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Create bulk Mushrooms with Shelf - Uses Wither/Eats Shrooms by kc.jones

Description: Use a necromancer to stock your Storage Shelf with ease! This script uses Wither to give extra mana and will eat mushrooms on cooldown to keep it going for as long as possible before meditation breaks. Enjoy!

////Create Mushrooms with Storage Shelf//// ////Uses Mushrooms and Wither to maintain mana//// @setvar! EatShroom 1 @setvar! EatShroomTimerCD 60000 @setvar! EatShroomAtDiffMana 35 @setvar! castWither 1 @setvar! castWitherTimerCD 31000 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if not timerexists EatShroomTimer settimer EatShroomTimer EatShroomTimerCD endif if not timerexists castWitherTimer settimer castWitherTimer castWitherTimerCD endif if EatShroom = 1 and timer EatShroomTimer >= EatShroomTimerCD and diffmana >= EatShroomAtDiffMana and findtype 29012 backpack 2963 as shroomItem dclick shroomItem getlabel backpack PingCheck if insysmsg "You are already at your maximum mana." // do nothing elseif insysmsg "You consume a magic mushroom and restore some mana." settimer EatShroomTimer 0 wait 650 endif endif if castWither = 1 and timer castWitherTimer >= castWitherTimerCD cast 'Wither' settimer castWitherTimer 0 wait 650 endif if mana < 15 while mana < 90 if not findbuff "actively meditating" useskill 'meditation' endif wait 1000 endwhile elseif count 'Mandrake Root' > 10 cast 'create food' wait 800 elseif findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf menu shelf 0 wft 500 target self wait 200 menu shelf 1 wait 200 endif loop