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Sword and Shield Dexxer Healing Loop (removes shield to drink pots) by Jaseowns

# Sword and shield healing loop, unequips shield to drink pot by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # Requirements: # use a one handed weapon and shield when running this script # Description: # Heals with bandaids and tries to drink # cures or heals (handles unequipping shield) // Heal pot when below this health ex: (hp < heal_pot_hp_trigger) @setvar! heal_pot_hp_trigger 31 // Drink red pots when drink_red is 1 @setvar! drink_red 1 // when below stam ex: (diffstam < red_pot_stamdiff_trigger) @setvar! red_pot_stamdiff_trigger 20 // General wait after actions @setvar! globalTimeout 650 ########################################################## # # You do not need to edit anything below this.... # unless you are a wild beast - # ########################################################## @setvar! weapon_equipped 0 @setvar! sheild_equipped 0 if findlayer self righthand as found @setvar! weapon_equipped found endif if findlayer self lefthand as found @setvar! sheild_equipped found endif if not timerexists '_refreshTimer' createtimer '_refreshTimer' settimer '_refreshTimer' 999999 endif while not dead if hidden continue endif if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack if bandaging = 0 if hp != maxhp if targetexists any target cancel endif hotkey 'Bandage self' wait globalTimeout endif endif endif if insysmsg 'You cannot move!' or paralyzed overhead 'Paralyzed!' 38 if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 say '[pouch' wait globalTimeout endif endif if poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot if hits < 90 if not rhandempty and not lhandempty overhead "Remove shield..." if findlayer self lefthand as found @setvar! sheild_equipped found lift sheild_equipped drop backpack wait globalTimeout endif endif dclick pot wait globalTimeout endif else overhead "Out of cure pots!" 34 if lhandempty and hp > heal_pot_hp_trigger overhead "Requip shield..." 0 if sheild_equipped != 0 dclick sheild_equipped else overhead "Unable to find your shield, re-equip manually!" 34 endif endif wait globalTimeout endif elseif lhandempty and hp > heal_pot_hp_trigger overhead "Requip shield..." 0 if sheild_equipped != 0 dclick sheild_equipped else overhead "Unable to find your shield, re-equip manually!" 34 endif wait globalTimeout endif // If Dex is at least 76. // If stamina is 75 or less, drink a Refesh potion. // Set the refresh timer lower or higher, to adjust. if drink_red = 1 and timer '_refreshTimer' >= 300 and findtype 'Red Potion' backpack as pot if diffstam > red_pot_stamdiff_trigger if not rhandempty and not lhandempty overhead "Remove shield..." if findlayer self lefthand as found @setvar! sheild_equipped found lift sheild_equipped drop backpack wait globalTimeout endif endif dclick pot settimer '_refreshTimer' 0 overhead 'Total Refreshed.' 69 wait globalTimeout endif endif endif if hp < heal_pot_hp_trigger if findtype 3852 backpack as PotsHeal getlabel PotsHeal LabelPotsHeal if 'next usable' in LabelPotsHeal sysmsg 'Unable to use Heal Potion Yet!' 33 wait globalTimeout wait globalTimeout else overhead 'Drinking heal!' 68 if not rhandempty and not lhandempty overhead "Remove shield..." if findlayer self lefthand as found @setvar! sheild_equipped found lift sheild_equipped drop backpack endif endif dclick PotsHeal wait globalTimeout endif endif endif endwhile