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Magery One Button Hotkey by jolanar

Related: Magery


Set the variables as desired. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

This will cast Reactive Armor if it's needed. It can also cast Leyline if you want. It will also use cure potion, heal potion if needed. You'll need to set a 5 second Leyline cooldown so that it doesn't just constantly turn it on and off. It will then cast Flamestrike until you are below 60 mana, then it will cast Magic Arrow, Harm, Fireball, Lightning if they are off cooldown (use variables to set cooldown length). Otherwise it will cast Flamestrike until below 40 mana, then Mind Blast.

#Wizard Grimoire @setvar! castLightning 1 @setvar! cdLightning 20000 @setvar! castFireball 1 @setvar! cdFireball 40000 @setvar! castHarm 1 @setvar! cdHarm 20000 @setvar! castArrow 1 @setvar! cdArrow 20000 #Potions @setvar! useCurePotion 1 @setvar! useHealthPotion 1 #Misc @setvar! castFlamestrike 1 @setvar! castLeyline 1 @setvar! cdLeyline 5000 @setvar! castReactiveArmor 1 @setvar! useTaunt 0 if useCurePotion = 1 and poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot endif endif if useHealthPotion = 1 and diffhits > 50 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot endif endif if castReactiveArmor = 1 and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and mana >= 5 cast "Reactive Armor" endif endif if useTaunt = 1 and not cooldown Taunt say '[taunt' stop endif if diffmana > 30 and not cooldown Leyline and castLeyline = 1 say '[weaponability2' cooldown Leyline cdLeyline endif if castFlamestrike = 1 and mana >= 80 cast 'Flamestrike' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile stop endif if castArrow = 1 and mana >= 5 and not cooldown Arrow cast 'magic arrow' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile cooldown Arrow cdArrow stop endif if castHarm = 1 and mana >= 9 and not cooldown Harm cast 'harm' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile cooldown Harm cdHarm stop endif if castFireball = 1 and mana >= 12 and not cooldown Fireball cast 'fireball' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile cooldown Fireball cdFireball stop endif if castLightning = 1 and mana >= 12 and not cooldown Lightning cast 'Lightning' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile cooldown Lightning cdLightning stop endif if mana < 40 and not cooldown MagicMushroom hotkey 'Eat Magic Mushroom' endif if castFlamestrike = 1 and mana >= 40 cast 'Flamestrike' while not targetexists endwhile while targetexists endwhile stop endif cast 'mind blast'