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Easy Heal by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: Simple Bandage Loop that will re-loop resurrections until rez'd, and will not break targets or hidden.

1if skill 'Healing' > 25
2    if @insysmsg 'You fail to resurrect'
3        @clearsysmsg
4        pause 100
5        overhead 'Re-Attempting Resurrect!' 23
6        hotkey 'Bandage LastTarget'
7        pause 250
8    endif    
9    if @insysmsg 'You finish applying the bandages' or @insysmsg 'You heal what little damage'
10        overhead 'Bandage Finished' 23
11        @clearsysmsg
12    endif
13    if @insysmsg 'That being is not damaged!' 
14        overhead 'Target at Full' 23
15        @clearsysmsg 
16    endif
17    if not bandaging and not targetexists and hits < maxhits and not hidden 'self'
18            @clearsysmsg
19            pause 100        
20            hotkey 'Bandage Self'
21            pause 200
22    endif