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Move Runebook to different runebook by liveonce
Description: MOVE NOT COPY RUNEBOOK: Select a runebook (possibly unblessed) and move all runes to another runebook
1# Move rune BOOK to OTHER runebook - HellzEDIT
2# Requirements: two rune books, one filled one blank
3 # By default the runelist is 16 long (full runebook)
4# You can remove the list elements from runes_to_copy_list
5# References:
6# // marked rune
7# // recall rune 7956 0
8# // unmarked rune
9# // recall rune 7956 2882
11removelist runes_to_copy_list
12createlist runes_to_copy_list
13# The entire runebook is 16 runes you can comment these out to prevent running all runes
14pushlist runes_to_copy_list 1
15pushlist runes_to_copy_list 2
16pushlist runes_to_copy_list 3
17pushlist runes_to_copy_list 4
18pushlist runes_to_copy_list 5
19pushlist runes_to_copy_list 6
20pushlist runes_to_copy_list 7
21pushlist runes_to_copy_list 8
22pushlist runes_to_copy_list 9
23pushlist runes_to_copy_list 10
24pushlist runes_to_copy_list 11
25pushlist runes_to_copy_list 12
26pushlist runes_to_copy_list 13
27pushlist runes_to_copy_list 14
28pushlist runes_to_copy_list 15
29pushlist runes_to_copy_list 16
32#initial check to make sure not to overwrite an incorrect run
33if counttype "recall rune" backpack 0 > 0
34 overhead "Cannot continue" 34
35 overhead "Please remove any marked runes from your bag" 88
36 stop
38#pick the original tome
39overhead "Select a runetome to copy FROM"
40setvar runetome_blessed
41wait 1000
42#pick the new tome
43overhead "Select a runetome to copy TO"
44setvar runetome_unblessed
45#hell adding another wait
46wait 1000
48overhead "Beginning Copy... with an 11 second timer" 88
50if not timerexists runes_to_copy_skill_check
51 createtimer runes_to_copy_skill_check
52 settimer runes_to_copy_skill_check 11000
55foreach rune_to_copy in runes_to_copy_list
56 clearsysmsg
57 if timer runes_to_copy_skill_check >= 11000
58 settimer runes_to_copy_skill_check 0
59 endif
60 wait 1000
63 overhead "Pulling rune..." 88
64 overhead rune_to_copy 144
66 while not insysmsg "You have removed the rune" and not findtype "recall rune" backpack 0
67 # Drop rune
68 dclick runetome_blessed
69 waitforgump 1551740969 1500
70 gumpresponse 3
71 wait 500
72 overhead "waiting for rune to be removed"
73 wait 200
74 endwhile
77 if findtype "recall rune" backpack 0 as currentRune
78 getlabel currentRune runeDescription
79 wait 100
80 overhead runeDescription 88
81 wait 100
82 while find currentRune backpack 0 and not insysmsg runeDescription
83 lift currentRune
84 wait 200
85 drop runetome_unblessed 0 0 0
86 if not insysmsg runeDescription
87 overhead "waiting for rune to drop in book"
88 wait 500
89 endif
90 if find currentRune backpack 0
91 overhead "ERR: Still have a recall rune in backpack after drop FROM... this shouldn't happen"
92 endif
93 endwhile
94 endif
97overhead "Enjoy your copy!" 104