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Pet HP Check Heal by carl_os

Related: AnimalTaming

Description: Will heal whatever pet shows up in the lore page.

At the moment you must manually add your pet names with their own clauses.

This script best works with the Pet HP Check Loop -

unsetvar healTarget // Find our pet names if gumpexists 3280914284 // TODO - Manually add unique pet names with new clauses if ingump 'Chonky' 3280914284 if findtype 'Chonky' ground -1 -1 12 as petFound setvar healTarget petFound endif elseif ingump 'Rowch' 3280914284 if findtype 'Rowch' ground -1 -1 12 as petFound setvar healTarget petFound endif endif // Do the heal if varexist healTarget and noto healTarget = "friend" hotkey 'Greater Heal' wft 2000 target healTarget endif else overhead 'Need Lore page' 38 endif //script 'PetHpCheckLoop'