Back to "stealth" skill

Stealth Wiz by Jaseowns

Description: **Run this script, while playing a stealther, and it'll announce steps overhead in colors, based on the sysmsg steps - and if you have a magical wizard hat on you, will equip wiz hat, and re-quip your other hat, to always keep you under max stam, so you can't stumble across someone and break stealth.

1//Keep a magical wizhat in backpack
2//to keep stam below max when
5if not find 'MyHat' 'self'
6    overhead 'Target your headgear.'
7    pause 200
8    setvar 'MyHat' 
10overhead 'Stealth Wiz Enabled' 44
11if not timerexists 'hatTimer'
12    settimer 'hatTimer' 0
14while not dead 'self'
15    while hidden 'self'
16        if insysmsg 'You feel comfortable enough to begin stealth' or insysmsg 'You feel ready to continue stealthing'
17            overhead 'Ready to Stealth' 63
18            clearsysmsg 
19        endif
20        if insysmsg 'You have 10 stealth steps'
21            overhead '10 steps remaining' 88
22            clearsysmsg 
23        endif
24        if insysmsg 'You have 9 stealth steps'
25            overhead '9 steps remaining' 88
26            clearsysmsg 
27        endif
28        if insysmsg 'You have 8 stealth steps'
29            overhead '8 steps remaining' 43
30            clearsysmsg 
31        endif
32        if insysmsg 'You have 7 stealth steps'
33            overhead '7 steps remaining' 43
34            clearsysmsg 
35        endif
36        if insysmsg 'You have 6 stealth steps'
37            overhead '6 steps remaining' 33
38            clearsysmsg 
39        endif
40        if insysmsg 'You have 5 stealth steps'
41            overhead '5 steps remaining' 33
42            clearsysmsg 
43        endif
44        if insysmsg 'You have 4 stealth steps'
45            overhead '4 steps remaining' 33
46            clearsysmsg 
47        endif
48        if insysmsg 'You have 3 stealth steps'
49            overhead '3 steps remaining' 32
50            clearsysmsg 
51        endif
52        if insysmsg 'You have 2 stealth steps'
53            overhead '2 steps remaining' 32
54            clearsysmsg 
55        endif
56        if insysmsg 'You have 1 stealth steps'
57            overhead '1 steps remaining' 37
58            clearsysmsg 
59        endif
60        if insysmsg 'You have 0 stealth steps'
61            overhead '0 steps remaining' 37
62            clearsysmsg 
63        endif
64        if findtype '0x1718' 'self' as hat
65            if stam == maxstam
66                if timer 'hatTimer' > 2000
67                    settimer 'hatTimer' 0
68                    dclick hat
69                    pause 300
70                    dclick 'MyHat'
71                    pause 300
72                endif
73            endif
74        endif
75    endwhile