Back to "itemid" skill

identify all items by flutschi

Related: ItemID

4#the bag where the items are
5setvar idBag 
6#the bag where the good items go
7@setvar! goodBag
9#dclick the main bag if you need to, otherwise comment it out with a #
10dclick 0x425C236E
12pause 500
14@setvar! tinkerTool 7864
16#here we open the bags
17dclick idBag
18dclick goodBag
20pause 1000
23createlist ItemTypes
24//martial manual
26@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 22187
28@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b72 //BronzeShields
29@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b73 //Buckler
30@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7b //MetalShield
31@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b74 //MetalKiteShield
32@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //TearKiteShield
33@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //WoodenShield
34@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b76 //HeaterShield
35@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b77 //HeaterShield
37@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1408 //CloseHelmet
38@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1410 //PlatemailArms
39@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1417 //PlatemailArms
40@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1411 //PlatemailLegs
41@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1412 //PlateHelm
42@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1413 //PlateGorget
43@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1418 //PlatemailGloves
44@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1415 //PlateChest
45@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140a //Helmet
46@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140c //Bascinet
47@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140e //NorseHelm
49@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13bb //ChainmailCoif
50@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c3 //ChainmailLeggins
51@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c4 //ChainmailChest
52@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c0 //ChainmailHelm
54@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ef //RingmailArms
55@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f2 //RingmailGloves
56@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ed //RingmailChest
57@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f1 //RingmailLeggins
58@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140b //RingmailHelm
60@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1dba //Studdedcap
61@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e1 //StuddedLeggings
62@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13db //StuddedTunic
63@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d5 //StuddedGloves
64@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d6 //StuddedGorget
65@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dc //StuddedSleeves
67@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ce //LeatherGloves
68@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cd //LeatherSleeves
69@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d3 //LeatherChest
70@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cb //LeatherPants
71@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c7 //LeatherGorget
72@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1db9 //LeatherCap
73@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c5 //LeatherArms
75@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c04 //FemalePlate
76@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemalePlateSkirt
77@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0c //FemaleStuddedBustier
78@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c02 //FemaleStuddedArmor
79@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleRingmailSkirt
80@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c00 //FemaleLeatherShorts
81@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleLeatherSkirt
82@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c06 //FemaleLeatherArmor
83@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0b //FemaleLeatherBustier
84@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleBoneSkirt
86@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf62  //Spear
87@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1403 //ShortSpear
88@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe87  //Pitchfork
89@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1405 //Warfork
90@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1401 //Kryss
91@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf52  //Dagger
93@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b0 //Waraxe
94@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf0  //BlackStaff
95@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1439 //WarHammer
96@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1407 //WarMace
97@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe89  //QuarterStaff
98@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143d //HammerPick
99@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b4 //Club
100@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe81  //ShepherdsCrook
101@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f8 //GnarledStaff
102@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5c  //Mace
103@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143b //Maul
105@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b9 //VikingSword
106@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf61  //Longsword
107@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1441 //Cutlass
108@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b6 //Scimitar
109@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec4  //SkinningKnife
110@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f6 //ButcherKnife
111@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5e  //Broadsword
112@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ff //Katana
113@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec3  //Cleaver
115@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf43 //Hatchet
116@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf45 //ExecutionersAxe
117@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4d //Bardiche
118@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4b  //DoubleAxe
119@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143e //Halberd
120@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fb //LargeBattleAxe
121@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1443 //TwoHandedAxe
122@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf47  //BattleAxe
123@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf49  //Axe
125@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fd //HeavyXbow
126@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf50  //Xbow
127@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b2 //bow
129@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb2 //Harp
130@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9c //Drums
131@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb3 //Lute
132@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9e //Tambourine
133@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x2805 //BambooFlute
134//Other Helmets
135@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140f //NorseHelm
137@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1451 //BoneHelm
138@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1457 //BoneLegs
139@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1453 //BoneArms
140@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1455 //BoneGloves
142@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf2 //SlayerWands
143@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf3 //SlayerWands
144@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf4 //SlayerWands
145@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands
146//OtherSTuff, that wasnt in list...
147@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands
148@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xefa //SpellBook
149@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x141a //platemailleggings
150@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //woodenshield
151@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e2 //studdedchets
152@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //woodenkiteshield
153@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x26bd //harpoon
154@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c05 //Femaleplatechest
155@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0d //studdedbrasier
156@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c01 //leathershorts
157@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b75 //metalkiteshield
158@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c07 //Femaleleather
159@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1416 //platemailchest
160@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dd //studdedgloves
161@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1454 //Bonechest
162@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d2 //leatherleggings
163@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1409 //closehelm
164@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d4 //studdedarms
167#outland items
168@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31009 //studdedarms
169@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31004 //studdedarms
170@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31035 //studdedarms
171@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31178 //studdedarms
172@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31031 //studdedarms
173@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30991 //studdedarms
174@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31037 //studdedarms
175@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31021 //studdedarms
176@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31041 //studdedarms
177@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20016 //studdedarms
178@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30994 //studdedarms
179@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 7109 //studdedarms
180@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31047 //studdedarms
181@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31011 //studdedarms
182@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31142 //studdedarms
183@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31002 //studdedarms
184@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20012 //studdedarms
185@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31038 //studdedarms
186@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31006 //studdedarms
187@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31017 //studdedarms
188@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31027 //studdedarms
189@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31029 //studdedarms
190@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30993 //studdedarms
191@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20008 //studdedarms
192@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20008 //studdedarms
193@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31003 //studdedarms
194@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31182 //studdedarms
195@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31190 //studdedarms
196@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30995 //studdedarms
197@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20010 //studdedarms
198@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31000 //studdedarms
199@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20014 //studdedarms
200@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 7107 //studdedarms
201@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 24434 //studdedarms
202@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31012 //studdedarms
203@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30993 //studdedarms
204@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30998 //studdedarms
205@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30993 //studdedarms
206@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30989 //studdedarms
207@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31045 //studdedarms
208@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31184 //studdedarms
209@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30996 //studdedarms
210@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31176 //studdedarms
211@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31128 //studdedarms
212@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31191 //studdedarms
213@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31015 //studdedarms
214@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30990 //studdedarms
215@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31005 //studdedarms
216@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 3915 //studdedarms
217@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31176 //studdedarms
218@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31007 //studdedarms
219@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31008 //studdedarms
220@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31130 //studdedarms
221@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30997 //studdedarms
222@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31053 //studdedarms
223@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31055 //studdedarms
224@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31001 //studdedarms
225@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20014 //studdedarms
226@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31010 //studdedarms
227@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30992 //studdedarms
228@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31010 //studdedarms
229@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31001 //studdedarms
230@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30988
231@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31186
232@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31141
233@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31188
234@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31019
235@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31169
236@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20006
237@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31014
238@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31001
239@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31043
240@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31033
241@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31001
242@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31180
243@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31023
244@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31172
245@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31051
246@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30999
247@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31049
248@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31180
249@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31025
250@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31180
252overhead 'identify'
253foreach x in ItemTypes
255    while findtype x idBag as found
256        hotkey 'set last target'
257        target found
258        @setvar myVariable lasttarget
259        wait 200
260        getlabel 'myVariable' myLabel
261        overhead '{{myLabel}}'
262        if 'unidentified' in myLabel
263            skill 'itemidentification'
264            waitfortarget
265            target myVariable
266            wait 500
267        endif
268        pause 500
269        getlabel 'myVariable' myLabel        
270        pause 200
271        if 'unidentified' in myLabel
272            sysmsg 'Failed ItemID' 33
273            #lift myVariable 1
274            #drop idBag -1 -1 0
275        endif
276        if 'supremely' in myLabel
277            #This is the keeper routine
278            sysmsg 'Keeper Item' 33
279            lift myVariable 1
280            drop goodBag -1 -1 0
281        elseif 'invulnerability' in myLabel
282            #This is the keeper routine
283            sysmsg 'Keeper Item' 33
284            lift myVariable 1
285            drop goodBag -1 -1 0
286        elseif 'vanquishing' in myLabel
287            #This is the keeper routine
288            sysmsg 'Keeper Item' 33
289            lift myVariable 1
290            drop goodBag -1 -1 0
291        elseif 'enticement' in myLabel
292            #This is the keeper routine
293            sysmsg 'Keeper Item' 33
294            lift myVariable 1
295            drop goodBag -1 -1 0
296        elseif 'slaying' in myLabel
297            #This is the keeper routine
298            sysmsg 'Keeper Item' 33
299            lift myVariable 1
300            drop goodBag -1 -1 0
301        else
302            #This stuff can be trashed
303            sysmsg 'Junker' 33
304            lift myVariable 1
305            drop backpack -1 -1 0
306            pause 500
307            dclicktype 7864
308            pause 500
309            gumpresponse 3
310            waitfortarget
311            waitforgump 949095101
312            targettype  x
313            waitforgump 949095101
314            pause 500
315        endif
316        @ignore myVariable
317        pause 500
318    endwhile
321pause 500
322organizer 9
323pause 5000
325overhead 'finished identify'
326guild 'finished identify'