Back to "necromancy" skill

Easy GM necromancy by EternallyLight

1while skill "necromancy" < 100
2    while mana < 20 //change this number to the minimum required for your spell
3            if not insysmsg "You enter a meditative trance."
4            skill "meditation"
5            else
6                while mana < 95 //change this number for your max mana minus 10
7                pause 500
8                endwhile
9            endif
10        endwhile
11    endif
12    if skill 'necromancy' < 100
13        cast 'invisibility'
14        waitfortarget 
15        target 'self'
16        wait 1750
17    endif
20    //add the following for shelf use
21    //dclick 0x4B981348 // use >info for shelf serial
22    //waitforgump 3232825965
23    //gumpresponse 7
24    //waitforgump 3232825965