Back to "veterinary" skill

Train Veterinary to 80 in Shelter Island by Jaseowns

Description: Easy way to train to 80 vet. Took me ~450 aids

1# Veterinary to 80 in Shelter Island By Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# I was training fencing, tactics and arms lore so me attacking my pet worked great.
4# The other option is to have other pets attack your pet.
5overhead "Select your pet to attack and heal"
6@setvar! jasePetOne
7wait 650
8say "all kill"
9wft 500
10target jasePetOne
11while not dead 
12    attack jasePetOne
13    if not bandaging
14        if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
15            if not targetexists
16                dclick item
17                wft 500
18            endif
19            target jasePetOne
20            wait 650
21         else
22            overhead "Out of aids!" 34
23            wait 2000
24            break
25        endif
26    endif
27    wait 650
28    if skill "Veterinary" >= 80
29        break
30    endif
33warmode off
35say "all stop"