Back to "musicianship" skill


Related: Musicianship

////// UO Outlands Razor script - Last updated July 19, 2024 (email any bug reports/tips to ///// Created by DanStock. //// ULTIMATE TRI-BARD/CHIVARLY/ARCHER AUTO PILOT SCRIPT # Recommended template: // 120 Forensic Evaluation // 100 Provocation // 100 Peacemaking // 100 Discordance // 100 Civalry // 100 Tactics // 100 Archery # TIPS: // Highly recommend using LYRIC ASPECT ARMOUR and WEAPON // BARD CODEX: Must have 6 pts in "Self Taught" to drop musicianship skill // If using 1H weapon, add a shield for extra AR // Manually toggle WAR MODE to clear cooldown timers if barding break isn't detected! // This script depends heavily on COOLDOWNS. Please make sure to add them (see below). // IMPT: MUST add the following COOLDOWNS (case sensitive) in UO client under Options -> Cooldowns: # Musicianship # Peacemaking # Provocation # Discordance # Pacified # Provoked # Discorded # Healing Potion # Cure Potion # Refresh Potion # Holy Light # Noble Sacrifice # Cleanse By Fire # Close Wounds # Divine Fury # Enemy Of One # Prevented # Chivalry # Song Buff Delay # Song Of Discordance # Song Of Peacemaking # Song Of Provocation # Cleanup # Radar # Ammunition # Target Timer # No Target Timer # Next Target Timer # Green Weight Warning # Yellow Weight Warning # Codex # Weapon Ability # Skirmish # Full Draw # Repeater ############################################# ####### USER VARIABLES: ####### ############################################# @setvar! EnableProvocation 1 @setvar! EnablePeacemaking 1 @setvar! EnableDiscordance 1 @setvar! EnableHealPotion 1 @setvar! HealPotHP 35 @setvar! EnableCurePotion 1 @setvar! CurePotHP 90 @setvar! EnableRefreshPotion 1 @setvar! RefreshPotSP 89 @setvar! EnableHolyLight 1 @setvar! HolyLightHP 75 @setvar! EnableNobleSacrifice 1 @setvar! NobleSacrificeHP 50 @setvar! EnableCleanseByFire 1 @setvar! CleanseByFireHP 95 @setvar! EnableCloseWounds 1 @setvar! EnableParalyzePouch 1 @setvar! EnableShield 1 @setvar! EnableDivineFury 1 @setvar! EnableEnemyOfOne 1 @setvar! EnableWeaponAbility 1 @setvar! EnableSkirmish 0 # or @setvar! EnableFullDraw 0 # or @setvar! EnableRepeater 1 @setvar! EnableAutoCarving 1 @setvar! EnableArrowCleanup 1 @setvar! EnableProvocationBuff 1 @setvar! EnablePeacemakingBuff 1 @setvar! EnableDiscordanceBuff 1 @setvar! PeacemakingReapply 45000 @setvar! ProvocationReapply 45000 @setvar! DiscordanceReapply 60000 @setvar! SongReapply 840000 @setvar! SongBuffDelay 11000 @setvar! EnableAmmoWarningMessage 1 @setvar! EnableWeightWarningMessage 1 @setvar! GreenWarningWeight 350 @setvar! YellowWarningWeight 370 @setvar! RedWeightLimit 390 ############################################# ######### SCRIPT STARTS HERE: ######### ############################################# if not dead @setvar! PreviousTarget lasttarget @setvar! SwitchStance 0 @setvar! NeedtoProvoke 0 @setvar! NeedtoDiscord 1 @setvar! NeedtoPacify 1 @setvar! ClosestTarget 0 @setvar! NextClosestTarget 0 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' if insysmsg "Captcha successful" overhead "[ CAPTCHA SUCCESSFUL ]" 93 wait 500 endif clearsysmsg if not findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" self overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 sysmsg "Please acquire an instrument before you start this script!" 0 wait 2500 replay endif if not findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow|bow' self overhead "[ NO WEAPON! ]" 337 wait 2500 sysmsg "Please acquire a weapon before you start this script!" 0 replay endif if not findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow|bow' hand if findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow|bow' backpack as weapon dclick weapon endif endif if EnableShield = 1 if not findtype 'metal shield|Chaos shield' lefthand and findtype 'metal shield|Chaos shield' backpack as shield dclick shield endif endif if EnableAmmoWarningMessage = 1 if findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow' hand # BOLTS @setvar! AMMO 1 elseif findtype 'bow' hand # ARROWS @setvar AMMO 2 endif if counttype "crossbow bolt" self < 25 and not cooldown "Ammunition" and AMMO = 1 overhead "[ AMMO LOW! ]" 37 cooldown "Ammunition" 3000 endif if counttype "arrow" self < 25 and not cooldown "Ammunition" and AMMO = 2 overhead "[ AMMO LOW! ]" 37 cooldown "Ammunition" 3000 endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 if weight > GreenWarningWeight and weight < YellowWarningWeight and not cooldown "Green Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 69 cooldown "Green Weight Warning" 4000 endif if weight > YellowWarningWeight and weight < RedWeightLimit and not cooldown "Yellow Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING! ]" 153 cooldown "Yellow Weight Warning" 4000 endif if weight > RedWeightLimit overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED!! ]" 37 wait 2500 script "Home Recall (Acct 2)" endif endif hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster' wait 500 if insysmsg "No one matching that was found on your screen" if not cooldown "No Target Timer" overhead "[ NOTHING TO TARGET... ]" 6 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-01' cooldown "No Target Timer" 3500 clearsysmsg endif if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack hotkey 'Organizer Agent-02' endif if findtype "arrow|crossbow bolt" backpack hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' endif ####################### ### NO TARGET LOOP: ### ####################### if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack and EnableAutoCarving = 1 if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as body dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" waitfortarget 3000 target 'self' wait 100 overhead "[ SKINNING... ]" 338 wait 500 @ignore body endif else overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 wait 500 endif if not findbuff 'food satisfaction' and findtype "tray" self overhead "Hold on, I shouldn't fight on an empty stomach..." 6 wait 500 if findtype "tray" backpack as Food overhead "*eating food...*" 0 dclick Food wait 1500 overhead "Ok, now I'm ready to kill some stuff!" 6 wait 1000 endif endif if warmode cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 cooldown "Provoked" 0 overhead "[ BREAK... ]" 333 hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' replay endif if paralyzed and EnableParalyzePouch = 1 if findtype "pouch" backpack yell "[pouch" overhead '[ POP!! ]' 149 script "Home Recall (Acct 2)" endif endif if EnableArrowCleanup = 1 if findtype 7163|3903 ground -1 -1 2 as item and not cooldown "Cleanup" overhead '[ CLEANUP... ]' 93 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target item wait 1000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' cooldown "Cleanup" 2500 endif if findtype 7163 ground -1 -1 12 as bolt and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 93 bolt cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif if findtype 3903 ground -1 -1 12 as arrow and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 37 arrow cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif endif if insysmsg "world is saving" overhead "[ WORLD SAVE... ]" 253 if not timerexists "WorldSaveTimer" createtimer "WorldSaveTimer" endif settimer "WorldSaveTimer" 0 while timer "WorldSaveTimer" < 3000 if insysmsg "save complete" break endif endwhile overhead "[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]" 253 endif if EnableNobleSacrifice = 1 if hits < NobleSacrificeHP and skill "Chivalry" >= 80 and not cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" and not cooldown "Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry" clearsysmsg yell "[NobleSacrifice" wait 500 if insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg else waitfortarget 500 target 'self' overhead "[ NOBLE SACRIFICE! ]" 155 cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" 31000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 endif endif endif if EnableHolyLight = 1 if hits < HolyLightHP and skill "Chivalry" >= 95 and not cooldown "Holy Light" and not cooldown "Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry" clearsysmsg yell "[HolyLight" wait 500 if insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg else overhead "[ HOLY LIGHT! ]" 254 cooldown "Holy Light" 32000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 endif endif endif if EnableCleanseByFire = 1 if hits < CleanseByFireHP and poisoned and not cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" clearsysmsg yell "[CleanseByFire" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" 31000 overhead "[ CLEANSE BY FIRE! ]" 44 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg endif endif endif if EnableCloseWounds = 1 if findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if skill "chivalry" >= 70 and not cooldown "Close Wounds" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" clearsysmsg yell "[CloseWounds" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Close Wounds" 31000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 overhead "[ CLOSE WOUNDS! ]" 149 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if hits < HealPotHP and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot overhead '[ HEAL POTION... ]' 253 dclick healpot cooldown "Healing Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" and hits <= CurePotHP if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot overhead '[ CURE POTION... ]' 44 dclick curepot cooldown "Cure Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead "[ NO CURE POTS! ]" 337 endif endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if stam < RefreshPotSP and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" backpack as refreshpot overhead '[ REFRESH POTION... ]' 34 dclick refreshpot cooldown "Refresh Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 endif endif endif else ######################## #### TARGET LOOP: #### ######################## @setvar! ClosestTarget lasttarget getlabel ClosestTarget descTarget wait 100 hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target" wait 300 @setvar! NextClosestTarget lasttarget wait 100 if NextClosestTarget != ClosestTarget and find NextClosestTarget ground -1 -1 12 getlabel NextClosestTarget descNextTarget @setvar! NeedtoProvoke 1 endif clearsysmsg if PreviousTarget != ClosestTarget cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 cooldown "Provoked" 0 endif while not dead ClosestTarget if not timerexists "FindTarget" createtimer "FindTarget" settimer "FindTarget" 2000 endif if timer "FindTarget" >= 2000 getlabel ClosestTarget descTarget if not cooldown "Target Timer" if "Paragon" in descTarget overhead " ▼ PARAGON! ▼ " 12 ClosestTarget cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 else overhead " ▼ TARGET ▼ " 253 ClosestTarget cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif endif attack ClosestTarget settimer "FindTarget" 0 endif if not timerexists "FindNextTarget" createtimer "FindNextTarget" settimer "FindNextTarget" 2000 endif if timer "FindNextTarget" >= 2000 and find NextClosestTarget ground -1 -1 12 and NextClosestTarget != ClosestTarget and NextClosestTarget != 0 getlabel NextClosestTarget descNextTarget if not cooldown " Next Target Timer" if "Paragon" in descNextTarget overhead " ▼ PARAGON! ▼ " 12 NextClosestTarget cooldown "Next Target Timer" 4000 else overhead " ▼ TARGET ▼ " 43 NextClosestTarget cooldown "Next Target Timer" 4000 endif endif settimer "FindNextTarget" 0 endif if EnableNobleSacrifice = 1 if hits < NobleSacrificeHP and skill "Chivalry" >= 80 and not cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" and not cooldown "Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry" clearsysmsg yell "[NobleSacrifice" wait 500 if insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg else waitfortarget 500 target 'self' overhead "[ NOBLE SACRIFICE! ]" 155 cooldown "Noble Sacrifice" 31000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 endif endif endif if EnableHolyLight = 1 if hits < HolyLightHP and skill "Chivalry" >= 95 and not cooldown "Holy Light" and not cooldown "Prevented" and not cooldown "Chivalry" clearsysmsg yell "[HolyLight" wait 500 if insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg else overhead "[ HOLY LIGHT! ]" 254 cooldown "Holy Light" 32000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 endif endif endif if EnableCleanseByFire = 1 if hits < CleanseByFireHP and poisoned and not cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" clearsysmsg yell "[CleanseByFire" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Cleanse By Fire" 31000 overhead "[ CLEANSE BY FIRE! ]" 44 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg endif endif endif if EnableCloseWounds = 1 if findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if skill "chivalry" >= 70 and not cooldown "Close Wounds" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" clearsysmsg yell "[CloseWounds" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" cooldown "Close Wounds" 31000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 overhead "[ CLOSE WOUNDS! ]" 149 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 wait 100 clearsysmsg endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if hits < HealPotHP and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot overhead '[ DRINKING HEAL POTION... ]' 253 dclick healpot cooldown "Healing Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" and hits < CurePotHP if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot overhead '[ DRINKING CURE POTION... ]' 44 dclick curepot cooldown "Cure Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead "[ NO CURE POTS! ]" 337 endif endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if stam < RefreshPotSP and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" backpack as refreshpot overhead '[ DRINKING REFRESH POTION... ]' 34 dclick refreshpot cooldown "Refresh Potion" 10500 wait 200 else overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 endif endif endif if paralyzed and EnableParalyzePouch = 1 if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 yell "[pouch" overhead '[ POP!! ]' 149 script "Home Recall (Acct 2)" endif endif if EnableWeaponAbility = 1 if EnableSkirmish = 1 and not cooldown "Weapon Ability" and not cooldown "Skirmish" yell "[WeaponAbility1" wait 250 if insysmsg "You cannot" cooldown "Weapon Ability" 5000 else cooldown "Weapon Ability" 61000 cooldown "Skirmish" 15000 endif elseif EnableFullDraw = 1 and not cooldown "Weapon Ability" and not cooldown "Full Draw" yell "[WeaponAbility2" wait 250 if insysmsg "You cannot" cooldown "Weapon Ability" 5000 else cooldown "Weapon Ability" 61000 cooldown "Full Draw" 15000 endif elseif EnableRepeater = 1 and not cooldown "Weapon Ability" and not cooldown "Repeater" yell "[WeaponAbility3" wait 250 if insysmsg "You cannot" cooldown "Weapon Ability" 5000 else cooldown "Weapon Ability" 61000 cooldown "Repeater" 2000 endif endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 if weight > GreenWarningWeight and weight < YellowWarningWeight and not cooldown "Green Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 69 cooldown "Green Weight Warning" 4000 endif if weight > YellowWarningWeight and weight < RedWeightLimit and not cooldown "Yellow Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING! ]" 153 cooldown "Yellow Weight Warning" 4000 endif if weight > RedWeightLimit overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED!! ]" 37 wait 2500 script "Home Recall (Acct 2)" endif endif if warmode cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 cooldown "Provoked" 0 overhead "[ BARDING BREAK... ]" 333 hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' replay endif if insysmsg "Barding break avoided" overhead "[ BREAK AVOIDED! ]" 6 ClosestTarget endif if EnableAmmoWarningMessage = 1 if findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow' hand # BOLTS @setvar! AMMO 1 elseif findtype 'bow' hand # ARROWS @setvar AMMO 2 endif if counttype "crossbow bolt" self < 25 and not cooldown "Ammunition" and AMMO = 1 overhead "[ AMMO LOW! ]" 37 cooldown "Ammunition" 3000 endif if counttype "arrow" self < 25 and not cooldown "Ammunition" and AMMO = 2 overhead "[ AMMO LOW! ]" 37 cooldown "Ammunition" 3000 endif endif if findtype "arrow|crossbow bolt" backpack hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' endif if not findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow|bow' hand if findtype 'stubnose crossbow|tower guard crossbow|balestra|heavy crossbow|crossbow|bow' backpack as weapon dclick weapon endif endif if not findtype 'metal shield|Chaos shield|Heater shield' lefthand and findtype 'metal shield|Chaos shield|Heater shield' backpack as shield dclick shield endif if insysmsg "Your shot hinders" overhead "[ HINDERED... ]" 333 ClosestTarget clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "Your target overpowers" overhead "[ VICIOUS WOUND! ]" 33 ClosestTarget clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "Your shot turns the target into" or insysmsg "Your shot ricochets" overhead "[ FINISHER!! ]" 37 clearsysmsg endif if not findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" self overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 37 wait 2500 replay endif if insysmsg "You have unlocked a codex upgrade point" overhead "[ CODEX POINT UNLOCKED! ]" 2114 endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack and EnableAutoCarving = 1 if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as body hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' wait 500 overhead "[ SKINNING... ]" 338 dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" waitfortarget 1500 target 'self' wait 500 @ignore body endif else overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 wait 500 endif if EnableArrowCleanup = 1 if findtype 7163|3903 ground -1 -1 2 as item and not cooldown "Cleanup" overhead '[ CLEANUP... ]' 93 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target item wait 1000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' cooldown "Cleanup" 2500 endif if findtype 7163 ground -1 -1 12 as bolt and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 93 bolt cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif if findtype 3903 ground -1 -1 12 as arrow and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 37 arrow cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif endif if EnableProvocation = 1 and find ClosestTarget ground -1 -1 8 and find NextClosestTarget ground -1 -1 10 and ClosestTarget != NextClosestTarget and NextClosestTarget != 0 and not cooldown "Provocation" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not dead NextClosestTarget getlabel ClosestTarget descTarget getlabel NextClosestTarget descNextTarget wait 250 if "provoked" in descTarget @setvar! NeedtoProvoke 0 wait 100 endif if "provoked" in descNextTarget @setvar! NeedtoProvoke 0 wait 100 else @setvar! NeedtoProvoke 1 wait 100 endif if NeedtoProvoke = 1 skill "Provocation" waitfortarget 500 target NextClosestTarget waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen' overhead "[ TARGET CANNOT BE SEEN... ]" 339 NextClosestTarget elseif insysmsg "You must wait" overhead "[ WAITING... ]" 2117 cooldown "Peacemaking" 2500 cooldown "Discordance" 2500 wait 500 elseif insysmsg 'That is too far away.' overhead '[ TOO FAR AWAY! ]' 339 NextClosestTarget else overhead "[ PROVOKING... ]" 2117 target ClosestTarget wait 500 if insysmsg 'You play successfully, provoking' overhead '[ PROVOKED! ]' 2117 ClosestTarget overhead '[ PROVOKED! ]' 2117 NextClosestTarget sysmsg "You play successfully, provoking {{descTarget}} and {{descNextTarget}}!" 2117 cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 cooldown "Provocation" 10500 cooldown "Provoked" ProvocationReapply @setvar! SwitchStance 1 wait 250 if mana > 20 and SwitchStance = 1 yell "[ArcheryAmmunition3" wait 100 yell "[ArcheryFinisher1" cooldown "Codex" 5000 wait 250 if insysmsg "You deactivate" yell "[ArcheryAmmunition3" wait 100 yell "[ArcheryFinisher1" cooldown "Codex" 5000 endif endif elseif insysmsg 'You fail to incite' overhead '[ PROVO FAIL! ]' 37 sysmsg "You fail to provoke {{descTarget}} and {{descNextTarget}}!" 339 cooldown "Provocation" 5000 elseif insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen' overhead "[ TARGET CANNOT BE SEEN... ]" 337 replay elseif insysmsg 'That is too far away.' overhead '[ TOO FAR AWAY! ]' 43 ClosestTarget replay elseif insysmsg 'The creatures you are trying to provoke are too far away from each other for your music to have an effect.' overhead '[ TOO FAR APART! ]' 153 ClosestTarget overhead '[ TOO FAR APART! ]' 153 NextClosestTarget elseif insysmsg 'tell someone to attack themselves!' overhead '[ SELF TARGETING FAIL... ]' 337 replay endif endif endif elseif EnablePeacemaking = 1 and not cooldown "Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not dead ClosestTarget @setvar! NeedtoPacify 1 getlabel ClosestTarget descTarget wait 250 if "provoked" in descTarget or "provoked" in descNextTarget @setvar! NeedtoPacify 0 wait 100 endif if "pacified" in descTarget @setvar! NeedtoPacify 0 wait 100 endif if NeedtoPacify = 1 skill "Peacemaking" waitfortarget 1000 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" as Instrument target Instrument else overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target ClosestTarget wait 500 endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." overhead "[ TARGET CANNOT BE SEEN... ]" 337 replay elseif insysmsg 'That is too far away.' overhead '[ TOO FAR AWAY! ]' 43 ClosestTarget replay elseif insysmsg "You must wait" overhead "[ WAITING... ]" 84 wait 500 endif if insysmsg "You play successfully, pacifying your target" overhead "[ PACIFYING... ]" 84 cooldown "Pacified" PeacemakingReapply cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 cooldown "Peacemaking" 10500 overhead "[ PACIFIED... ]" 84 ClosestTarget sysmsg "You play successfully, pacifying {{descTarget}}!" 84 @setvar! SwitchStance 0 yell "[ArcheryAmmunition1" wait 100 yell "[ArcheryFinisher2" cooldown "Codex" 5000 @setvar! SwitchStance 0 wait 250 if insysmsg "You deactivate" yell "[ArcheryAmmunition1" wait 100 yell "[ArcheryFinisher2" cooldown "Codex" 5000 endif endif if insysmsg "you fail to pacify your opponent" cooldown "Peacemaking" 5000 overhead "[ PEACE FAIL! ]" 37 sysmsg "You fail to pacify {{descTarget}}!" 339 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableDiscordance = 1 and not cooldown "Discordance" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not dead ClosestTarget @setvar! NeedtoDiscord 1 getlabel ClosestTarget descTarget wait 250 if "provoked" in descTarget @setvar! NeedtoDiscord 0 wait 100 endif if "discord" in descTarget @setvar! NeedtoDiscord 0 wait 100 endif if NeedtoDiscord = 1 skill "Discordance" waitfortarget 1000 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" as Instrument target Instrument else overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 endif elseif not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 1000 target ClosestTarget overhead "[ DISCORDING... ]" 69 wait 500 if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." overhead "[ TARGET CANNOT BE SEEN... ]" 337 elseif insysmsg "You must wait" overhead "[ WAITING... ]" 69 wait 500 endif if insysmsg "You play successfully, disrupting your opponent" cooldown "Discorded" DiscordanceReapply cooldown "Musicianship" 5000 cooldown "Discordance" 10500 overhead "[ DISCORDED... ]" 69 ClosestTarget sysmsg "You play successfully, disrupting {{descTarget}}!" 69 endif if insysmsg "You fail to discord your opponent" cooldown "Discordance" 5000 overhead "[ DISCORD FAIL! ]" 37 sysmsg "You fail to discord {{descTarget}}!" 339 endif endif endif endif if EnableDivineFury = 1 if not cooldown "Divine Fury" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" and hits = maxhp clearsysmsg yell "[DivineFury" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" and not insysmsg "You must wait a moment" cooldown "Divine Fury" 35000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 overhead "[ DIVINE FURY! ]" 43 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 endif endif endif if EnableEnemyOfOne = 1 if not cooldown "Enemy Of One" and not cooldown "Chivalry" and not cooldown "Prevented" and hits = maxhp yell "[EnemyOfOne" wait 500 if not insysmsg "You do not have enough holy" and not insysmsg "You must wait a moment" cooldown "Enemy Of One" 35000 cooldown "Chivalry" 500 overhead "[ ENEMY OF ONE! ]" 32 else cooldown "Prevented" 5000 endif endif endif if EnablePeacemakingBuff = 1 and not findbuff "Song Of Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Peacemaking" and not cooldown "Song Buff Delay" skill "Peacemaking" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" as Instrument target Instrument else overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target backpack overhead "[ SONG OF PEACEMAKING... ]" 84 cooldown "Song Of Peacemaking" SongReapply cooldown "Song Buff Delay" SongBuffDelay endif endif if EnableDiscordanceBuff = 1 and not findbuff "Song Of Discordance" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Discordance" and not cooldown "Song Buff Delay" skill "Discordance" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" as Instrument target Instrument else overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target backpack overhead "[ SONG OF DISCORDANCE... ]" 69 cooldown "Song Of Discordance" SongReapply cooldown "Song Buff Delay" SongBuffDelay endif endif if EnableProvocationBuff = 1 and not findbuff "Song of Provocation" and not cooldown "Musicianship" and not cooldown "Provocation" and not cooldown "Song Buff Delay" skill "Provocation" waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?" if findtype "standing harp|sackbut|bamboo flute|tambourine|drum|lute|lap harp" as Instrument target Instrument else overhead "[ NO INSTRUMENT! ]" 337 endif endif if not insysmsg "This is not a musical instrument" waitfortarget 500 target backpack overhead "[ SONG OF PROVOCATION... ]" 334 cooldown "Song Of Provocation" SongReapply cooldown "Song Buff Delay" SongBuffDelay endif endif if insysmsg "world is saving" overhead "[ WORLD SAVE... ]" 253 if not timerexists "WorldSaveTimer" createtimer "WorldSaveTimer" endif settimer "WorldSaveTimer" 0 while timer "WorldSaveTimer" < 3000 if insysmsg "save complete" break endif endwhile overhead "[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]" 253 endif endwhile if insysmsg "You have unlocked a codex upgrade point" overhead "[ CODEX POINT UNLOCKED! ]" 2114 endif if insysmsg "You have gained" overhead "[ TARGET ELIMINATED!! ]" 149 sysmsg "You have killed {{descTarget}}!" 6 cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 cooldown "Provoked" 0 else overhead "[ TARGET LOST... ]" 33 cooldown "Pacified" 0 cooldown "Discorded" 0 cooldown "Provoked" 0 endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack and EnableAutoCarving = 1 if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as body hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' wait 500 overhead "[ SKINNING... ]" 338 dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" waitfortarget 1500 target 'self' wait 500 @ignore body endif else overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 wait 500 endif if paralyzed and EnableParalyzePouch = 1 if findtype "pouch" backpack yell "[pouch" overhead '[ POP!! ]' 149 script "Home Recall (Acct 2)" endif endif if EnableArrowCleanup = 1 if findtype 7163|3903 ground -1 -1 2 as item and not cooldown "Cleanup" overhead '[ CLEANUP... ]' 93 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target item wait 1000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' cooldown "Cleanup" 2500 endif if findtype 7163 ground -1 -1 12 as bolt and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 93 bolt cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif if findtype 3903 ground -1 -1 12 as arrow and not cooldown "Radar" overhead "▼" 37 arrow cooldown "Radar" 2500 endif endif if insysmsg "world is saving" overhead "[ WORLD SAVE... ]" 253 if not timerexists "WorldSaveTimer" createtimer "WorldSaveTimer" endif settimer "WorldSaveTimer" 0 while timer "WorldSaveTimer" < 3000 if insysmsg "save complete" break endif endwhile overhead "[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]" 253 endif endif replay else wait 2000 overhead "Well... shit..." 6 wait 2000 overhead '[ STOPPING SCRIPT... ]' 37 stop endif //////// REACH OUT AND LET ME KNOW IF THERE'S ANY ISSUES: DAN@DANSTOCKMAN.COM /////