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Hiding/Stealth or Stealth when Ready by Ledes

1# Name: Begin to Hiding than Stealth or Stealth when ready
2# Author: Guilherme Ledes (Inspired by first Jaseowns thief live stream)
3# Description: Use only one hotkey to hide and stealth, and don't lose any step when stealthing any more, with this script you'll automaticaly begin to stealth only after you do your last available step.
4# Hint:
5#   - Disable auto-stealth
6#   - Add these "overheadmessage" to help you to follow what is going on:
7#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You feel comfortable enough to begin stealthing" message="READY" hue="68" />
8#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You begin to move quietly" message="GO" hue="68" />
9#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 4 stealth" message="LAST STEPS" hue="43" />
10#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 3 stealth" message="3" hue="43" />
11#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 2 stealth" message="2" hue="43" />
12#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 1 stealth" message="1" hue="43" />
13#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 0 stealth" message="STOP" hue="33" />
14#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You have been revealed" message="REVEALED" hue="33" />
15#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You feel ready to continue stealth" message="READY" hue="68" />
16#      <overheadmessage searchtext="You must hide first" message="NOT HIDDEN" hue="33" />
19if hidden
20    overhead 'Beging stealth when READY'
21    waitforsysmsg 'You feel ready to continue stealthing.'
22    waitforsysmsg 'You have 0 stealth steps remaining.'
23    wait 100
24    skill 'Stealth'
26    skill 'Hiding'
27    wait 200
28    for 10
29        overhead 'Waiting to stealth...'
30        wait 1000
31    endfor
32    skill 'Stealth'