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Boat Bot v4.1a by Brozan (Syal)

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#Part of the attack routine is to call a Razor Dress routine named "bow". Create it if you want it. Will not break script if it does not exist #Target Lock: #0=default behavior (Let the script try to be intelligent) #1=Area discord -- kill one thing at a time (Good for things that do not want to spread damage. #2=Single target discord -- switch target after every round of skill usages (SPECIAL NOTE: Bosses will switch target type to this on purpose so you kill NPC spawns with bot and target disco boss) @setvar targetLockType 2 #Summon Type Selector. Having Necromancy skill will still summon necro version. We will always use Summon Creature as 5th slot. Still requires 80 SS or Necro to trigger #MAKE SURE you only select two here. Selecting more will break stuff. #Valid Values are 0, 1, or 2 and it will summon that many of that type: Example setting fireElem to 2 will summon 2 fire elems. Setting earthEleme to 1 and waterElem to 1 will summon 1 earth elemental and 1 waterElem @setvar fireElem 2 @setvar earthElem 0 @setvar airElem 0 @setvar waterElem 0 @setvar daemonSum 0 #Repair Priority Queue. Set these as 1/2/3. If you fail to put one for each of these it will break shit. Just leave it alone if you do not care @setvar repairHullOrder 3 @setvar repairGunsOrder 1 @setvar repairSailsOrder 2 #Dynamic Boss Repair - Switches to hull priority on bosses. Set to 1 to turn on. Have to restart script to reset after bosses @setvar dynamicBossRepair 1 #Set this to 1 if you do not want to select your own tillerman (useful for recall or if you switch boats a lot. Causes issues sometimes if it finds a friends dynamically) @setvar dynamicTiller 0 #Set this to 1 if you want to throw self overboard if a ship repair kit is on the deck @setvar triggerOverboard 0 #Set this to 1 to attempt to keep the bot from repairing within the combat repair window (only repairs 60-120s after boarding an NPC ship) @setvar repairLockdown 0 #Set this to 1 to slow down repairs by 30s on bosses so you aren't always repairing @setvar slowRepairsBosses 1 #Set this to 1 if you want to keep up buffs for Reactive Armour and Magic Reflect @setvar buffRA 0 @setvar buffMR 0 #Set this to 1 to cast Mass Curse on first new enemy @setvar massCurseToggle 1 #Set this to 1 if you want to simulate always being boarded on NPC ship for testing reasons @setvar alwaysBoarded 0 #Set this to 0 if you want to keep my super awesome say commands (1 mutes the bot except important stuff like food or fighting party) @setvar sayLess 0 #Set this to 1 if you want to be a super fucking awesome pirate @setvar sayMore 0 #Set this to 1 if you want bot to defuse close by bombs and reembark @setvar defuseBombs 1 #Set this to 1 to have bot reload right after embarking @setvar reloadCannons 0 #Set this to 1 if you want to upgrade greater poison casts @setvar upgradePoison 1 #Set this if you want to have bot recall on dock. Must have a book in pack named Home and first rune be the house to recall to if not magery. If magery make home the default rune #IF YOU TURN THIS ON YOU MUST GO TO THE SECTION NAMED "WALK THIS WAY" AND SET UP DIRECTIONS INTO YOUR HOUSE FROM RECALL LOCATION @setvar goHomeBotYouAreDrunk 1 #Set this to 1 if you want the bot to try to loot holds using RESTOCK-2 restock agent. Update the ship hue list below if you are using this. @setvar stealTheBooty 1 #push your ship hues to this list for dynamic looting createlist shipHues clearlist shipHues pushlist shipHues 2933 ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ############## ################### ############## No setup below here ################### ############## ################### ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## clearsysmsg clearignore if 'sayMore' = 1 say "YO HO MATEY AWAY!" 33 wait 500 endif #Timers. We used to do these on an if exists basis, but it fubard too much stuff if you leave client open forever createtimer 'petAttack' settimer 'petAttack' 0 createtimer 'discoTimer' settimer 'discoTimer' 5000 createtimer 'repairBoat' settimer 'repairBoat' 8000 createtimer "shroomy" settimer "shroomy" 61000 createtimer 'buffDisco' settimer 'buffDisco' 300000 createtimer 'buffProvo' settimer 'buffProvo' 300000 createtimer 'buffPeace' settimer 'buffPeace' 300000 createtimer 'buffBeg' settimer 'buffBeg' 300000 createtimer 'bardLock' settimer 'bardLock' 0 createtimer "aid time" settimer "aid time" 8000 createtimer 'RepairHull' settimer 'RepairHull' 0 createtimer 'buffTaste' settimer 'buffTaste' 15000 createtimer 'newTargetCheck' settimer 'newTargetCheck' 15000 createtimer 'spiritSpeakCheck' settimer 'spiritSpeakCheck' 15000 createtimer 'foodCheck' settimer 'foodCheck' 120000 createtimer 'crookCheck' settimer 'crookCheck' 120000 createtimer 'crewHealing' settimer 'crewHealing' 120000 createtimer 'onBoard' settimer 'onBoard' 120000 createtimer 'painSpkeTimer' settimer 'painSpkeTimer' 120000 createtimer 'poisonStrikeTimer' settimer 'poisonStrikeTimer' 120000 createtimer 'vampTimer' settimer 'vampTimer' 120000 createtimer 'dressTimer' settimer 'dressTimer' 120000 createtimer 'provkeBossTimer' settimer 'provkeBossTimer' 1500000 createtimer 'goHomeBotYouAreDrunkTimer' settimer 'goHomeBotYouAreDrunkTimer' 100000 createtimer 'scriptRunning' settimer 'scriptRunning' 100000 createtimer 'singSeaShanties' settimer 'singSeaShanties' 70000 createtimer 'sanityEmbarkCheck' settimer 'sanityEmbarkCheck' 0 createtimer "walkingTooMuch" settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 #Clear lastt t arget from last run - this can cause a weird bug unsetvar 'lastserial' #Create list of instrument types and dclick if found removelist 'instrumentTypes' createlist 'instrumentTypes' pushlist 'instrumentTypes' 10245 pushlist 'instrumentTypes' 3762 pushlist 'instrumentTypes' 3740 pushlist 'instrumentTypes' 3742 pushlist 'instrumentTypes' 3763 #Create list of reagents createlist regTypes clearlist regTypes @pushlist 'regTypes' 3963 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3962 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3973 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3972 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3980 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3981 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3976 @pushlist 'regTypes' 3974 #create list of food types since tray does not work any more createlist foodTypes clearlist foodTypes @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28879 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28888 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28885 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 29774 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28883 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28880 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 29773 @pushlist 'foodTypes' 28881 #create list of tillermen createlist tillerMenList clearlist tillerMenList @pushlist 'tillerMenList' 15952 @pushlist 'tillerMenList' 15955 @pushlist 'tillerMenList' 15950 @pushlist 'tillerMenList' 15947 unsetvar 'tillerDude' if dynamicTiller = 0 overhead "Target Tillerman" @setvar tillerDude else #try to find tillerman foreach tillerMenVar in tillerMenList if findtype tillerMenVar ground as found overhead "Tillerman Set" setvar 'tillerDude' 'found' dclick 'tillerDude' wait 500 endif endfor endif #Hold IDs createlist holdIDs clearlist holdIDs pushlist holdIDs 16019 pushlist holdIDs 16046 pushlist holdIDs 15973 pushlist holdIDs 16057 #NPC Ship Hues createlist NPCshipHues clearlist NPCshipHues #druid pushlist NPCshipHues 2845 #Vile pushlist NPCshipHues 2841 #Ossurary pushlist NPCshipHues 2840 #pirate pushlist NPCshipHues 2269 #merchant pushlist NPCshipHues 2766 #ghost pushlist NPCshipHues 2955 #orc reaver pushlist NPCshipHues 2141 #raider pushlist NPCshipHues 2927 #tradesman pushlist NPCshipHues 2347 #Lizardman pushlist NPCshipHues 2363 #explorer pushlist NPCshipHues 2845 #fisherman pushlist NPCshipHues 2076 #daemon pushlist NPCshipHues 2740 #submerged pushlist NPCshipHues 2826 #Set up walking list for dymanic loot createlist walking clearlist walking #list for dump stuff createlist lootTypes clearlist lootTypes @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'muffins' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'gold coin' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'cooked fish' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Crab SOUTH' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Lobster SOUTH' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'raw fish steak%s%' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Blood Moss' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Black Pearl%s%' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Ginseng' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Garlic' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Sulfurous Ash' @pushlist 'lootTypes' "Spider's Silk" @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Nightshade' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'Mandrake Root%s%' //MR @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'cut%s% of raw ribs' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'cut up leather' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'clean bandage%s%' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'arrow' @pushlist 'lootTypes' 'crossbow bolt' # ' for formatting reasons createlist ItemTypes clearlist ItemTypes //martial manual @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 22187 //Shields @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b72 //BronzeShields @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b73 //Buckler @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7b //MetalShield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b74 //MetalKiteShield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //TearKiteShield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //WoodenShield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b76 //HeaterShield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b77 //HeaterShield //Platemail @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1408 //CloseHelmet @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1410 //PlatemailArms @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1417 //PlatemailArms @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1411 //PlatemailLegs @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1412 //PlateHelm @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1413 //PlateGorget @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1418 //PlatemailGloves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1415 //PlateChest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140a //Helmet @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140c //Bascinet @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140e //NorseHelm //Chainmail @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13bb //ChainmailCoif @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c3 //ChainmailLeggins @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c4 //ChainmailChest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c0 //ChainmailHelm //Ringmail @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ef //RingmailArms @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f2 //RingmailGloves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ed //RingmailChest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f1 //RingmailLeggins @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140b //RingmailHelm //Studded @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1dba //Studdedcap @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e1 //StuddedLeggings @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13db //StuddedTunic @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d5 //StuddedGloves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d6 //StuddedGorget @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dc //StuddedSleeves //Leather @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ce //LeatherGloves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cd //LeatherSleeves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d3 //LeatherChest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cb //LeatherPants @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c7 //LeatherGorget @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1db9 //LeatherCap @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c5 //LeatherArms //FemaleArmor @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c04 //FemalePlate @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemalePlateSkirt @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0c //FemaleStuddedBustier @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c02 //FemaleStuddedArmor @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleRingmailSkirt @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c00 //FemaleLeatherShorts @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleLeatherSkirt @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c06 //FemaleLeatherArmor @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0b //FemaleLeatherBustier @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleBoneSkirt //Fencing @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf62 //Spear @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1403 //ShortSpear @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe87 //Pitchfork @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1405 //Warfork @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1401 //Kryss @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf52 //Dagger //Macing @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b0 //Waraxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf0 //BlackStaff @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1439 //WarHammer @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1407 //WarMace @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe89 //QuarterStaff @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143d //HammerPick @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b4 //Club @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe81 //ShepherdsCrook @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f8 //GnarledStaff @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5c //Mace @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143b //Maul //Swords @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b9 //VikingSword @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf61 //Longsword @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1441 //Cutlass @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b6 //Scimitar @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec4 //SkinningKnife @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f6 //ButcherKnife @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5e //Broadsword @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ff //Katana @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec3 //Cleaver //Axes @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf43 //Hatchet @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf45 //ExecutionersAxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4d //Bardiche @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4b //DoubleAxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143e //Halberd @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fb //LargeBattleAxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1443 //TwoHandedAxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf47 //BattleAxe @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf49 //Axe //Bows @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fd //HeavyXbow @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf50 //Xbow @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b2 //bow //Instruments @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb2 //Harp @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9c //Drums @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb3 //Lute @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9e //Tambourine @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x2805 //BambooFlute //Other Helmets @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140f //NorseHelm //BoneArmor @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1451 //BoneHelm @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1457 //BoneLegs @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1453 //BoneArms @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1455 //BoneGloves //SlayerWands @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf2 //SlayerWands @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf3 //SlayerWands @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf4 //SlayerWands @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands //OtherSTuff, that wasnt in list... @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xefa //SpellBook @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x141a //platemailleggings @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //woodenshield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e2 //studdedchets @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //woodenkiteshield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x26bd //harpoon @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c05 //Femaleplatechest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0d //studdedbrasier @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c01 //leathershorts @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b75 //metalkiteshield @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c07 //Femaleleather @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1416 //platemailchest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dd //studdedgloves @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1454 //Bonechest @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d2 //leatherleggings @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1409 //closehelm @pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d4 //studdedarms #Loop through instruments and dclick one if skill "Musicianship" > 50 foreach instrumentType in 'instrumentTypes' dclicktype instrumentType endfor endif #open necro book if skill "Necromancy" > 50 dclicktype "8787" waitforgump 3897999232 gumpresponse 2 3897999232 wait 250 gumpclose 3897999232 endif #Set boarded state - 1=boarded NPC 0=on our ship @setvar 'boardState' 0 #Set up tracking sate 1=tracking 0=not @setvar 'trackState' 0 #set up var to check if we have enemies in range @setvar 'closeEnemy' 0 #set up blue tracking option @setvar 'blueSighted' 0 #Boss Tracker @setvar 'bossFight' 0 #Target Lock @setvar targetLock targetLockType #discoLock @setvar discoLock targetLockType #provoke boss @setvar 'provokeBoss' 0 #set bot at home flag @setvar 'botAtHome' 0 #set where we are on wellerman @setvar wellerManProgress 0 #Var to track if we found hold @setvar stopWalking 0 #Set up hold tracker @setvar holdToLoot 0 #Set up hold tracker for own boat @setvar myShipHold 0 #Variable to track NPC Hold @setvar npcHold 0 #set pets if they exist if skill "Veterinary" > 50 and followers >= 1 overhead "Target pet 1" setvar! pet1 overhead "Target pet 2" setvar! pet2 overhead "Target pet 3" setvar! pet3 endif if skill "Healing" > 50 say '[ShipHotbars' wait 500 endif #do camping buff at least once regardless of buff status #camping buff if skill "Camping" > 50 #cut some kindling off our boat...seriously if not findtype 3553 backpack dclicktype 3922 waitfortarget 4500 target 'self' wait 600 endif if not findtype 3555 true dclicktype 3553 backpack wait 350 while insysmsg "You fail to ignite" wait 3000 dclicktype "kindling" backpack wait 350 endwhile endif wait 600 endif if followers > 1 say "All guard me" endif while not dead #Announce we are running if timer "scriptRunning" > 15000 overhead "Bot is running" settimer "scriptRunning" 0 endif #Dynamic Tillerman Check if dynamicTiller = 1 if not varexist 'tillerDude' foreach tillerMenVar in tillerMenList if findtype tillerMenVar ground as found overhead "Tillerman Set" setvar 'tillerDude' 'found' dclick 'tillerDude' wait 500 endif endfor endif endif #put in a pause so we dont spam wait 100 if alwaysBoarded = 1 @setvar boardState 1 endif #Be a real pirate if wellerManProgress = 0 and sayMore = 1 and timer "singSeaShanties" > 20000 and boardState = 0 wait 500 say "There once was a ship that put to sea / The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea " 45 wait 500 say "/ The winds blew up, her bow dipped down / Oh blow, my bully boys, blow" 45 settimer 'singSeaShanties' 0 @setvar wellerManProgress 1 elseif wellerManProgress = 1 and sayMore = 1 and timer "singSeaShanties" > 20000 and boardState = 0 wait 500 say "Soon may the Wellerman come / To bring us sugar and tea and rum " 45 wait 500 say "/ One day, when the tonguing is done / Well take our leave and go" 45 settimer 'singSeaShanties' 0 @setvar wellerManProgress 2 elseif wellerManProgress = 2 and sayMore = 1 and timer "singSeaShanties" > 20000 and boardState = 0 wait 500 say "Shed not been two weeks from shore / When down on her a right whale bore " 45 wait 500 say "/ The captain called all hands and swore / Hed take that whale in tow" 45 settimer 'singSeaShanties' 0 @setvar wellerManProgress 3 elseif wellerManProgress = 3 and sayMore = 1 and timer "singSeaShanties" > 20000 and boardState = 0 wait 500 say "Soon may the Wellerman come / To bring us sugar and tea and rum / One day, when the tonguing is done / Well take our leave and go" 45 settimer 'singSeaShanties' 0 @setvar wellerManProgress 4 elseif wellerManProgress = 4 and sayMore = 1 and timer "singSeaShanties" > 20000 and boardState = 0 wait 500 say "Da-da-da-da-da / Da-da-da-da-da-da-da / Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da" 45 settimer 'singSeaShanties' 0 @setvar wellerManProgress 0 endif ############### ############### ###############Start routines that keep us alive or set vars############### ############### ############### #make sure a cursor does not exist from before if targetexists hotkey "Cancel Current Target" wait 350 endif #Check if we are on NPC ship if insysmsg "You board the ship" @setvar 'boardState' 1 settimer "onBoard" 0 @setvar stopWalking 0 if sayLess = 0 wait 500 say "***Lets Gooooo! (Lets Gooooo!) / If you want it you can get it let me know (let me know)**" 44 endif endif #disco routine if target lock is 1 or we are on a humanoid boat if discoLock = 1 or targetLockType = 1 if skill "Discordance" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "discoTimer" > 5150 and closeEnemy = 1 overhead "Disco Target!" 33 skill "Discordance" wft 500 target self settimer "discoTimer" 0 settimer "bardLock" 4750 endif endif #hidden check if hidden and boardState = 0 continue endif #dont let this guy die routine if hp < 55 overhead 'Drinking heal!' potion "heal" wait 200 endif #Chiv Poisoned if skill "Chivalry" > 50 and poisoned say "[cleansebyfire" endif #Magery Survival if skill "Magery" > 50 #we cast arch here bc it probably hit whole crew if poisoned 'self' cast 'Arch Cure' waitfortarget 1755 target 'self' wait 666 endif if diffhits > 18 cast "greater heal" wft 3500 target self wait 650 endif #Eat a magic mushroom if we have #25 less mana than full if mana < 70 and timer "shroomy" >= 65000 dclicktype '29012' overhead 'Mushroom Power!' settimer "shroomy" 0 endif endif # Bandage Survival if skill 'Healing' > 50 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 0 endif if diffhits > 10 and timer 'aid time' > 10250 hotkey 'bandage self' settimer 'aid time' 0 endif if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 0 endif endif #Goes through blue gates if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate' dclick 'bluegate' waitforgump 3899019871 gumpresponse 2 wait 500 say "[embark" wait 500 say "[embarkfollowers" wait 500 @setvar botAtHome 0 endif #Pet Healing if skill "Veterinary" > 50 and followers >= 1 and diffhits <= 10 if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 dclicktype 3617 wft 2500 target pet1 wait 500 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 dclicktype 3617 wft 2500 target pet2 wait 500 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 dclicktype 3617 wft 2500 target pet3 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif #We checked all - pause for spam if timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 and skill 'Healing' <= 50 settimer 'crewHealing' 1000 endif endif #Crew Healing if skill 'Healing' > 50 and diffhits <= 10 if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 20 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 21 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 22 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 23 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 24 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif if timer 'aid time' > 10250 and timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 gumpresponse 25 1722920179 wait 250 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'aid time' 4500 settimer 'crewHealing' 0 endif endif #We checked all - pause for spam if timer 'crewHealing' > 5050 settimer 'crewHealing' 1000 endif endif ############### ############### ############### Start buff routines ############### ############### ############### #Throw self overboard if a ship repair kit is on the deck if 'triggerOverboard' = 1 if findtype 25758 ground any any 8 say "So long fair world" wait 500 say "[throwselfoverboard" stop endif endif #Tracking Routine - Turn it on if we have not yet if skill 'Tracking' >= 20 and 'trackState' = 0 while not insysmsg "You will receive" hotkey 'Tracking' gumpresponse 6 4267467659 wait 500 endwhile gumpclose 4267467659 @setvar 'trackState' 1 endif #food buff routine if timer 'foodCheck' > 60000 and not findbuff 'food satisfaction' @setvar foundFood 0 foreach foodStuff in foodTypes if findtype foodStuff as found wait 600 dclick found @setvar foundFood 1 endif endfor if foundFood = 0 wait 600 say "I appear to be out of food!" wait 600 say "I appear to be out of food!" wait 600 say "I appear to be out of food!" endif settimer 'foodCheck' 0 endif #Follower Routine if skill "Necromancy" > 80 or skill "Spirit Speak" > 80 if followers < 4 and mana > 50 #Lost a big pet, resummon settimer "bardLock" 0 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 say "[VengefulSpirit" wait 1000 endif #check for pure summons they do not require as much logic if 'fireElem' = 2 cast 'Fire Elemental' elseif 'airElem' = 2 cast 'Air Elemental' elseif 'daemonSum' = 2 cast 'Summon Daemon' elseif 'earthElem' = 2 cast 'Earth Elemental' elseif 'waterElem' = 2 cast 'Water Elemental' endif #Check for single summons if 'fireElem' = 1 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 if not findtype 24 ground any any 12 overhead "Casting one lich" say "a fire elemental release" cast 'Fire Elemental' endif else if not findtype 15 ground any any 12 overhead "Casting plain fire elem" cast 'Fire Elemental' endif endif endif if 'airElem' = 1 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 if not findtype 306 ground any any 12 say "an air elemental release" cast 'Air Elemental' endif else if not findtype 13 ground any any 12 cast 'Air Elemental' endif endif endif if 'earthElem' = 1 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 if not findtype 158 ground any any 12 say "an earth elemental release" cast 'Earth Elemental' endif else if not findtype 14 ground any any 12 cast 'Earth Elemental' endif endif endif if 'waterElem' = 1 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 if not findtype 740 ground any any 12 say "a water elemental release" cast 'Water Elemental' endif else if not findtype 16 ground any any 12 cast 'Water Elemental' endif endif endif if 'waterElem' = 1 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 if not findtype 722 ground any any 12 say "a daemon release" cast 'Summon Daemon' endif else if not findtype 9 ground any any 12 cast 'Summon Daemon' endif endif endif wait 6000 say "All Guard Me" #rebuff to get pet buffed if mana > 15 and followers >= 4 cast 'Bless' waitfortarget 2500 target 'self' wait 750 endif endif endif #Summon Creature Routine if skill "Necromancy" > 80 or skill "Spirit Speak" > 80 if followers = 4 and mana > 30 settimer "bardLock" 0 if skill "Necromancy" > 80 say "[VengefulSpirit" wait 1000 endif cast 'Summ. Creature' wait 5000 say "All Guard Me" endif endif #camping buff if skill "Camping" > 50 and not findbuff "Campfire Visit" if not findtype 3553 backpack say "Need more kindling" wait 355 say "Need more kindling" wait 355 say "Need more kindling" wait 355 endif if not findtype 3555 true dclicktype 3553 backpack wait 350 while insysmsg "You fail to ignite" wait 3000 dclicktype "kindling" backpack wait 350 endwhile endif wait 600 endif #Bot sits and waits on a gate if it has recalled recently if botAtHome = 1 continue endif #spirit speak only if on own boat and corpses present. Do not SS if we have necromancy as we have liches and this is wasted time if skill "Spirit Speak" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "spiritSpeakCheck" > 30000 and 'boardState' = 0 and skill "Necromancy" < 50 if findtype 8198 ground any any 12 as found overhead "spirit speak" hotkey 'Spirit Speak' settimer "spiritSpeakCheck" 0 settimer "bardLock" 8000 endif endif if skill "Discordance" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "buffDisco" > 300000 overhead "Disco Buff" skill "Discordance" wft 2500 targettype 3701 settimer "buffDisco" 0 settimer "bardLock" 0 endif if skill "Begging" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "buffBeg" > 60000 overhead "Begging Buff" skill "Begging" settimer "buffBeg" 0 settimer "bardLock" 5000 endif if skill "Provocation" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 11000 and timer "buffProvo" > 300000 overhead "Provo Buff" skill "Provocation" wft 2500 targettype 3701 settimer "buffProvo" 0 settimer "bardLock" 0 endif if skill "Peacemaking" >= 20 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "buffPeace" > 300000 overhead "Peace Buff" skill "Peacemaking" wft 2500 targettype 3701 settimer "buffPeace" 0 settimer "bardLock" 0 endif #Arch Protection if boardState = 0 and mana > 50 and skill "Magery" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and not findbuff "Protection" cast 'Arch Protection' waitfortarget 2500 target 'self' endif #Bless if boardState = 0 and mana > 50 and skill "Magery" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and not findbuff "Strength" overhead "Mage Buff" cast 'Bless' waitfortarget 2500 target 'self' wait 750 cast 'Bless' waitfortarget 2500 target 'self' wait 750 cast 'Bless' waitfortarget 2500 target 'self' wait 750 endif #I do not know why you would want to do this if findtype 3976 ground if triggerOverboard != 2 @setvar defuseBombs 0 say "[reload" wait 15000 endif endif if mana > 50 and skill "Magery" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and buffRA = 1 cast 'Reactive Armor' wait 750 endif if mana > 50 and skill "Magery" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and buffMR = 1 cast 'Magic Reflection' wait 750 endif if skill "Taste Identification" > 50 and timer "bardLock" > 10000 and timer "buffTaste" > 60000 overhead "tasteidentification Buff" skill "tasteid" wft 2500 targettype 3701 backpack settimer "buffTaste" 0 settimer "bardLock" 5000 endif ############### ############### ###############Start dynamic walking routine on NPC ############### ############### ############### #Dynamic walk to hold if stealTheBooty = 1 and boardState = 1 and bossFight = 0 and stopWalking = 0 #we are looting and we are on an NPC and we are not on a boss overhead "Move to hold" 23 #ignore our own boat clearignore #ignore my own ships hold foreach holdID in holdIDs foreach shipHue in shipHues if findtype holdID ground shipHue as found ignore found endif endfor endfor #Clear walklist clearlist walking if findtype 16046 ground as foundHold @setvar npcHold foundHold pushlist walking "Right, running" pushlist walking "Up, running" elseif findtype 15973 ground as foundHold @setvar npcHold foundHold pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Right, running" elseif findtype 16057 ground as foundHold #south @setvar npcHold foundHold pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" elseif findtype 16019 ground as foundHold @setvar npcHold foundHold pushlist walking "Up, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" endif #druid if hue npcHold = 2845 wait 600 say "druid BOAT!" endif #Vile if hue npcHold = 2841 wait 600 say "vile BOAT!" endif #ossuary if hue npcHold = 2840 wait 600 say "ossuary BOAT!" endif #pirate if hue npcHold = 2269 wait 600 say "pirate BOAT!" endif #merchant if hue npcHold = 2766 wait 600 say "merchant BOAT!" endif #ghost if hue npcHold = 2955 wait 600 say "ghost BOAT!" endif #orc reaver if hue npcHold = 2141 wait 600 say "reaver BOAT!" endif #raider if hue npcHold = 2927 wait 600 say "raider BOAT!" endif #tradesman if hue npcHold = 2347 wait 600 say "tradesman BOAT!" endif #Lizardman if hue npcHold = 2363 wait 600 say "Lizardman BOAT!" endif #explorer if hue npcHold = 2845 wait 600 say "explorer BOAT!" endif #fisherman if hue npcHold = 2076 wait 600 say "fisherman BOAT!" endif #daemon if hue npcHold = 2740 wait 600 say "daemon BOAT!" endif #submerged if hue npcHold = 2826 wait 600 say "submerged BOAT!" endif #start actual walking while stopWalking = 0 foreach walkDir in walking #reset walk timer settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 while timer "walkingTooMuch" < 2500 and stopWalking = 0 #Roam the boat walk walkDir #are we by a hold? foreach holdID in holdIDs if findtype holdID ground any any 2 as found @setvar stopWalking 1 @setvar holdToLoot found endif if findtype 5188 ground dclicktype '5188' say "[embark" wait 600 say "[embarkfollowers" wait 600 @setvar stopWalking 1 @setvar boardState 0 endif endfor endwhile settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 endfor endwhile if stopWalking = 1 and sayLess = 0 wait 500 say "Yarr we got the hold. Lets loot this sucker dry. Just kill tha crew now!" 33 endif #End of dynamic loot routine endif ############### ############### ############### Start routines that do not require target ############### ############### ############### #Check if we are on NPC ship AGAIN if insysmsg "You board the ship" @setvar 'boardState' 1 settimer "onBoard" 0 @setvar stopWalking 0 if sayLess = 0 wait 500 say "***Lets Gooooo! (Lets Gooooo!) / If you want it you can get it let me know (let me know)**" 44 endif endif #Sanity Embark Check every 20s if boardState = 0 and closeEnemy = 0 if timer "sanityEmbarkCheck" > 20000 and varexist 'tillerDude' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' dclick tillerDude wait 200 if insysmsg "were not found" #try to find tillerman foreach tillerMenVar in tillerMenList if findtype tillerMenVar ground as found overhead "Tillerman Set" setvar 'tillerDude' 'found' dclick 'tillerDude' wait 500 endif endfor wait 400 say "[embark" endif gumpresponse 21 4216593270 wait 200 if insysmsg "do you wish to disembark" #cancel current target, we are on a boat hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' else gumpresponse 22 4216593270 wait 100 #we do this to make sure embark worked say "[embark" wait 500 say "[embarkfollowers" endif settimer 'sanityEmbarkCheck' 0 endif endif if timer "sanityEmbarkCheck" > 70000 and not varexist 'tillerDude' wait 500 say "Why the hell have we not found a tillerman yet???" endif #Yell if we are not in fighting party if insysmsg "You must be a part of your initial embarking" say "Hey! I am not in the fighting party!!!" 23 wait 500 say "Hey! I am not in the fighting party!!!" 23 wait 500 say "Hey! I am not in the fighting party!!!" 23 wait 500 endif #check for bombs nearby and defuses them if defuseBombs = 1 if findtype '5188' ground -1 -1 2 dclicktype '5188' say "[embark" wait 600 say "[embarkfollowers" wait 600 endif if findtype '5188' ground dclicktype '5188' say "[embark" wait 600 say "[embarkfollowers" wait 600 endif endif #Check if we broke an instrument if skill "Musicianship" > 50 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play" @setvar newInstrument 0 foreach instrumentType in 'instrumentTypes' if findtype instrumentType as foundInstrument dclick foundInstrument @setvar newInstrument 1 endif endfor if newInstrument = 0 say "I am out of instruments!!!" wait 500 say "I am out of instruments!!!" wait 500 say "I am out of instruments!!!" wait 500 endif endif endif #meditation routine if skill "Meditation" > 80 and mana < 30 and timer bardLock >= 10000 skill 'meditation' settimer "bardLock" 0 endif #Recall if you are docked if goHomeBotYouAreDrunk = 1 and timer goHomeBotYouAreDrunkTimer > 15000 and botAtHome = 0 and boardState = 0 clearsysmsg #Test boat condition say "[shipmenu" wait 250 if insysmsg "You must be closer" #Embark and try again say "[embark" wait 500 say "[shipmenu" wait 200 if insysmsg "You must be closer" clearignore unsetvar 'gfto' while not dead and findtype 8901 'backpack' as 'runeBook' getlabel 'runeBook' 'runeBookLabel' if 'Home' in 'runeBookLabel' setvar 'gtfo' 'runeBook' overhead 'Set recall to rune book' break endif @ignore 'runeBook' endwhile while not dead and findtype 7956 'backpack' as 'runeBook' getlabel 'runeBook' 'runeBookLabel' if 'Home' in 'runeBookLabel' setvar 'gtfo' 'runeBook' overhead 'Set recall to rune book' break endif @ignore 'runeBook' endwhile if not varexist 'gtfo' say 'You need a book or rune named Home on bot' 33 wait 500 say 'You need a book or rune named Home on bot' 33 wait 500 say 'You need a book or rune named Home on bot' 33 wait 500 elseif skill magery > 60 overhead 'Spell Cast' cast 'recall' wft 5000 target 'gtfo' elseif findtype 8012 'backpack' as recallScrolls if skill magery > 20 overhead 'Recall Scroll' #We have magery but prefer scrolls dclick 'recallScrolls' wft 5000 target 'gtfo' else overhead 'Book use' #We have loose recalls but recall with book dclick 'gtfo' wait 250 gumpresponse 2 endif else #Book use overhead 'Book use' dclick 'gtfo' wait 250 gumpresponse 2 endif #WALK THIS WAY #Change the 3 numbers at the end of this to where you want to stop and ressupply. Change the walk direction to the direction you need to go while not dead and not position 4006 904 5 walk 'North' wait 150 endwhile if findtype 'storage shelf' ground any any 2 as found menu found 0 wft 2500 target self menu found 1 endif #Change the 3 numbers at the end of this to where you want to stop and wait on a gate. Change the walk direction to the direction you need to go while not dead and not position 4006 909 0 walk 'South' wait 150 endwhile @setvar botAtHome 1 endif endif @settimer "goHomeBotYouAreDrunkTimer" 0 #Skip rest of this loop continue endif #Necro Abilities if skill "Necromancy" > 80 #painspike if 'boardState' = 1 and timer "painSpkeTimer" > 35000 if findtype 8198 ground any any 10 as found say '[painspike' wft 500 target found wait 350 settimer "painSpkeTimer" 0 endif #Vamp elseif 'boardState' = 0 and timer "vampTimer" > 35000 if findtype 8198 ground any any 10 as found say '[vampiricembrace' wft 500 target found settimer "vampTimer" 0 wait 350 endif endif endif #Repair Routine - if 'closeEnemy' = 0 or bossFight = 1 if bossFight = 1 @setvar repairGunsOrder 3 @setvar repairSailsOrder 2 @setvar repairHullOrder 1 endif if timer "RepairHull" > 34000 @setvar startRepairs 0 if repairLockdown = 0 or bossFight = 1 @setvar startRepairs 1 elseif timer "onBoard" > 62000 and timer "onBoard" <= 125000 @setvar startRepairs 1 endif if startRepairs = 1 if repairHullOrder = 1 say '[RepairHull' elseif repairGunsOrder = 1 say '[RepairGuns' else say '[RepairSails' endif wait 200 if insysmsg "guns do not need" or insysmsg 'hull does not need' or insysmsg 'sails do not need' if repairHullOrder = 2 say '[RepairHull' elseif repairSailsOrder = 2 say '[RepairSails' else say '[RepairGuns' endif endif wait 200 if insysmsg "guns do not need" or insysmsg 'hull does not need' or insysmsg 'sails do not need' if repairGunsOrder = 3 say '[RepairGuns' elseif repairSailsOrder = 3 say '[RepairSails' else say '[RepairHull' endif endif if bossFight = 1 and slowRepairsBosses = 1 settimer "RepairHull" 0 else settimer "RepairHull" 30000 endif endif endif endif #Check if we started ar epair and sit around. Also if it's PvP related pouch if insysmsg 'you cannot move!' overhead 'Paralyzed!' 34 say [pouch endif while findbuff 'Paralyze' if insysmsg 'you cannot move!' overhead 'Paralyzed!' 34 say [pouch endif wait 100 endwhile #Put on your clothes if timer "dressTimer" > 10000 #Try to dress dress "bow" settimer "dressTimer" 0 if followers > 1 say "All guard me" endif if skill "Magery" > 50 foreach reg in 'regTypes' if counttype reg < 3 wait 500 say "Hey! I am Low on regs!" 23 wait 500 say "Hey! I am Low on regs!" 23 wait 500 say "Hey! I am Low on regs!" 23 endif endfor endif endif endif #Check if we are on NPC ship A THIRD TIME if insysmsg "You board the ship" @setvar 'boardState' 1 settimer "onBoard" 0 @setvar stopWalking 0 if sayLess = 0 wait 500 say "***Lets Gooooo! (Lets Gooooo!) / If you want it you can get it let me know (let me know)**" 44 endif endif ############### ############### ############### Start target search / embark routine ############### ############### ############### if timer "newTargetCheck" > 2500 #reset timer settimer "newTargetCheck" 0 @setvar searchNew 1 if varexist 'lastserial' if targetLock = 1 if noto 'lastserial' = invulnerable #sysmsg "Testing target is alive" endif if insysmsg "not found" #This status means target is dead #overhead "Target is dead or out of range. Finding a new one" else #Our target appears to be alive still. Do not hunt for a new target @setvar searchNew 0 endif endif endif if searchNew = 1 #Set this to 1 before we search @setvar closeEnemy 1 #Start cycline hotkey 'Next Grey Humanoid Target' wait 255 if insysmsg 'No one matching that' hotkey 'Next Grey Monster Target' wait 255 if insysmsg 'No one matching that' #Start boss hunt hotkey "Target random murderer" wait 255 if insysmsg 'No one matching that' #We have no target so set close enemy 0 @setvar 'closeEnemy' 0 else #Found a boss so we want to pretend we are boarded if sayLess = 0 wait 500 say "***BOSS THEME INTENSIFIES**" 44 endif @setvar 'boardState' 1 @setvar 'targetLock' 0 @setvar 'discoLock' 0 @setvar 'bossFight' 1 @setvar 'provokeBoss' 1 endif else #Found a monster target type #@setvar 'targetLock' 0 @setvar 'discoLock' 0 endif else #Found a humanoid target type #@setvar 'targetLock' 0 @setvar 'discoLock' 1 endif #Set up var for last enemy. If no enemy it is time to leave this boat if closeEnemy = 1 @setvar! 'lastserial' lasttarget #Embark Routine elseif 'boardState' = 1 overhead "Done with this fight" #Skinning Routine if skill 'Forensic Evaluation' > 20 clearsysmsg #Wait on skill usage CD while timer "bardLock" < 10000 wait 100 endwhile for 3 hotkey 'Forensics' wait 500 target 'self' wait 1500 if not insysmsg "You carve" and not insysmsg "anything nearby" and not insysmsg "must wait" while not insysmsg "successful" say "I am broken in a Captcha loop. Fix me" wait 2500 endwhile endif endfor endif #Dynamic Looting Routine if stealTheBooty = 1 and stopWalking = 1 if sayLess = 0 say "Crews Dead! I got the gold!" 33 endif #Open NPC Hold dclick holdToLoot wait 250 #Call restock agent restock 2 wait 250 target holdToLoot #Wait on looting while queued wait 1000 endwhile #Call restock agent again restock 2 wait 250 target holdToLoot #Wait on looting while queued wait 1000 endwhile endif #Start Embarking hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' dclick tillerDude wait 350 if insysmsg "were not found" say "[embark" if findtype "tiller man" ground as found overhead "Tillerman Set" setvar 'tillerDude' 'found' dclick 'tillerDude' wait 500 endif endif gumpresponse 21 4216593270 wait 350 gumpresponse 22 4216593270 wait 350 dclick tillerDude wait 350 gumpresponse 21 4216593270 wait 350 gumpresponse 22 4216593270 #we do this to make sure embark worked say "[embark" wait 500 say "[embarkfollowers" wait 500 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' if reloadCannons = 1 wait 100 say "[reload" wait 500 endif settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 #dump loot Dynamic Looting if stealTheBooty = 1 and stopWalking = 1 and timer "walkingTooMuch" < 25000 #Find my ship hold and reset ignore since we ignored our own earlier clearignore clearlist walking #set orientation foreach shipHue in shipHues if findtype 16046 ground shipHue as found #overhead "North Facing Boat" @setvar myShipHold found pushlist walking "Right, running" pushlist walking "Up, running" pushlist walking "Right, running" pushlist walking "Up, running" elseif findtype 15973 ground shipHue as found #overhead "East Facing Boat" @setvar myShipHold found pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Right, running" pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Right, running" elseif findtype 16057 ground shipHue as found #overhead "South Facing Boat" @setvar myShipHold found pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" pushlist walking "Down, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" elseif findtype 16019 ground shipHue as found #overhead "West Facing Boat" @setvar myShipHold found pushlist walking "Up, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" pushlist walking "Up, running" pushlist walking "Left, running" endif endfor #start actual walking overhead "Walking to own hold" settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 @setvar dumpDynamicLoot 0 while dumpDynamicLoot = 0 foreach walkDir in walking while timer "walkingTooMuch" < 1250 and dumpDynamicLoot = 0 #Roam the boat walk walkDir #are we by a hold? foreach holdID in holdIDs if findtype 'holdID' ground any any 2 as found @setvar dumpDynamicLoot 1 endif endfor endwhile settimer "walkingTooMuch" 0 endfor endwhile #found hold, time to dump #myShipHold overhead "At ship hold dumping gold" dclick myShipHold wait 600 overhead "Before Dump" #Search for a pouch in hold if findtype 3705 myShipHold any any any as foundPack foreach x in lootTypes while findtype x backpack any any 1 as found lift found 9999 drop foundPack -1 -1 0 @ignore myVariable wait 600 endwhile endfor foreach x in ItemTypes while findtype x backpack as found @hotkey 'set last target' @target found @setvar myVariable lasttarget wait 100 @getlabel 'myVariable' myLabel if 'unidentified' in myLabel sysmsg 'Dumping: ' 33 sysmsg myLabel 65 lift myVariable 1 drop foundPack -1 -1 0 else sysmsg 'Skipping' 33 sysmsg myLabel 65 endif ignore myVariable wait 600 endwhile endfor endif overhead "Dump Done" if sayLess = 0 say "We have successfully hidden the treasure!" 33 endif clearignore #end dump dynamic loot routine endif #Reset Variables @setvar 'boardState' 0 @setvar targetLock targetLockType @setvar discoLock targetLockType @setvar stopWalking 0 @setvar firstSighting 0 endif #end enemy search routine endif endif ############### ############### ###############Start routines that require a target############### ############### ############### if closeEnemy = 1 #attack routine - Always attack so pets go aggro at least if we are not a melee class attack 'lastserial' #Turn on war mode because why not if not warmode warmode on endif #Remove this if you read this far. It kills your own crew if you target my captain if 'lastserial' = 0x15C5E or 'lastserial' = 0x348287 or 'lastserial' = 0x2E2E1 or 'lastserial' = 0x136133 while not dead hotkey 'Next Friendly Humanoid Target' wait 350 @setvar! 'lastserial' lasttarget attack 'lastserial' if skill "Discordance" > 50 skill "Discordance" wft 2500 target 'lastserial' endif if skill 'Magery' > 80 overhead "FS!" 33 cast "Flamestrike" wft 3500 target 'lastserial' wait 700 endif if skill "Poisoning" > 50 overhead "Poison Target!" 33 cast "Poison" wft 1500 target 'lastserial' wait 400 #try to poison strike say "[poisonStrike" wft 1500 target 'lastserial' wait 300 endif say "Well, fuck me! I love Brozan!" endwhile endif #herding if skill 'Herding' > 50 and timer "crookCheck" > 3000 and 'boardState' = 1 #Wait on skill usage CD while timer "bardLock" < 10000 wait 100 endwhile #use a crook say "[FocusAggression" wft 500 target 'lastserial' settimer "crookCheck" 0 settimer "bardLock" 7000 endif #Boss provoke or peace routine if discoLock = 0 or targetLockType = 2 if skill "Peacemaking" > 50 and timer "provkeBossTimer" > 10500 and bossFight = 1 and provokeBoss = 1 while timer "bardLock" < 10000 wait 100 if diffhits >= 18 continue endif endwhile overhead "Peacing Target!" 33 skill "Peacemaking" wft 2500 target 'lastserial' settimer "discoTimer" 0 settimer "bardLock" 5000 settimer "provkeBossTimer" 0 elseif skill "Provocation" > 50 and timer "provkeBossTimer" > 10500 and bossFight = 1 and provokeBoss = 1 while timer "bardLock" < 10000 wait 100 if diffhits >= 18 continue endif endwhile overhead "Provocation Target!" 33 skill "Provocation" wft 2500 target 'lastserial' wft 2500 target self settimer "discoTimer" 0 settimer "bardLock" 5000 settimer "provkeBossTimer" 0 endif setvar provokeBoss 0 endif #disco routine if discoLock = 0 or targetLockType = 2 if skill "Discordance" > 50 and timer "discoTimer" > 5050 while timer "bardLock" < 10000 wait 100 if diffhits >= 18 continue endif endwhile overhead "Disco Target!" 33 skill "Discordance" wft 2500 target 'lastserial' settimer "discoTimer" 0 settimer "bardLock" 5000 endif endif #poison routine if skill "Poisoning" > 50 and mana >= 35 and diffhits <= 18 #overhead "Poison Target!" 33 cast "Poison" wft 4500 target 'lastserial' wait 400 while upgradePoison = 1 and insysmsg "upgraded to greater" overhead "Got it" cast "Poison" wft 4500 target 'lastserial' wait 400 endwhile if 'boardState' = 1 and timer "poisonStrikeTimer" > 35000 #try to poison strike say "[poisonStrike" wft 500 target 'lastserial' settimer "poisonStrikeTimer" 0 endif if skill "Discordance" <= 50 #Bump timer so we jump to a new target settimer newTargetCheck 5000 endif endif #Flamestrike if skill 'Magery' > 80 and skill 'Archery' < 80 and diffhits <= 18 and 'boardState' = 1 and mana >= 61 wait 400 cast "Flamestrike" wft 3500 target 'lastserial' wait 400 if sayLess = 0 say "So anyway I started blastin" 33 endif wait 300 endif #Pet attack if followers > 1 and timer "petAttack" > 2500 say "All kill" wft 1500 target 'lastserial' settimer "petAttack" 0 endif #Check for humanoid type ships and set new target faster if 'discoLock' = 1 #Bump timer so we jump to a new target settimer newTargetCheck 5000 endif #Mass Curse if skill 'Magery' > 70 and skill 'Archery' < 80 and diffhits <= 18 and 'boardState' = 0 and mana >= 61 and massCurseToggle = 1 and firstSighting = 0 wait 400 cast 'Mass Curse' wft 3500 target 'lastserial' wait 400 if sayLess = 0 say "I curse ye to a watery grave!" 33 endif wait 300 @setvar firstSighting 1 endif #end target required routines endif endwhile