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Evaluate Intelligence Training to 100(magery script swap) by lofiheadchange

Related: EvalInt

Description: Skill name swapped from jase. I saw there was no script here so added one. You can swap it to a faster spell too but i noticed it goes through regeants faster if you dont pay attention.

if not varexist 'restock_container' overhead "Target your restock container" setvar 'restock_container' endif if skill 'evaluate intelligence' < 100 if skill 'evaluatae intelligence' < 80 if count 'Blood moss' < 10 or count 'Nightshade' < 10 restock 10 wft target "restock_container" wait 500 endif if mana > 30 overhead "Invis" 88 hotkey 'Invisibility' wft hotkey 'Target Self' wait 500 endif if mana < 30 and not findbuff "actively meditating" hotkey 'Meditation' wait 3500 endif elseif skill 'evaluate intelligence' < 100 if findtype "a water elemental" true say 'a water elemental release' wait 200 endif if count 'Blood moss' < 10 or count "Spider's Silk" < 10 or count "Mandrake Root" < 10 restock 10 wft target "restock_container" wait 500 endif if mana > 40 hotkey "Water Elemental" wait 5000 endif if mana < 40 and not findbuff "actively meditating" hotkey 'Meditation' wait 3500 endif endif wait 1000 loop else overhead 'We did it!' 88 endif