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Auto Chiv Dexxer/Tamer by Hayes

Description: Roughly based on singsingfan's lazy dexxer script, heavily edited to reduce spam and incorporate taming/herding, and a toggle to set a crossheal target. Automatically uses vet supplies if found in pack, otherwise auto heals tank pet when within two tiles and player not damaged. Attacks nearest unfriendly target within 8 tiles. Locks onto current target until player moves more than 8 tiles away or target is killed. Can reset script to retarget nearest.




Removed need to set up cooldowns manually, all of that is handled in script now.

Reordered healing function to use healing pots before Noble Sacrifice. Certain situations caused Noble Sacrifice to negate the use of a healing potion.

Checks for camping and tracking buffs during initialization, reminds overhead.


1# Auto Dexxer Tamer Script 
3//Set this to 1 if you have a tanking pet or are grouping with another player to crossheal
4//Set this to 2 to auto heal any nearby mobile in friends list ##WIP##
5@setvar hasCrossHealTarget 0
7if hasCrossHealTarget == 1
8    overhead "Target your crosshealing buddy or tank"
9    setvar 'crossHealTarget'
12if not findbuff "camp" and skill "Camping" > 39
13    overhead "Camping buff not active."
16if not findbuff "track" and skill "tracking" > 0
17    overhead "Enable tracking!"
20@setvar! cdCleanseByFire 31000
21@setvar! cdCloseWounds 31000
22@setvar! cdNobleSacrifice 31000
23@setvar! cdHolyLight 31000
24@setvar! cdHealPot 10250
25@setvar! cdVetSupply 5100
26@setvar! cdSpamFilter 3000
28if not timerexists cleanseByFireTimer
29    createtimer cleanseByFireTimer
30    settimer cleanseByFireTimer cdCleanseByFire
33if not timerexists closeWoundsTimer
34    createtimer closeWoundsTimer
35    settimer closeWoundsTimer cdCloseWounds
38if not timerexists nobleSacrificeTimer
39    createtimer nobleSacrificeTimer
40    settimer nobleSacrificeTimer cdNobleSacrifice
43if not timerexists holyLightTimer
44    createtimer holyLightTimer
45    settimer holyLightTimer cdHolyLight
48if not timerexists healPotTimer
49    createtimer healPotTimer
50    settimer healPotTimer cdHealPot
53if not timerexists vetSupplyTimer
54    createtimer vetSupplyTimer
55    settimer vetSupplyTimer cdVetSupply
58if not timerexists spamFilterTimer
59    createtimer spamFilterTimer
60    settimer spamFilterTimer cdSpamFilter
63@setvar combatTarget 0
65//initiate Combat and attack closest
67while not dead
68  if combatTarget == 0
69    clearsysmsg 
70    hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
71    hotkey "Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster"
72    if timer spamFilterTimer >= cdSpamFilter
73        overhead "Searching for next target"
74        settimer spamFilterTimer 0
75        cooldown SpamFilter cdSpamFilter
76    endif
78  //Remove this portion below if you do not want to attack Grey/Reds.
79  //hotkey "Next Non-Friendly Player Target"
80  //Remove this portion above if you do not want to attack Grey/Reds.
82    wait 250
83    if not insysmsg 'no one matching'
84        if followers > 4
85            say "all guard"
86        endif
87        @setvar myKillTarget lasttarget 
88        if skill "Herding" > 99 and findtype 3713 backpack as herdCrook
89            dclick herdCrook
90            wft 500
91            target myKillTarget
92        endif
93        @setvar combatTarget 1 
94        warmode "on"
95        overhead "▼ Current Combatant ▼" 600 lasttarget
96        wait 250
97    endif
98  endif
99  if combatTarget == 1
100  hotkey "Attack Last Target"
101  endif
102  //remove Para
103  if insysmsg 'you cannot move' or insysmsg 'You must wait before using this command again'
104       say '[pouch'
105  endif
107  //////////////////////START OF HEALING MODULE/////////////////////////////// 
109    if not bandaging and hp < maxhp and not targetexists and count 'bandages' > 0
110        hotkey 'Bandage Self'
111        wait 300
112    endif
113    if not bandaging and hp = maxhp and not targetexists and findtype '25750' 'self' > 0 and timer vetSupplyTimer >= cdVetSupply
114        dclicktype '25750' 'backpack'
115        settimer vetSupplyTimer 0
116        cooldown VetSupply cdVetSupply
117        wait 250
118    endif
119    if not bandaging and hp = maxhp and not targetexists and not findtype '25750' 'self' and count 'bandages' > 0 and timer vetSupplyTimer >= cdVetSupply and find crossHealTarget ground -1 -1 2
120            @setvar combatTarget 0
121            dclicktype '3617' 'backpack'
122            wait 50
123            target crossHealTarget
124            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
125            wait 250
126     endif
128  //poison removal sequence
129  if poisoned and hp > 50 and not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer cleanseByFireTimer >= cdCleanseByFire
130      overhead "Activating Cleanse By Fire"
131      say '[CleanseByFire'
132      settimer cleanseByFireTimer 0
133      cooldown CleanseByFire cdCleanseByFire
134      wait 250
135  endif
137  if poisoned and hp < 51 
138      overhead "Emergency Poison Removal Activated"
140  if not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer holyLightTimer >= cdHolyLight
141      say '[HolyLight'
142      settimer holyLightTimer 0
143      cooldown HolyLight cdHolyLight
144      endif
145      wait 250
146      if not lhandempty and skill 'alchemy' < 79
147      hotkey "Arm/Disarm Left Hand"
148      endif
149      wait 250
150      while poisoned
151          hotkey "Drink Cure"
152          wait 250
153      endwhile
154  endif
156  //Reduce Bleed Damage
157  if findbuff "bleed" and not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer closeWoundsTimer >= cdCloseWounds
158      overhead "Bleed detected.  Activating Close Wounds."
159  wait 250
160    say '[closewounds'
161    settimer closeWoundsTimer 0
162      cooldown CloseWounds cdCloseWounds
163  endif
165  //Reduce Disease Damage
166  if findbuff "disease" and not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer closeWoundsTimer >= cdCloseWounds
167      overhead "Disease detected. Activating Close Wounds."
168  wait 250
169    say '[closewounds'
170    settimer closeWoundsTimer 0
171      cooldown CloseWounds cdCloseWounds
172  endif
174  //Emergency Heal Sequence
175 if hp < 45
176      if not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer holyLightTimer >= cdHolyLight
177      say '[holylight'
178      wait 250
179      settimer holyLightTimer 0
180      cooldown HolyLight cdHolyLight
181      endif 
182      if hp < 45 and timer healPotTimer >= cdHealPot
183          if not lhandempty and skill 'alchemy' < 80
184              hotkey "Arm/Disarm Left Hand"
185          endif
186              wait 250
187              hotkey 'Drink Heal'
188              settimer healPotTimer 0
189              cooldown HealPot cdHealPot
190      endif 
191      if hp < 45
192          if not findbuff "I cannot gate travel" and timer nobleSacrificeTimer >= cdNobleSacrifice
193          say '[NobleSacrifice'
194          wait 250
195          target self
196          overhead 'Noble Sacrifice used on self, currently cannot be healed'
197          wait 250
198          hotkey 'cancel current target'
199          wait 250
200          hotkey 'clear target queue'
201          wait 250
202          settimer nobleSacrificeTimer 0
203          cooldown NobleSacrifice cdNobleSacrifice
204          endif
205      endif
206  endif
208  //////////////////////END OF HEALING MODULE///////////////////////////////
210  //////////////////////GEAR AND BUFF CHECK MODULE///////////////////////////////
212 //check for low stamina
213  if stam < 81
214      if not lhandempty and skill 'alchemy' < 80
215         hotkey "Arm/Disarm Left Hand"
216      endif
217      hotkey 'Drink Refresh'
218      wait 500
219  endif
221  //if overweight use str pot
222  if weight > maxweight
224      if not lhandempty and skill 'alchemy' < 80
225         hotkey "Arm/Disarm Left Hand"
226      endif 
227      hotkey 'Drink Strength'
228      wait 500
229  endif
231  //check and equip shield if no shield equipped.
232  if lhandempty and skill 'parrying' > 79
233    if skill 'wrestling' > 79 
234        // do nothing
235    elseif lhandempty
236        overhead 'Attempting to Equip Shield' 33
237        wait 250
238        hotkey "Arm/Disarm Left Hand"
239        wait 750
240    endif
241  endif
243  //check for food buffs
244  if not findbuff "food satisfaction" and findtype "tray" backpack as food
245    dclick food
246    wait 500
247  endif
249  if not find myKillTarget ground -1 -1 8
250    @setvar combatTarget 0
251    warmode "off"
252    wait 250
253  endif
255  //////////////////////GEAR AND BUFF CHECK MODULE///////////////////////////////