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Two handed dexxer healing loop w/ one hand potion swap by Jaseowns

Related: Healing

1# Two handed dexxer healing loop, potion weapon swap by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Requirements:
4#   use >info in game to get the item id of your
5#   favorite two handed weapon and one handed weapon
6#   these values must be numbers
7# Description:
8#   Heals with bandaids and tries to drink 
9#   cures or heals
11// Heal pot when below this health
12@setvar! heal_pot_hp_trigger 26
14// executioners axe
15@setvar! preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id 3909
16// viking sword
17@setvar! preferred_onehand_weapon_type_id 5049
19// General wait after actions
20@setvar! globalTimeout 650
22while not dead
23    if hidden
24        continue
25    endif
27    if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack
28        if bandaging = 0 
29            if hp != maxhp
30                if targetexists any
31                    target cancel
32                endif
33                hotkey 'Bandage self' 
34                wait globalTimeout
35            endif
36        endif
37    endif
39    if paralyzed
40        overhead 'Paralyzed!' 38
41        if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 any any 
42            say '[pouch'
43            wait globalTimeout
44        endif
45    endif
47    if poisoned
48        if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack
49            overhead 'Drinking cure!' 48
50            if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand
51                if findtype preferred_onehand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy
52                    dclick swappy
53                else
54                    overhead "This is slow, find a damn one hander" 34
55                    undress LeftHand
56                endif
57            endif
59            wait globalTimeout
60            potion "cure" 
61            wait globalTimeout
63            if not findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand
64                if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy
65                    dclick swappy
66                endif
67            endif
68            wait globalTimeout      
69        endif
70    endif
72    if hp < heal_pot_hp_trigger
73        if findtype 3852 backpack as PotsHeal 
74            getlabel PotsHeal LabelPotsHeal
75            if 'next usable' in LabelPotsHeal
76                sysmsg 'Unable to use Heal Potion Yet!' 33   
77                wait globalTimeout       
78            else
79                overhead 'Drinking heal!' 68
80                if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand
81                    if findtype preferred_onehand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy
82                        dclick swappy
83                    else
84                        overhead "This is slow, find a damn one hander" 34
85                        undress LeftHand
86                    endif
87                endif
89                wait globalTimeout
90                dclick PotsHeal
91                wait globalTimeout
93                if not findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand
94                    if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy
95                        dclick swappy
96                    endif
97                endif    
99            endif
100        endif 
101    endif