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Yogurt's Apply lethal poison to your weapon by _yogurt

// apply lethal poison to weapon on your hand // created by: Yogurt // updated: 16 December 2024 @setvar! poisonfailed 1 if findlayer self righthand as weapon overhead 'Weapon found!' wait 200 if findtype 'green potion' self as poisonpotion getlabel poisonpotion potionlabel if 'lethal'in potionlabel overhead 'Applying poison' menu weapon 0 wait 4000 if insysmsg 'You fail to apply a sufficient dose of poison' overhead 'Trying again' else overhead 'Poison applied' @setvar! poisonfailed 0 endif clearsysmsg else overhead 'Lethal poison not found' @setvar! poisonfailed 0 endif else overhead 'No poison pot' @setvar! poisonfailed 0 endif else overhead 'No weapon found' @setvar! poisonfailed 0 endif if poisonfailed = 1 loop else // return to your loop script script 'Bandage' endif