When tracking a PK, it will attempt to clear hands, hide, then hike. This script assumes you have 3 trapped pouches, if you have less than 3 it will assume there's a thief and will attempt to run the same "camp" script to escape. This script assumes you have a script named "camp" that will attempt to hike away or recall. Adjust to your own needs.

Also uses getlabel to verify the durability of your hatchet. It will again use the "camp" script to go to a safe place if your hatchet has 5 uses. The idea being you can then recycle that hatchet and get half of your ingots back instead of wasting it. Also gives warnings once your hatchet is at 50 uses or below.

if targetexists 'neutral' hotkey 'Target Self' endif if not dead if not hidden if hp < maxhp and not bandaging hotkey 'Bandage Self' endif wait 50 endif endif //CHECK FOR TRACKING while not findbuff 'tracking' skill 'tracking' waitforgump 4267467659 gumpresponse 6 waitforgump 4267467659 gumpclose endwhile //ANTI THIEF if findtype hatchet lefthand as myhatchet getlabel myhatchet hlabel if '(50 uses' in hlabel or '(45 uses' in hlabel or '(40 uses' in hlabel or '(35 uses' in hlabel or '(30 uses' in hlabel or '(25 uses' in hlabel or '(20 uses' in hlabel or '(15 uses' in hlabel or '(10 uses' in hlabel or '(9 uses' in hlabel or '(8 uses' in hlabel or '(7 uses' in hlabel overhead "My hatchet is damaged!" 38 elseif '(5 uses' in hlabel or '(4 uses' in hlabel or '(3 uses' in hlabel or '(2 uses' in hlabel or '(1 uses' in hlabel overhead 'Looking for another hatchet' if findtype 'hatchet' backpack dclicktype 'hatchet' backpack wait 1000 overhead 'Hatchet found, restarting!' replay endif clearhands 'both' overhead 'Stopping script, hatchet is about to break.' 38 pause 1000 clearhands 'both' if not hidden skill 'hiding' endif script 'Camp' endif endif //This assumes you have 3 trapped pouches. Adjust for however many you carry. If a thief opens a trapped pouch //it will count fewer trapped pouches and trigger the "camp" script which will do whatever you set it to do, //for me it drops weapon, hides, lights a fire, and hikes away. if counttype 'pouch' backpack 38 < 3 overhead "THIEF ALERT!" 38 pause 250 script 'camp' endif //END ANTI-THIEF if not listexists "lumberjack_actions" createlist "lumberjack_actions" endif if not listexists "4-failures" createlist "4-failures" endif //Red alert if inlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" overhead "Red Alert!" 34 poplist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" clearhands 'both' pause 250 skill 'Hiding' overhead "Stopping script..." 34 clearsysmsg pause 250 script 'Camp' endif if hidden clearlist "4-failures" endif //Break after 5 failures if list "4-failures" = 1 overhead "Ive gathered all I can here." //hide wood in trapped pouch if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 as trappedPouch overhead 'Hiding logs.' while findtype "log%s" backpack as wood lift wood 60000 drop trappedPouch -1 -1 -1 @ignore wood endwhile endif // elseif list "4-failures" = 7 overhead "Im going to rest soon." elseif list "4-failures" = 8 overhead "Taking a break." 34 wait 250 elseif list "4-failures" = 9 wait 250 elseif list "4-failures" >= 10 wait 250 if skill "Hiding" >= 40 useskill "Hiding" endif pause 100 while hidden pause 500 clearlist "4-failures" if insysmsg "now tracking" overhead 'MURDERER ON THE PROWL!' 34 pause 50 script 'Camp' endif endwhile endif ##CLEAR SYSMSG clearsysmsg ##CLEAR SYSMSG //Check for hatchet if lhandempty ?? 0 if findtype 'hatchet' backpack dclicktype 'hatchet' backpack wait 200 endif endif if lhandempty ?? 0 overhead "I need a hatchet." 34 replay endif //Main chopping loop if insysmsg "You chop" clearlist "4-failures" endif wait 50 hotkey 'Use item in hand' wft 5000 hotkey 'Target Self' if insysmsg "harvestable" endif for 75 wait 150 if insysmsg 'world is saving' pause 50 hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' for 30 overhead 'Waiting for world save...' wait 1000 if insysmsg 'save complete' overhead 'Save complete - continue on!' 88 clearsysmsg wait 250 replay elseif insysmsg "now tracking" pushlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" clearsysmsg wait 250 replay endif endfor elseif insysmsg "now tracking" pushlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" replay elseif insysmsg "harvestable" wait 250 pushlist "4-failures" "failure" replay elseif lhandempty ?? 0 overhead "Broke axe" 34 replay elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any wood' wait 500 replay elseif insysmsg "travel" overhead 'Waiting for travel...' wait 1000 replay else if insysmsg "any harvestable" or insysmsg "lumberjack_actions" // No Ore overhead 'Move to next spot' 88 replay elseif insysmsg "skillgain" or insysmsg "harvesting is not allowed" // Gained skill replay elseif insysmsg "world is saving" or insysmsg 'World save complete' // World Save replay elseif insysmsg "You hack" // Failed replay elseif insysmsg "You chop" clearlist "4-failures" replay elseif insysmsg "You must wait" // Wait message overhead 'You must wait..' 34 wait 500 replay endif endif endfor overhead 'Captcha break!' 34 for 10 overhead 'Awaiting Captcha...' 34 wait 1000 if insysmsg 'Captcha successful' overhead 'Success - continue on!' 88 wait 1000 replay endif endfor replay