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Necrosis by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: When playing a necromancer, don't auto renew your abilities, cast them on your first damage spell - so that you don't waste opportunities for extra points when running between mobs, by triggering abilities before you get to damage spells.

1cast 'Flamestrike'
2if skill 'Necromancy' > 50
3    if not timerexists 'Necrosis'
4        createtimer 'Necrosis'
5        settimer 'Necrosis' 32000
6    endif
7    if timer 'Necrosis' > 32000
8        settimer 'Necrosis' 0
9        overhead 'Necrosis' 32
10        say '[corpseskin'
11        pause 500
12        say '[mindrot'
13        pause 500
14        # say '[evilomen'
15        # pause 250
16        endif