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Legenis's Super Cool Auto Jacker by legenis

Description: This script just works. You do not need magery for it to recall. It will auto find your runebook or tomb and recall you out. If you like this, please follow me on

@setvar! minimumWaitForPing 200 @setvar! globalTimeout 650 if not varexist jase_miner_runebook or not find jase_miner_runebook backpack if counttype "runebook" backpack = 1 and counttype "runetome" backpack = 0 and findtype "runebook" backpack as myBook overhead "Automatically selected your one runebook" 88 @setvar jase_miner_runebook myBook elseif counttype "runebook" backpack = 0 and counttype "runetome" backpack = 1 and findtype "runetome" backpack as myBook overhead "Automatically selected your one runetome" 88 @setvar jase_miner_runebook myBook elseif counttype 7956 backpack = 1 and findtype 7956 backpack as myBook overhead "Automatically selected your one rune" 88 @setvar jase_miner_runebook myBook elseif counttype "runebook" backpack > 0 or counttype 7956 backpack > 0 or counttype "runetome" backpack > 0 overhead "Select your escape plan (runebook or runetome)" 88 @setvar jase_miner_runebook endif endif if not listexists "lumberjack_actions" createlist "lumberjack_actions" endif if not listexists "4-failures" createlist "4-failures" endif if inlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" overhead "Red Alert!" 34 poplist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" # You could also replace this magery bit with your ultimate recaller # Ultimate Recall using Tome or Book as Escape (ALT-M) # # hotkey "Play Script: UltimaRecaller" if skill "Magery" >= 40 overhead 'Recalling...' while not targetexists if findtype 8012 backpack as item dclick item else cast "Recall" endif wait minimumWaitForPing if insysmsg "You do not have that spell!" overhead "We cannot recall!" 34 break endif endwhile target jase_miner_runebook elseif skill "Hiding" >= 40 useskill "Hiding" endif overhead "Stopping script..." 34 //Legenis Fix for Jases Script if not varexist jase_miner_runebook say 'Pooping BRB - be gental' endif getlabel jase_miner_runebook desc if "rune tome" in desc dclick jase_miner_runebook waitforgump 167090027 gumpresponse 100 elseif "runebook" in desc dclick jase_miner_runebook waitforgump 1551740969 gumpresponse 2 endif stop # replay endif if skill "Tracking" > 0 if not findbuff "tracking" clearsysmsg while not gumpexists 4267467659 useskill 'tracking' wait minimumWaitForPing endwhile if gumpexists 4267467659 while not insysmsg "You will now hunt all hostile players." gumpresponse 8 4267467659 waitforgump 4267467659 5000 endwhile gumpresponse 6 4267467659 wait minimumWaitForPing endif gumpclose 4267467659 endif endif # if skill "Healing" > 0 if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as aids if not bandaging and hp < maxhp dclick aids wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' elseif not bandaging and poisoned dclick aids wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' elseif not bandaging and findbuff "bleed" dclick aids wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' elseif not bandaging and findbuff "disease" dclick aids wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' endif else overhead "No bandages" 34 endif endif if lhandempty ?? 0 if findtype "hatchet" backpack dclicktype 'hatchet' backpack wait minimumWaitForPing endif endif if lhandempty ?? 0 overhead "No more hatchet!" 34 wait minimumWaitForPing replay endif clearsysmsg # It doesn't get much easier then this by Jaseowns # UO Outlands - if not targetexists hotkey "Use item in hand" wft 500 endif if targetexists hotkey "Target Self" endif wait 500 for 75 wait 150 if insysmsg 'world is saving' pause 50 hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' for 30 overhead 'Waiting for world save...' wait 1000 if insysmsg 'save complete' overhead 'Save complete - continue on!' 88 clearsysmsg wait 250 replay elseif insysmsg "now tracking" pushlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" clearsysmsg wait 250 replay endif endfor elseif insysmsg "now tracking" pushlist "lumberjack_actions" "red_alert" replay elseif insysmsg "harvestable" wait 250 pushlist "4-failures" "failure" replay elseif lhandempty ?? 0 overhead "Broke axe" 34 replay elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any wood' wait 500 replay elseif insysmsg "travel" overhead 'Waiting for travel...' wait 1000 replay else if insysmsg "any harvestable" or insysmsg "lumberjack_actions" // No Ore overhead 'Move to next spot' 88 replay elseif insysmsg "skillgain" or insysmsg "harvesting is not allowed" // Gained skill replay elseif insysmsg "world is saving" or insysmsg 'World save complete' // World Save replay elseif insysmsg "You hack" // Failed replay elseif insysmsg "You chop" clearlist "4-failures" replay elseif insysmsg "You must wait" // Wait message overhead 'You must wait..' 34 wait 500 replay endif endif endfor loop