Witcher Travel by nev0r

Description: UO Outlands has an inofficial rune travelling system created by Witcher

It has a high location density allowing us to get around the map very quickly

You can find all marked spots on https://www.exploreoutlands.com/

Fast travel like a Witcher with this script by simply typing the rune number in-game

Warning: This is potentially a huge script, skipping formatting.

You can still click [Copy Script] but you may want use [Download Script] as a file instead.

#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-# # KAL ' Witcher Travel ' VAS # # ORT ' for UO Outlands ' REL # # POR ' Version 1 ' POR # #-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-# #' 1) General information ' // UO Outlands has an inofficial 'rune travelling system created by Witcher' // It has a high location density allowing us to get around the map very quickly // You can find all marked spots on 'https://www.exploreoutlands.com/' // Fast travel like a Witcher with this script by simply typing the rune number in-game // WARNING: server system messages are needed to determine necessary actions, make sure they are not filtered for scripts: // Razor -> Filters -> Text&Messages -> // - Uncheck 'Filter repeating system messages' // - 'Enable text filter' and 'Filter system messages' (list entry sub-menu) can be checked, however 'Ignore filtered messages in overhead and scripts' (list entry sub-menu) has to be unchecked #' 2) How to set up ' // - Reference are the 14 rune tomes openly accessible at 'Cambria Rune Library (Coords: 1706, 3181)' // o These tomes are set as default and will be detected automatically // o Location shown in this post: 'https://forums.uooutlands.com/index.php?threads/witchers-updated-guide-to-tmaps-how-you-can-and-why-you-should-be-running-your-own-tmaps.3439/' // - Other correctly named tomes on the ground, or held in your backpack, are also detected automatically // o Tome names have to include (for tome 1 to 14 respectively): 1-24, 25-49, 50-75, 76-99, 100-123, 124-149, 150-175, 176-201, 202-227, 228-249, 250-275, 276-301, 302-327, 328-353 // - When using your own tomes, you can set their serials to increase speed (scroll down to manual setup -> Tome serial presets) // o WARNING: You may be sent to the wrong location in case your runes are in a different order than they are in the reference library // - Custom locations (= not marked on exploreoutlands.com) are not supported, keep custom runes in a separate rune tome if you want to use this script // 'Minimal requirements': // - Ability to recall, using magery or scrolls // - Access to a 'witcher tome library' with correctly set up tomes (see info above) // - A 'marked rune in backpack', a runebook in a secure container/bank box (locked down does not work), or a rune tome (backpack, secure container, or locked down with access rights to change the name) // 'Optimal setup': // - Ability to recall and gate travel using magery // - Access to correctly named 'witcher tomes in backpack or locked down' (see info above) // - A 'blessed runebook or runetome in backpack', a runebook in a secure container/bank box (locked down does not work), or a rune tome (backpack, secure container, or locked down with access rights to change the name) // o 'WARNING': Do not keep non blessed runebooks or tomes in your backpack, they can be stolen and drop to your corpse when killed #' 3) How to use ' // - 'Run the script' // o In case there are multiple marked runes, runebooks or runetomes found as possible input source you will get a prompt to select the desired one // o You can skip this by setting up the serial of the desired one (scroll down to manual setup -> Input source) // o To use a runebook, runetome or witcher tomes stored in a secure container/bank you have to specify which containers have to be opened to get to the items (scroll down to manual setup -> Input source) // - 'Type the desired rune number' when asked to do so // o The script is going to rename your marked rune, runebook or runetome according to your input // o Afterwards it reads the rune/book label and tries to find the correct witcher tome // - If a tome containing the desired rune can be found you are either transported there, or the book page is opened (according to your preference, set in the manual setup section below) #' 4) How to find out item serials ' // - Type '>info' ingame // - Target the item you want to investigate and wait for the info-gump to open // - Hit the little blue dot next to 'serial' to copy it // - Paste to desired position // o For a variable make it look like this: 'setvar! example 0x546B015F' // o In case of a list it has to look like this: 'pushlist exampleList 0x546B015F' ##############' MANUAL SETUP '############## // AutoTravel: Do you want to automatically initiate the cast, or only open the tome page? // 0 ... Open tome page, manually click the cast button // 1 ... Automatically recall or gate setvar! AutoTravel 0 // UseGateTravel: Set which mode of travel you prefer // 0 ... Recall // 1 ... Gate Travel setvar! UseGateTravel 0 // UseScrolls: Set if you want to exclusively use scrolls // 0 ... Recall/gate using magery and reagents whenever possible (only use scrolls if out of regs or magery too low) // 1 ... Exclusively use scrolls to recall/gate setvar! UseScrolls 0 //AutoRefillScrolls: Resupply rune tome with a scroll when no charges left (only works if AutoTravel is set to 1) // 0 ... Do not put charges to tome // 1 ... Charge tome if needed and scroll available (backpack and storage shelf within 2 tiles range are going to be searched for scrolls) setvar! AutoRefillScrolls 0 // ' INPUT SOURCE ' // //UseBook: Do you want to use marked runes, or a runebook/tome // 0 ... Marked rune in backpack // 1 ... Runebook in backpack or bank/container // 2 ... Runetome in backpack, bank/container or locked down (with access rights to rename it) // NOTE: Add container serials to RunebookContainerList down below when using a runebook/tome stored in your bank or secure container // Books as input source also accept partial matches (i.e. typing 555 would match rune number 55) setvar! UseBook 0 //MarkedRuneSerial: Add the serial of your marked rune, has to be in your backpack //NOTE: Only needs to be set if you use marked runes and carry multiple //WARNING: Runes can be stolen and drop to your corpse when killed setvar! MarkedRuneSerial 0x //BookOrTomeSerial: Add the serial of your desired runebook/tome //NOTE: Only needs to be set if you carry multiple, or you are using it from your bank/container //WARNING: Do not keep non blessed runebooks or -tomes in your backpack, they can be stolen and drop to your corpse when killed setvar! BookOrTomeSerial 0x //RunebookContainerList: Add all container serials in the correct order they need to be opened to get to your runebook/tome // Write 'Bank' if you want to use your bank box //NOTE: For runebooks only secured containers and bank are going to work //Do not edit the next two lines removelist RunebookContainerList createlist RunebookContainerList //Put your container serials here (max. 18, add/remove # to comment/uncomment): #pushlist RunebookContainerList "Bank" #pushlist RunebookContainerList 0x // ' TOME SERIAL PRESETS ' // //WitcherTomeContainerList: Add all container 'serials' in the correct order they need to be opened to get to your witcher rune tomes // Write 'Bank' if you want to use your bank box //NOTE: Not needed if your witcher tomes are in the same container as the input runebook/tome //Do not edit the next two lines removelist WitcherTomeContainerList createlist WitcherTomeContainerList //Put your container serials here (max. 18, add/remove # to comment/uncomment): #pushlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" #pushlist WitcherTomeContainerList 0x //Add your own witcher tome 'serials' here to increase performance setvar! myWitcherTome_01 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_02 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_03 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_04 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_05 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_06 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_07 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_08 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_09 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_10 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_11 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_12 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_13 0x setvar! myWitcherTome_14 0x //Rune library serials - South of cambria moongate (Loc: 1706, 3181) setvar! libWitcherTome_01 0x546B015F setvar! libWitcherTome_02 0x546AF790 setvar! libWitcherTome_03 0x43757C23 setvar! libWitcherTome_04 0x43756325 setvar! libWitcherTome_05 0x43755561 setvar! libWitcherTome_06 0x43752730 setvar! libWitcherTome_07 0x437548AB setvar! libWitcherTome_08 0x43751C83 setvar! libWitcherTome_09 0x43752E07 setvar! libWitcherTome_10 0x43755E41 setvar! libWitcherTome_11 0x4B99B20C setvar! libWitcherTome_12 0x546ACD06 setvar! libWitcherTome_13 0x4374EB77 setvar! libWitcherTome_14 0x4374E53D ############################################# #-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-# ##############' END SETUP '############## #-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-#-~-# ############################################# //Output debug info setvar! witDebugMode 0 //Colors setvar! cGreen 68 setvar! cLightBlue 100 setvar! cLightOrange 145 setvar! cRed 33 setvar! cYellow 55 //Variables and Timers setvar! globalWaitForServerResponse 500 setvar! globalMaxWaitForServerResponse 1000 if not timerexists globalObjectDelayTimer setvar! globalWaitForObjectDelay 600 settimer globalObjectDelayTimer globalWaitForObjectDelay endif setvar! witRuneBookGumpID 1551740969 setvar! witRuneTomeGumpID 167090027 setvar! witRuneTomeRenameGumpID 1263030975 setvar! witSearchRange 18 setvar! witNPCMenuMaxRange 12 if not timerexists witWaitTimer settimer witWaitTimer globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endif if not timerexists witOverheadTimer setvar! witOverheadCD 3000 settimer witOverheadTimer witOverheadCD endif if not listexists RunebookContainerList createlist RunebookContainerList endif if not listexists WitcherTomeContainerList createlist WitcherTomeContainerList endif //Main loop, only used for flow control while not dead //Mana check if UseGateTravel = 1 and mana < 40 or mana < 11 overhead "|* Not enough mana *|" cRed break endif //Skill check if UseGateTravel = 1 and skill "Magery" < 50 overhead "|* Magery skill too low *|" cRed overhead "Need 50 Magery for gate charge" cRed break elseif UseGateTravel = 1 and UseScrolls = 0 and skill "Magery" < 90 overhead "|* Magery skill low *|" cLightOrange overhead "Using gate charge" cLightOrange setvar! UseScrolls 1 elseif UseGateTravel = 0 and UseScrolls = 0 and skill "Magery" < 60 overhead "|* Magery skill low *|" cLightOrange overhead "Using recall charge" cLightOrange setvar! UseScrolls 1 endif //Reg check @clearignore if UseGateTravel = 1 and UseScrolls = 0 if not findtype 3962 self or not findtype 3974 self or not findtype 3980 self overhead "|* Regs missing *|" cLightOrange overhead "Using gate charge" cLightOrange setvar! UseScrolls 1 endif elseif UseScrolls = 0 if not findtype 3962 self or not findtype 3963 self or not findtype 3974 self overhead "|* Regs missing *|" cLightOrange overhead "Using recall charge" cLightOrange setvar! UseScrolls 1 endif endif if witDebugMode > 0 settimer witRunTimer 0 sysmsg "< Witcher Travel >" cLightBlue endif if insysmsg "Please enter a description for this marked object:" or insysmsg "Please enter a title for the runebook:" or insysmsg "The etching on the rune has been changed." or insysmsg "The book's title has been changed." or insysmsg "You rename the runetome." or insysmsg "world is saving" //' Clear relevant system messages endif //Clear cursor if targetexists target cancel endif //Bank box management if find libWitcherTome_01 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_02 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_03 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_04 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_05 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_06 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_07 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_08 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_09 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_10 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_11 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_12 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_13 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_14 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange clearlist RunebookContainerList clearlist WitcherTomeContainerList elseif inlist RunebookContainerList "bank" or inlist RunebookContainerList "Bank" or inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "bank" or inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Searching banker npc ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif setvar! witBankerSerial 0 if findtype "Alligra|Alphonse|Becca|Brandi|Britta|Corbin|Daryl|Duane|Errol|Feronia|Fielding|Ganesa|Ingmar|Len|Orlantha|Osmond|Rafferty|Renee|Roi|Stanton|Stephan|Sun|Susan|Tano|Trind|Zakia" ground -1 -1 witNPCMenuMaxRange as localBanker getlabel localBanker localBankerLabel if "the banker" in localBankerLabel setvar! witBankerSerial localBanker endif endif if witBankerSerial = 0 removelist witNPCList createlist witNPCList settimer witWaitTimer 0 hotkey 'Next Monster Target' wait 10 setvar! witNPCSerial lasttarget while not inlist witNPCList witNPCSerial and timer witWaitTimer < 5000 pushlist witNPCList witNPCSerial if noto witNPCSerial != "invulnerable" //Skip elseif find witNPCSerial ground -1 -1 witNPCMenuMaxRange getlabel witNPCSerial witNPCLabel if "the banker" in witNPCLabel setvar! witBankerSerial witNPCSerial break endif endif hotkey 'Next Monster Target' wait 10 setvar! witNPCSerial lasttarget endwhile removelist witNPCList unsetvar witNPCSerial endif if witBankerSerial > 0 menu witBankerSerial 3 else if inlist RunebookContainerList "bank" or inlist RunebookContainerList "Bank" clearlist RunebookContainerList endif if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "bank" or inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" clearlist WitcherTomeContainerList endif endif if witDebugMode > 0 if witBankerSerial > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Banker found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue overhead "< Banker >" cGreen witBankerSerial overhead " ▼ " cGreen witBankerSerial elseif timer witWaitTimer > 5000 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Banker search timeout ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue else sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] No banker found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif endif unsetvar witBankerSerial endif //Set user input source setvar! witParentContainer 0 setvar! witSharedParentContainer 0 if UseBook > 0 //Runebook if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Searching runebook ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif if list RunebookContainerList > 0 and list WitcherTomeContainerList > 0 //Convert hex serials to dec for comparison removelist witConvertList createlist witConvertList if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "bank" or inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" poplist WitcherTomeContainerList "bank" poplist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" pushlist witConvertList "Bank" endif while list WitcherTomeContainerList > 0 if poplist WitcherTomeContainerList front as localDecSerial pushlist witConvertList localDecSerial endif endwhile if inlist witConvertList "Bank" poplist witConvertList "Bank" pushlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" endif while list witConvertList > 0 if poplist witConvertList front as localDecSerial pushlist WitcherTomeContainerList localDecSerial endif endwhile removelist witConvertList endif //Open all containers specified by the user while list RunebookContainerList > 0 if inlist RunebookContainerList "bank" or inlist RunebookContainerList "Bank" setvar! witParentContainer self poplist RunebookContainerList "bank" poplist RunebookContainerList "Bank" if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" setvar! witSharedParentContainer 1 poplist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" endif elseif poplist RunebookContainerList front as localContainer while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile if witParentContainer = 0 //Main-container if find localContainer ground -1 -1 2 dclick localContainer settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 setvar! witParentContainer localContainer if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList localContainer setvar! witSharedParentContainer 1 endif elseif find localContainer backpack break elseif witDebugMode > 0 if UseBook = 1 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runebook-Container not found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightOrange elseif UseBook = 2 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runetome-Container not found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightOrange endif break endif else //Sub-container settimer witWaitTimer 0 while not find localContainer witParentContainer and timer witWaitTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endwhile if not find localContainer witParentContainer if witDebugMode > 0 if UseBook = 1 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runebook-Subcontainer not found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightOrange elseif UseBook = 2 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runetome-Subcontainer not found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightOrange endif endif break endif dclick localContainer settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 endif if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList localContainer poplist WitcherTomeContainerList localContainer endif endif if list RunebookContainerList = 0 settimer witWaitTimer 0 while timer witWaitTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse if find BookOrTomeSerial witParentContainer if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] All containers opened ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif break endif endwhile if witDebugMode > 0 and timer witWaitTimer > globalMaxWaitForServerResponse if UseBook = 1 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runebook search timeout ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cRed elseif UseBook = 2 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runetome search timeout ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cRed endif endif endif endwhile setvar! witRunebookFound 0 if witParentContainer = 0 if find BookOrTomeSerial backpack setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 1 and counttype "runebook" backpack = 1 and findtype "runebook" backpack as localRunebookSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunebookSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 2 and counttype "runetome" backpack = 1 and findtype "runetome" backpack as localRunetomeSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunetomeSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 endif else if find BookOrTomeSerial witParentContainer setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 1 and counttype "runebook" witParentContainer = 1 and findtype "runebook" witParentContainer as localRunebookSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunebookSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 1 and counttype "runebook" backpack = 1 and findtype "runebook" backpack as localRunebookSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunebookSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 2 and counttype "runetome" witParentContainer = 1 and findtype "runetome" witParentContainer as localRunetomeSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunetomeSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 elseif UseBook = 2 and counttype "runetome" backpack = 1 and findtype "runetome" backpack as localRunetomeSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial localRunetomeSerial setvar! witRunebookFound 1 else hotkey "Set Last Target" wft globalWaitForServerResponse endif endif if witRunebookFound = 0 hotkey "Set Last Target" wft globalWaitForServerResponse endif unsetvar witRunebookFound if targetexists settimer witOverheadTimer witOverheadCD while targetexists if timer witOverheadTimer > witOverheadCD if UseBook = 1 overhead "|* Target your runebook *|" cYellow overhead "Backpack or secure container" cLightOrange overhead "Ground is not a valid source" cLightOrange elseif UseBook = 2 overhead "|* Target your runetome *|" cYellow overhead "Need access right to rename" cLightOrange else overhead "|* Target runebook or tome *|" cYellow endif settimer witOverheadTimer 0 endif endwhile setvar! BookOrTomeSerial lasttarget endif getlabel BookOrTomeSerial witRunebookLabel if "runebook" in witRunebookLabel setvar! UseBook 1 if find BookOrTomeSerial ground overhead "|* No usable Runebook found *|" cRed break endif if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runebook set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cGreen endif overhead "< Using this runebook >" cGreen BookOrTomeSerial overhead " ▼ " cGreen BookOrTomeSerial elseif "rune tome" in witRunebookLabel setvar! UseBook 2 if insysmsg "You do not have access rights to do that." endif if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Runetome set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cGreen endif overhead "< Using this runetome >" cGreen BookOrTomeSerial overhead " ▼ " cGreen BookOrTomeSerial //Warn if selection has a witcher tome label, do we really want to rename this? if "1-24" in witRunebookLabel or "1 - 24" in witRunebookLabel or "25-49" in witRunebookLabel or "25 - 49" in witRunebookLabel or "50-75" in witRunebookLabel or "50 - 75" in witRunebookLabel or "76-99" in witRunebookLabel or "76 - 99" in witRunebookLabel or "100-123" in witRunebookLabel or "100 - 123" in witRunebookLabel or "124-149" in witRunebookLabel or "124 - 149" in witRunebookLabel or "150-175" in witRunebookLabel or "150 - 175" in witRunebookLabel or "176-201" in witRunebookLabel or "176 - 201" in witRunebookLabel or "202-227" in witRunebookLabel or "202 - 227" in witRunebookLabel or "228-249" in witRunebookLabel or "228 - 249" in witRunebookLabel or "250-275" in witRunebookLabel or "250 - 275" in witRunebookLabel or "276-301" in witRunebookLabel or "276 - 301" in witRunebookLabel or "302-327" in witRunebookLabel or "302 - 327" in witRunebookLabel or "328-353" in witRunebookLabel or "328 - 353" in witRunebookLabel overhead "Book probably is a witcher tome" 33 overhead "?? Continue ??" 33 wait globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endif else if find BookOrTomeSerial backpack dclick BookOrTomeSerial settimer globalWaitForObjectDelay 0 getlabel backpack waitForPing endif if not insysmsg! "Please enter a description for this marked object:" overhead "|* Selected item invalid *|" cRed if witDebugMode > 0 overhead "< Wrong source selection >" cRed BookOrTomeSerial overhead " ▼ " cRed BookOrTomeSerial endif break endif setvar! MarkedRuneSerial BookOrTomeSerial setvar! UseBook 0 endif else //Marked rune if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Searching marked rune ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif if not findtype "recall rune" backpack 0 overhead "|** Rune not found **|" cRed overhead "Need a marked rune in backpack" cLightOrange break elseif not find MarkedRuneSerial backpack and counttype "recall rune" backpack 0 = 1 and findtype "recall rune" backpack 0 as localRune setvar! MarkedRuneSerial localRune elseif MarkedRuneSerial > 0 and not find MarkedRuneSerial backpack or MarkedRuneSerial = 0 hotkey "Set Last Target" settimer witOverheadTimer witOverheadCD wft globalWaitForServerResponse while targetexists if timer witOverheadTimer > witOverheadCD overhead "|* Target marked rune *|" cYellow overhead "Must be in backpack" cLightOrange overhead "Ground is not a valid source" cLightOrange settimer witOverheadTimer 0 endif endwhile setvar! MarkedRuneSerial lasttarget endif if hue MarkedRuneSerial != 0 overhead "|** Target a marked rune **|" cRed continue elseif not find MarkedRuneSerial backpack overhead "|** Rune not found **|" cRed overhead "Need a marked rune in backpack" cLightOrange break endif if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Rune set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cGreen endif overhead "< Using this rune >" cGreen MarkedRuneSerial overhead " ▼ " cGreen MarkedRuneSerial endif if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] User input source set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif //Prompt user for destination while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile if UseBook = 1 dclick BookOrTomeSerial setvar! witInputItemSerial BookOrTomeSerial setvar! MarkedRuneSerial 0 settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 waitforgump witRuneBookGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse if gumpexists witRuneBookGumpID gumpresponse 1 witRuneBookGumpID gumpclose witRuneBookGumpID else overhead "|* Failed to open prompt *|" cRed break endif elseif UseBook = 2 dclick BookOrTomeSerial setvar! witInputItemSerial BookOrTomeSerial setvar! MarkedRuneSerial 0 settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 waitforgump witRuneTomeGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse if gumpexists witRuneTomeGumpID gumpresponse 2 witRuneTomeGumpID getlabel backpack waitForPing if insysmsg "You do not have access rights to do that." overhead "|* Selected item invalid *|" cRed overhead "No access right to change name" cYellow if witDebugMode > 0 overhead "< Wrong source selection >" cRed BookOrTomeSerial overhead " ▼ " cRed BookOrTomeSerial endif break endif waitforgump witRuneTomeRenameGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse gumpclose witRuneTomeGumpID else overhead "|* Failed to open prompt *|" cRed break endif else if not insysmsg! "Please enter a description for this marked object:" dclick MarkedRuneSerial settimer globalWaitForObjectDelay 0 endif setvar! witInputItemSerial MarkedRuneSerial setvar! BookOrTomeSerial 0 endif settimer witWaitTimer 0 hotkey "Set Last Target" overhead "|* Enter rune number *|" cGreen overhead "or ESC to cancel" cYellow overhead "Please ignore target cursor" cYellow settimer witOverheadTimer 0 //Check if we can use the library preset if find libWitcherTome_01 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_02 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_03 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_04 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_05 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_06 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_07 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_08 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_09 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_10 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_11 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_12 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_13 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find libWitcherTome_14 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange setvar! witTome_01 libWitcherTome_01 setvar! witTome_02 libWitcherTome_02 setvar! witTome_03 libWitcherTome_03 setvar! witTome_04 libWitcherTome_04 setvar! witTome_05 libWitcherTome_05 setvar! witTome_06 libWitcherTome_06 setvar! witTome_07 libWitcherTome_07 setvar! witTome_08 libWitcherTome_08 setvar! witTome_09 libWitcherTome_09 setvar! witTome_10 libWitcherTome_10 setvar! witTome_11 libWitcherTome_11 setvar! witTome_12 libWitcherTome_12 setvar! witTome_13 libWitcherTome_13 setvar! witTome_14 libWitcherTome_14 if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Using library preset ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif //Check if we can use our own preset else if list WitcherTomeContainerList > 0 and witSharedParentContainer != 1 setvar! witParentContainer 0 endif //Open all containers specified by the user while list WitcherTomeContainerList > 0 if inlist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" setvar! witParentContainer self poplist WitcherTomeContainerList "Bank" elseif poplist WitcherTomeContainerList front as localContainer while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile //Main container if witParentContainer = 0 if find localContainer ground -1 -1 2 dclick localContainer settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 setvar! witParentContainer localContainer elseif find localContainer backpack setvar! witParentContainer backpack break endif else //Sub-container settimer witWaitTimer 0 while not find localContainer witParentContainer and timer witWaitTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endwhile if not find localContainer witParentContainer if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Tome sub-container not found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightOrange endif break endif dclick localContainer settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 endif endif if list WitcherTomeContainerList = 0 settimer witWaitTimer 0 while timer witWaitTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse if find myWitcherTome_01 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_02 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_03 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_04 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_05 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_06 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_07 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_08 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_09 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_10 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_11 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_12 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_13 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_14 witParentContainer if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Tomes found ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cGreen endif break endif endwhile if witDebugMode > 0 and timer witWaitTimer > globalMaxWaitForServerResponse sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Tome search timeout ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cRed endif endif endwhile if find myWitcherTome_01 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_01 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_02 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_02 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_03 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_03 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_04 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_04 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_05 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_05 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_06 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_06 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_07 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_07 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_08 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_08 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_09 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_09 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_10 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_10 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_11 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_11 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_12 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_12 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_13 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_13 witParentContainer or find myWitcherTome_14 ground -1 -1 witSearchRange or find myWitcherTome_14 witParentContainer //Set preset - own tome ids setvar! witTome_01 myWitcherTome_01 setvar! witTome_02 myWitcherTome_02 setvar! witTome_03 myWitcherTome_03 setvar! witTome_04 myWitcherTome_04 setvar! witTome_05 myWitcherTome_05 setvar! witTome_06 myWitcherTome_06 setvar! witTome_07 myWitcherTome_07 setvar! witTome_08 myWitcherTome_08 setvar! witTome_09 myWitcherTome_09 setvar! witTome_10 myWitcherTome_10 setvar! witTome_11 myWitcherTome_11 setvar! witTome_12 myWitcherTome_12 setvar! witTome_13 myWitcherTome_13 setvar! witTome_14 myWitcherTome_14 if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Using own preset ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif else //No preset found - safety unset in case previous script run did not terminate correctly unsetvar witTome_01 unsetvar witTome_02 unsetvar witTome_03 unsetvar witTome_04 unsetvar witTome_05 unsetvar witTome_06 unsetvar witTome_07 unsetvar witTome_08 unsetvar witTome_09 unsetvar witTome_10 unsetvar witTome_11 unsetvar witTome_12 unsetvar witTome_13 unsetvar witTome_14 if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] No preset found... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif endif endif //Wait until promptresponse is answered by user and new label is set wft globalWaitForServerResponse setvar! witWaitForInput 0 while not insysmsg "The etching on the rune has been changed." and not insysmsg "The book's title has been changed." and not insysmsg "You rename the runetome." //' if not targetexists //User wants to cancel removetimer witWaitTimer waitforgump witRuneBookGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse break elseif timer witWaitTimer > 14000 and gumpexists witRuneTomeRenameGumpID //Runetome rename gump still active - continue settimer witWaitTimer 10000 elseif timer witWaitTimer > 15000 //Input timeout overhead "|** No input detected **|" cRed removetimer witWaitTimer waitforgump witRuneBookGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse break elseif witWaitForInput = 0 and insysmsg "world is saving" //World save while timer witWaitTimer < 15000 if insysmsg "save complete" settimer witWaitTimer 0 break endif endwhile elseif witWaitForInput = 0 and timer witWaitTimer > globalMaxWaitForServerResponse //Prompt/gump did not open - break if not insysmsg "Please enter a description for this marked object:" and not insysmsg "Please enter a title for the runebook:" and not gumpexists witRuneTomeRenameGumpID overhead "|** No prompt found **|" cRed removetimer witWaitTimer waitforgump witRuneBookGumpID globalWaitForServerResponse break endif setvar! witWaitForInput 1 elseif timer witOverheadTimer > witOverheadCD overhead "|* Enter rune number *|" cGreen overhead "or ESC to cancel" cYellow overhead "Please ignore target cursor" cYellow settimer witOverheadTimer 0 endif endwhile unsetvar witWaitForInput target cancel if not timerexists witWaitTimer break elseif witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] User input set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif //Check which destination we should travel to getlabel witInputItemSerial inputLabel removelist witUserInputList createlist witUserInputList if BookOrTomeSerial > 0 pushlist witUserInputList 0 gumpclose witRuneBookGumpID gumpclose witRuneTomeGumpID gumpclose witRuneTomeRenameGumpID else pushlist witUserInputList inputLabel endif //If/elseif chain to set tome and gump response //Input by runebook or -tome uses partial matching, excluding wrong input does not seem to be reasonable, because we would need to exclude all digits > 353 and razor can only do this by checking each number with an if... if ": 353" in inputLabel or "353 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "353" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "353 - Time (South)" elseif ": 352" in inputLabel or "352 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "352" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "352 - Abandoned Jungle Dockyards" elseif ": 351" in inputLabel or "351 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "351" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "351 - Murkmire Swamps" elseif ": 350" in inputLabel or "350 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "350" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "350 - Whisperwood Cottage" elseif ": 349" in inputLabel or "349 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "349" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "349 - Burnt Sage" elseif ": 348" in inputLabel or "348 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "348" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "348 - Russetrock Cenote" elseif ": 347" in inputLabel or "347 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "347" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "347 - Palmshade Trading Camp" elseif ": 346" in inputLabel or "346 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "346" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "346 - Tidal Tomb" elseif ": 345" in inputLabel or "345 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "345" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "345 - Ashenmire" elseif ": 344" in inputLabel or "344 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "344" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "344 - Dragoncrest Plateau" elseif ": 343" in inputLabel or "343 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "343" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "343 - Orange Island" elseif ": 342" in inputLabel or "342 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "342" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "342 - Lavender Island" elseif ": 341" in inputLabel or "341 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "341" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "341 - Hidden Jungle Bridge" elseif ": 340" in inputLabel or "340 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "340" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "340 - Ponderosa Perch (East)" elseif ": 339" in inputLabel or "339 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "339" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "339 - Ponderosa Perch" elseif ": 338" in inputLabel or "338 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "338" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "338 - Papua Underdepths" elseif ": 337" in inputLabel or "337 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "337" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "337 - Old Papua Inn" elseif ": 336" in inputLabel or "336 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "336" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "336 - Windmill Waters Wagonworks" elseif ": 335" in inputLabel or "335 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "335" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "335 - Arachnids Dominion" elseif ": 334" in inputLabel or "334 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "334" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "334 - Dusty Mercantile" elseif ": 333" in inputLabel or "333 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "333" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "333 - Ironsnake Retreat" elseif ": 332" in inputLabel or "332 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "332" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "332 - Scorchborne Wastes" elseif ": 331" in inputLabel or "331 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "331" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "331 - Kraul Frontier Excavation Site" elseif ": 330" in inputLabel or "330 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "330" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "330 - Junglethread Crossing" elseif ": 329" in inputLabel or "329 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "329" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "329 - Old Jhelom South Gate" elseif ": 328" in inputLabel or "328 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "328" setvar! witTargetTome 14 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "328 - Old Jhelom East Gate" elseif ": 327" in inputLabel or "327 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "327" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "327 - Furys Caldera (North Entrance)" elseif ": 326" in inputLabel or "326 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "326" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "326 - Furys Caldera Caravan" elseif ": 325" in inputLabel or "325 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "325" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "325 - Tarsands Mine" elseif ": 324" in inputLabel or "324 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "324" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "324 - Tarsands Tar Pits" elseif ": 323" in inputLabel or "323 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "323" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "323 - Tarsands Lookout" elseif ": 322" in inputLabel or "322 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "322" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "322 - Respite Spring" elseif ": 321" in inputLabel or "321 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "321" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "321 - Desert Brew" elseif ": 320" in inputLabel or "320 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "320" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "320 - Flooded Sunstone Temple" elseif ": 319" in inputLabel or "319 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "319" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "319 - Flooded Sunstone Temple (East)" elseif ": 318" in inputLabel or "318 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "318" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "318 - Old Papua (West)" elseif ": 317" in inputLabel or "317 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "317" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "317 - Sandshear Quarry" elseif ": 316" in inputLabel or "316 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "316" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "316 - Saltshore Barrier Islands" elseif ": 315" in inputLabel or "315 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "315" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "315 - Saltshore Barrier Islands" elseif ": 314" in inputLabel or "314 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "314" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "314 - Saltshore Barrier Islands" elseif ": 313" in inputLabel or "313 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "313" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "313 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 312" in inputLabel or "312 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "312" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "312 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 311" in inputLabel or "311 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "311" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "311 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 310" in inputLabel or "310 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "310" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "310 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 309" in inputLabel or "309 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "309" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "309 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 308" in inputLabel or "308 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "308" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "308 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 307" in inputLabel or "307 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "307" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "307 - Saltshore Island Cluster" elseif ": 306" in inputLabel or "306 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "306" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "306 - Saltshore Saltern" elseif ": 305" in inputLabel or "305 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "305" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "305 - Shattered Nujelm (South)" elseif ": 304" in inputLabel or "304 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "304" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "304 - Shattered Nujelm (East)" elseif ": 303" in inputLabel or "303 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "303" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "303 - Shattered Nujelm (North)" elseif ": 302" in inputLabel or "302 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "302" setvar! witTargetTome 13 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "302 - Shattered Nujelm Cemetery" elseif ": 301" in inputLabel or "301 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "301" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "301 - Pinecone Grove (South West)" elseif ": 300" in inputLabel or "300 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "300" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "300 - Brigand Blind (South West Island)" elseif ": 299" in inputLabel or "299 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "299" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "299 - Rickety Bridge (Eastern Island)" elseif ": 298" in inputLabel or "298 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "298" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "298 - Darkmire Temple (Outside South)" elseif ": 297" in inputLabel or "297 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "297" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "297 - Southern Island Cluster" elseif ": 296" in inputLabel or "296 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "296" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "296 - Southern Island Cluster" elseif ": 295" in inputLabel or "295 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "295" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "295 - Tribal Camp (South)" elseif ": 294" in inputLabel or "294 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "294" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "294 - Sacrifice Shrine" elseif ": 293" in inputLabel or "293 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "293" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "293 - Volcano 1 (East)" elseif ": 292" in inputLabel or "292 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "292" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "292 - Cambria Moongate (East)" elseif ": 291" in inputLabel or "291 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "291" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "291 - Hidden Valley (Outside South)" elseif ": 290" in inputLabel or "290 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "290" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "290 - Volcano 2 (East)" elseif ": 289" in inputLabel or "289 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "289" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "289 - Desert Daemon Altar" elseif ": 288" in inputLabel or "288 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "288" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "288 - Desert Ruins" elseif ": 287" in inputLabel or "287 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "287" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "287 - Lizardmen Scout Camp (North)" elseif ": 286" in inputLabel or "286 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "286" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "286 - Midlands Ruins 1 (South)" elseif ": 285" in inputLabel or "285 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "285" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "285 - Mausoleum (Outside South)" elseif ": 284" in inputLabel or "284 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "284" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "284 - Umbermare Fort" elseif ": 283" in inputLabel or "283 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "283" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "283 - Nusero Island (South)" elseif ": 282" in inputLabel or "282 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "282" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "282 - Nusero Island (South East)" elseif ": 281" in inputLabel or "281 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "281" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "281 - Nusero Island (South West)" elseif ": 280" in inputLabel or "280 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "280" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "280 - Nusero Island (South West)" elseif ": 279" in inputLabel or "279 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "279" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "279 - Andarian Scout Camp" elseif ": 278" in inputLabel or "278 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "278" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "278 - Nusero Signal Fort" elseif ": 277" in inputLabel or "277 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "277" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "277 - Terran Moongate" elseif ": 276" in inputLabel or "276 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "276" setvar! witTargetTome 12 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "276 - Prevalia Zoo (East)" elseif ": 275" in inputLabel or "275 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "275" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "275 - Abandoned Docks Waypost" elseif ": 274" in inputLabel or "274 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "274" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "274 - Farmlands Caravan (West)" elseif ": 273" in inputLabel or "273 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "273" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "273 - Brigand Camp 3" elseif ": 272" in inputLabel or "272 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "272" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "272 - Honor Shrine" elseif ": 271" in inputLabel or "271 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "271" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "271 - Outpost" elseif ": 270" in inputLabel or "270 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "270" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "270 - Cavernam (Outside South East)" elseif ": 269" in inputLabel or "269 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "269" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "269 - Norse Settlement" elseif ": 268" in inputLabel or "268 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "268" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "268 - Riverrun" elseif ": 267" in inputLabel or "267 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "267" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "267 - Tanners Northern Fort (South)" elseif ": 266" in inputLabel or "266 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "266" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "266 - Snow Northeast 2 Caravan" elseif ": 265" in inputLabel or "265 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "265" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "265 - Andaria Ruins 2" elseif ": 264" in inputLabel or "264 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "264" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "264 - Undermountain North Entrance" elseif ": 263" in inputLabel or "263 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "263" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "263 - Andaria Sacrificial Ruins" elseif ": 262" in inputLabel or "262 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "262" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "262 - Frozen Ruins Waypost (South)" elseif ": 261" in inputLabel or "261 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "261" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "261 - Northwest Caravan (South)" elseif ": 260" in inputLabel or "260 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "260" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "260 - Northwest Caravan" elseif ": 259" in inputLabel or "259 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "259" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "259 - Snow Caves (North)" elseif ": 258" in inputLabel or "258 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "258" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "258 - Frost Daemon Temple (South)" elseif ": 257" in inputLabel or "257 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "257" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "257 - Snow Fortress" elseif ": 256" in inputLabel or "256 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "256" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "256 - Hunters Blind 1" elseif ": 255" in inputLabel or "255 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "255" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "255 - Western Ruins Caravan" elseif ": 254" in inputLabel or "254 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "254" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "254 - Black Market Vendor (East)" elseif ": 253" in inputLabel or "253 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "253" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "253 - Simple Palisade Fort (West)" elseif ": 252" in inputLabel or "252 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "252" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "252 - Corpse Creek (South West)" elseif ": 251" in inputLabel or "251 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "251" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "251 - Corpse Creek (Far West)" elseif ": 250" in inputLabel or "250 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "250" setvar! witTargetTome 11 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "250 - Corpse Creek Lookout (West)" elseif ": 249" in inputLabel or "249 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "249" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "249 - Orc Rock" elseif ": 248" in inputLabel or "248 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "248" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "248 - Botanical Disaster (South)" elseif ": 247" in inputLabel or "247 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "247" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "247 - Botanical Disaster" elseif ": 246" in inputLabel or "246 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "246" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "246 - Orc Rock (West)" elseif ": 245" in inputLabel or "245 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "245" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "245 - Shanty Shack (Far South)" elseif ": 244" in inputLabel or "244 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "244" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "244 - Shanty Shack" elseif ": 243" in inputLabel or "243 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "243" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "243 - Shanty Shack (South)" elseif ": 242" in inputLabel or "242 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "242" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "242 - Shanty Shack (West)" elseif ": 241" in inputLabel or "241 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "241" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "241 - Shanty Shack (West)" elseif ": 240" in inputLabel or "240 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "240" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "240 - Kudzu Tower" elseif ": 239" in inputLabel or "239 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "239" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "239 - Mount Minotaur (East)" elseif ": 238" in inputLabel or "238 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "238" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "238 - Mount Minotaur (West)" elseif ": 237" in inputLabel or "237 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "237" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "237 - Mount Minotaur" elseif ": 236" in inputLabel or "236 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "236" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "236 - Chaos Shrine" elseif ": 235" in inputLabel or "235 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "235" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "235 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 234" in inputLabel or "234 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "234" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "234 - Blood Cult Abbey" elseif ": 233" in inputLabel or "233 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "233" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "233 - Blood Cult Abbey (South West)" elseif ": 232" in inputLabel or "232 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "232" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "232 - Blood Cult Abbey (Outside North)" elseif ": 231" in inputLabel or "231 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "231" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "231 - Western Camps" elseif ": 230" in inputLabel or "230 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "230" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "230 - Abandoned Trading Post (West Road)" elseif ": 229" in inputLabel or "229 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "229" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "229 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 228" in inputLabel or "228 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "228" setvar! witTargetTome 10 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "228 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 227" in inputLabel or "227 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "227" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "227 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 226" in inputLabel or "226 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "226" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "226 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 225" in inputLabel or "225 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "225" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "225 - Chaos Shrine Island Cluster" elseif ": 224" in inputLabel or "224 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "224" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "224 - Pinecone Grove (East Island)" elseif ": 223" in inputLabel or "223 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "223" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "223 - Pinecone Grove" elseif ": 222" in inputLabel or "222 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "222" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "222 - Pinecone Grove (North)" elseif ": 221" in inputLabel or "221 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "221" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "221 - Pinecone Grove (North Island)" elseif ": 220" in inputLabel or "220 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "220" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "220 - Mellow Retreat" elseif ": 219" in inputLabel or "219 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "219" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "219 - Standing Stones" elseif ": 218" in inputLabel or "218 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "218" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "218 - Southreach Inn" elseif ": 217" in inputLabel or "217 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "217" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "217 - Haunted Manor" elseif ": 216" in inputLabel or "216 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "216" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "216 - Chaos Viewpoint" elseif ": 215" in inputLabel or "215 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "215" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "215 - Chaos Viewpoint (North)" elseif ": 214" in inputLabel or "214 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "214" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "214 - Abandoned Trading Post (West)" elseif ": 213" in inputLabel or "213 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "213" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "213 - Abandoned Trading Post" elseif ": 212" in inputLabel or "212 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "212" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "212 - Vurte Tul Rru (East Entrance)" elseif ": 211" in inputLabel or "211 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "211" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "211 - Vurte Tul Rru (South Entrance)" elseif ": 210" in inputLabel or "210 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "210" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "210 - Vurte Tul Rru (West Entrance)" elseif ": 209" in inputLabel or "209 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "209" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "209 - Vurte Tul Rru (South West)" elseif ": 208" in inputLabel or "208 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "208" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "208 - Brigand Blind (South)" elseif ": 207" in inputLabel or "207 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "207" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "207 - Brigand Blind" elseif ": 206" in inputLabel or "206 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "206" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "206 - Granite Quarry" elseif ": 205" in inputLabel or "205 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "205" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "205 - Wintertop (West)" elseif ": 204" in inputLabel or "204 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "204" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "204 - Heartland Bog" elseif ": 203" in inputLabel or "203 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "203" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "203 - Heartland Bog (West)" elseif ": 202" in inputLabel or "202 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "202" setvar! witTargetTome 9 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "202 - Shadowspire Cathedral (South)" elseif ": 201" in inputLabel or "201 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "201" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "201 - Shadowspire Cathedral" elseif ": 200" in inputLabel or "200 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "200" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "200 - Shadowspire Cathedral" elseif ": 199" in inputLabel or "199 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "199" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "199 - Shadowspire Cathedral (North East)" elseif ": 198" in inputLabel or "198 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "198" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "198 - Heartland Bog (North)" elseif ": 197" in inputLabel or "197 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "197" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "197 - Secret Beach" elseif ": 196" in inputLabel or "196 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "196" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "196 - Wintertop (South)" elseif ": 195" in inputLabel or "195 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "195" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "195 - Wintertop (East)" elseif ": 194" in inputLabel or "194 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "194" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "194 - Wintertop" elseif ": 193" in inputLabel or "193 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "193" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "193 - Granite Docks" elseif ": 192" in inputLabel or "192 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "192" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "192 - Shadowspire Cathedral (South West)" elseif ": 191" in inputLabel or "191 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "191" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "191 - Shadowspire Cathedral (West)" elseif ": 190" in inputLabel or "190 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "190" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "190 - Unmarked Grave (West)" elseif ": 189" in inputLabel or "189 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "189" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "189 - Unmarked Grave" elseif ": 188" in inputLabel or "188 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "188" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "188 - Unmarked Grave (North Cave)" elseif ": 187" in inputLabel or "187 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "187" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "187 - Lightning Strike (South)" elseif ": 186" in inputLabel or "186 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "186" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "186 - Lightning Strike (North)" elseif ": 185" in inputLabel or "185 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "185" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "185 - Lightning Strike (South West)" elseif ": 184" in inputLabel or "184 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "184" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "184 - Outpost East Gate (East)" elseif ": 183" in inputLabel or "183 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "183" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "183 - Cedar Forest" elseif ": 182" in inputLabel or "182 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "182" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "182 - Outpost East Gate" elseif ": 181" in inputLabel or "181 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "181" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "181 - Picnic Blanket" elseif ": 180" in inputLabel or "180 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "180" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "180 - Damned Bog" elseif ": 179" in inputLabel or "179 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "179" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "179 - Rickety Bridge" elseif ": 178" in inputLabel or "178 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "178" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "178 - Rickety Bridge (North East)" elseif ": 177" in inputLabel or "177 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "177" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "177 - Fresh Catch" elseif ": 176" in inputLabel or "176 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "176" setvar! witTargetTome 8 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "176 - Camp Betrayal" elseif ": 175" in inputLabel or "175 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "175" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "175 - Illuminated Springs (South)" elseif ": 174" in inputLabel or "174 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "174" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "174 - Illuminated Springs (North)" elseif ": 173" in inputLabel or "173 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "173" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "173 - Rickety Bridge (North West)" elseif ": 172" in inputLabel or "172 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "172" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "172 - Rickety Bridge (North)" elseif ": 171" in inputLabel or "171 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "171" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "171 - Fortune Teller (West Island)" elseif ": 170" in inputLabel or "170 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "170" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "170 - Fortune Teller" elseif ": 169" in inputLabel or "169 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "169" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "169 - Cedar Lookout (East)" elseif ": 168" in inputLabel or "168 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "168" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "168 - Cedar Lookout (North West)" elseif ": 167" in inputLabel or "167 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "167" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "167 - Winter Harbor (South)" elseif ": 166" in inputLabel or "166 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "166" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "166 - Winter Harbor" elseif ": 165" in inputLabel or "165 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "165" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "165 - Ivory Citadel (West)" elseif ": 164" in inputLabel or "164 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "164" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "164 - Lily Bridge (East)" elseif ": 163" in inputLabel or "163 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "163" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "163 - Ice Prison" elseif ": 162" in inputLabel or "162 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "162" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "162 - Ice Prison (East)" elseif ": 161" in inputLabel or "161 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "161" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "161 - Anchors Rest North Caravan (East)" elseif ": 160" in inputLabel or "160 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "160" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "160 - Lily Bridge" elseif ": 159" in inputLabel or "159 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "159" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "159 - Ice Prison (South West)" elseif ": 158" in inputLabel or "158 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "158" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "158 - Leodcynings Burial Mound (East)" elseif ": 157" in inputLabel or "157 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "157" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "157 - Frozen Nests" elseif ": 156" in inputLabel or "156 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "156" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "156 - Leodcynings Burial Mound" elseif ": 155" in inputLabel or "155 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "155" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "155 - Frozen Settlement" elseif ": 154" in inputLabel or "154 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "154" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "154 - Frozen Settlement (East)" elseif ": 153" in inputLabel or "153 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "153" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "153 - Frozen Excavation" elseif ": 152" in inputLabel or "152 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "152" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "152 - Frozen Settlement (West)" elseif ": 151" in inputLabel or "151 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "151" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "151 - Frozen Settlement (North)" elseif ": 150" in inputLabel or "150 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "150" setvar! witTargetTome 7 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "150 - Winterspire" elseif ": 149" in inputLabel or "149 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "149" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "149 - Winterspire (North)" elseif ": 148" in inputLabel or "148 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "148" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "148 - Winterspire (North West)" elseif ": 147" in inputLabel or "147 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "147" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "147 - Ice Bridge" elseif ": 146" in inputLabel or "146 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "146" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "146 - Smoking Pyre (East)" elseif ": 145" in inputLabel or "145 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "145" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "145 - Ice Bridge (West)" elseif ": 144" in inputLabel or "144 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "144" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "144 - Ice Bridge (North West)" elseif ": 143" in inputLabel or "143 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "143" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "143 - Smugglers Dock" elseif ": 142" in inputLabel or "142 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "142" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "142 - Smoke Pyre" elseif ": 141" in inputLabel or "141 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "141" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "141 - Smoking Pyre Island" elseif ": 140" in inputLabel or "140 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "140" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "140 - Savage Fort" elseif ": 139" in inputLabel or "139 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "139" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "139 - Deserted Island and Ship" elseif ": 138" in inputLabel or "138 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "138" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "138 - Tribal Camp" elseif ": 137" in inputLabel or "137 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "137" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "137 - Jungle Baths" elseif ": 136" in inputLabel or "136 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "136" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "136 - Terathan Point" elseif ": 135" in inputLabel or "135 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "135" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "135 - Savage Fort (North)" elseif ": 134" in inputLabel or "134 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "134" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "134 - Inferno (Outside)" elseif ": 133" in inputLabel or "133 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "133" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "133 - Volcano 1" elseif ": 132" in inputLabel or "132 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "132" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "132 - Drowned City (South)" elseif ": 131" in inputLabel or "131 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "131" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "131 - Drowned City (Central)" elseif ": 130" in inputLabel or "130 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "130" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "130 - Drowned City (West)" elseif ": 129" in inputLabel or "129 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "129" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "129 - Drowned City (West)" elseif ": 128" in inputLabel or "128 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "128" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "128 - Drowned City (Central North)" elseif ": 127" in inputLabel or "127 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "127" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "127 - Drowned City (North)" elseif ": 126" in inputLabel or "126 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "126" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "126 - Drowned City (North West)" elseif ": 125" in inputLabel or "125 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "125" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "125 - Hidden Valley" elseif ": 124" in inputLabel or "124 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "124" setvar! witTargetTome 6 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "124 - Oasis" elseif ": 123" in inputLabel or "123 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "123" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "123 - Savannah and Watering Hole" elseif ": 122" in inputLabel or "122 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "122" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "122 - Desert Pyramid Ruins Monolith" elseif ": 121" in inputLabel or "121 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "121" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "121 - Desert Pyramid Ruins" elseif ": 120" in inputLabel or "120 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "120" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "120 - Compassion Shrine (North)" elseif ": 119" in inputLabel or "119 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "119" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "119 - Deadman Isle" elseif ": 118" in inputLabel or "118 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "118" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "118 - Volcano 2" elseif ": 117" in inputLabel or "117 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "117" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "117 - Island Spring" elseif ": 116" in inputLabel or "116 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "116" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "116 - Island Spring (North)" elseif ": 115" in inputLabel or "115 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "115" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "115 - Island Dragon Roost" elseif ": 114" in inputLabel or "114 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "114" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "114 - Brigand Camp 2" elseif ": 113" in inputLabel or "113 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "113" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "113 - Cambrian Excavation" elseif ": 112" in inputLabel or "112 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "112" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "112 - Desert Manor (East)" elseif ": 111" in inputLabel or "111 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "111" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "111 - Desert Manor" elseif ": 110" in inputLabel or "110 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "110" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "110 - Beached Ship" elseif ": 109" in inputLabel or "109 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "109" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "109 - Nomad Desert Camp" elseif ": 108" in inputLabel or "108 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "108" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "108 - Desert Outpost (South)" elseif ": 107" in inputLabel or "107 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "107" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "107 - Desert Outpost" elseif ": 106a" in inputLabel or "106a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "106a" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "106a - Prevalia Signal Outpost" elseif ": 106" in inputLabel or "106 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "106" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "106 - Desert Outpost (North)" elseif ": 105" in inputLabel or "105 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "105" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "105 - Prevalia Gate Caravan" elseif ": 104a" in inputLabel or "104a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "104a" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "104a - Cathedral and Inn (East)" elseif ": 104" in inputLabel or "104 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "104" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "104 - Ogre Valley (South East)" elseif ": 103" in inputLabel or "103 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "103" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "103 - Ogre Valley (South West)" elseif ": 102" in inputLabel or "102 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "102" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "102 - Ogre Valley (East)" elseif ": 101" in inputLabel or "101 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "101" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "101 - Ogre Valley (West)" elseif ": 100" in inputLabel or "100 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "100" setvar! witTargetTome 5 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "100 - Ogre Valley (North East)" elseif ": 99" in inputLabel or "99 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "99" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "99 - Ogre Valley (North)" elseif ": 98" in inputLabel or "98 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "98" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "98 - Signal Fort 1" elseif ": 97" in inputLabel or "97 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "97" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "97 - Mausoleum (Outside North)" elseif ": 96" in inputLabel or "96 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "96" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "96 - Humility Swamps (North)" elseif ": 95" in inputLabel or "95 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "95" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "95 - Lizardmen Fort" elseif ": 94" in inputLabel or "94 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "94" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "94 - Lizardmen Fort (North)" elseif ": 93" in inputLabel or "93 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "93" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "93 - Swamp Point Ruins (South)" elseif ": 92" in inputLabel or "92 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "92" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "92 - Signal Fort 1 (North)" elseif ": 91" in inputLabel or "91 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "91" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "91 - Lizardmen Caravan (North)" elseif ": 90" in inputLabel or "90 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "90" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "90 - Mountain Meeting Spot" elseif ": 89" in inputLabel or "89 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "89" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "89 - Cathedral St Francis Ruins" elseif ": 88" in inputLabel or "88 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "88" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "88 - Ruined Lycaeum (Docks)" elseif ": 87" in inputLabel or "87 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "87" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "87 - Cathedral St Francis" elseif ": 86" in inputLabel or "86 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "86" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "86 - Swamp Point Ruins" elseif ": 85" in inputLabel or "85 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "85" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "85 - Signal Fort 2" elseif ": 84" in inputLabel or "84 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "84" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "84 - Sacred Pools and Ruins" elseif ": 83" in inputLabel or "83 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "83" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "83 - Ruins and Underground Lair" elseif ": 82" in inputLabel or "82 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "82" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "82 - Midlands Ruins 2" elseif ": 81a" in inputLabel or "81a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "81a" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "81a - Ruins and Underground Lair" elseif ": 81" in inputLabel or "81 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "81" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "81 - Daemon Keep" elseif ": 80a" in inputLabel or "80a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "80a" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "80a - Prevalia Bog" elseif ": 80" in inputLabel or "80 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "80" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "80 - Daemon Keep (North)" elseif ": 79" in inputLabel or "79 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "79" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "79 - Ruined Lycaeum (Entrance)" elseif ": 78" in inputLabel or "78 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "78" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "78 - Ruined Lycaeum (East)" elseif ": 77" in inputLabel or "77 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "77" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "77 - Ruined Lycaeum (North Bridge)" elseif ": 76" in inputLabel or "76 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "76" setvar! witTargetTome 4 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "76 - Ruined Lycaeum (South Bridge)" elseif ": 75" in inputLabel or "75 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "75" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "75 - Ruined Lycaeum (North West)" elseif ": 74" in inputLabel or "74 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "74" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "74 - Ruined Lycaeum (Beach)" elseif ": 73" in inputLabel or "73 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "73" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "73 - Morthuna" elseif ": 72" in inputLabel or "72 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "72" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "72 - Morthuna (South)" elseif ": 71" in inputLabel or "71 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "71" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "71 - Orc Fort 3" elseif ": 70" in inputLabel or "70 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "70" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "70 - Orc Fort 3 (South)" elseif ": 69" in inputLabel or "69 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "69" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "69 - Orc Fort 3 (Inside)" elseif ": 68" in inputLabel or "68 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "68" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "68 - Lizardmen Scout Camp" elseif ": 67" in inputLabel or "67 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "67" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "67 - Hunters Cabin" elseif ": 66" in inputLabel or "66 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "66" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "66 - Druid Cabin" elseif ": 65" in inputLabel or "65 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "65" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "65 - Brigand Headquarters (South)" elseif ": 64" in inputLabel or "64 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "64" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "64 - Brigand Headquarters (North East)" elseif ": 63" in inputLabel or "63 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "63" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "63 - Noxious Earth" elseif ": 62" in inputLabel or "62 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "62" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "62 - Citadel" elseif ": 61" in inputLabel or "61 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "61" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "61 - Hollow Hills" elseif ": 60" in inputLabel or "60 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "60" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "60 - Druid Circle (South)" elseif ": 59" in inputLabel or "59 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "59" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "59 - Druid Circle (East)" elseif ": 58" in inputLabel or "58 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "58" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "58 - Druid Circle (West)" elseif ": 57" in inputLabel or "57 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "57" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "57 - Hollow Hills (North)" elseif ": 56" in inputLabel or "56 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "56" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "56 - Forsaken Keep Waypost" elseif ": 55" in inputLabel or "55 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "55" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "55 - Forsaken Keep (West)" elseif ": 54" in inputLabel or "54 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "54" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "54 - Shipwreck" elseif ": 53" in inputLabel or "53 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "53" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "53 - Sacrificial Cliffs" elseif ": 52" in inputLabel or "52 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "52" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "52 - Midlands Ruins 1" elseif ": 51" in inputLabel or "51 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "51" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "51 - Ship in Cave" elseif ": 50" in inputLabel or "50 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "50" setvar! witTargetTome 3 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "50 - Owens Cabin" elseif ": 49" in inputLabel or "49 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "49" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "49 - Orc Fort 2" elseif ": 48" in inputLabel or "48 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "48" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "48 - Urukton Bluffs" elseif ": 47" in inputLabel or "47 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "47" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "47 - Tanners Northern Fort (North)" elseif ": 46" in inputLabel or "46 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "46" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "46 - Tanners Northern Fort" elseif ": 45" in inputLabel or "45 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "45" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "45 - Andaria Rolling Hills" elseif ": 44a" in inputLabel or "44a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "44a" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "44a - Andaria Rolling Hills (North)" elseif ": 44" in inputLabel or "44 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "44" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "44 - Andaria Ruined Tower" elseif ": 43" in inputLabel or "43 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "43" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "43 - Andraia Rolling Hills (South)" elseif ": 42" in inputLabel or "42 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "42" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "42 - Andaria Rolling Hills (South Swamp)" elseif ": 41" in inputLabel or "41 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "41" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "41 - Ruined Lighthouse" elseif ": 40" in inputLabel or "40 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "40" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "40 - Ruined Cabin" elseif ": 39" in inputLabel or "39 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "39" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "39 - Bonfire" elseif ": 38" in inputLabel or "38 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "38" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "38 - Ruined House" elseif ": 37" in inputLabel or "37 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "37" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "37 - Outside Pulma" elseif ": 36" in inputLabel or "36 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "36" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "36 - Prevalia Kings Manor" elseif ": 35" in inputLabel or "35 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "35" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "35 - Prevalia Kings Manor Cabin" elseif ": 34" in inputLabel or "34 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "34" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "34 - Andaria Gate (West)" elseif ": 33" in inputLabel or "33 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "33" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "33 - Dragon Roost" elseif ": 32" in inputLabel or "32 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "32" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "32 - Gate Fortress" elseif ": 31" in inputLabel or "31 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "31" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "31 - Gate Fortress (West)" elseif ": 30" in inputLabel or "30 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "30" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "30 - Andarian Lumberyard Waypost" elseif ": 29" in inputLabel or "29 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "29" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "29 - Logging Camp" elseif ": 28" in inputLabel or "28 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "28" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "28 - Necromancers Swamp" elseif ": 27" in inputLabel or "27 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "27" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "27 - Justice Shrine (West)" elseif ": 26" in inputLabel or "26 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "26" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "26 - Andaria Sacrificial Ruins" elseif ": 25" in inputLabel or "25 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "25" setvar! witTargetTome 2 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "25 - Ruined Snow Fortress (East)" elseif ": 24" in inputLabel or "24 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "24" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 225 pushlist witUserInputList "24 - Ruined Snow Fortress (North)" elseif ": 23" in inputLabel or "23 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "23" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 224 pushlist witUserInputList "23 - Ruined Snow Fortress (West)" elseif ": 22a" in inputLabel or "22a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "22a" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 223 pushlist witUserInputList "22a - Ratman Hovel" elseif ": 22" in inputLabel or "22 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "22" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 222 pushlist witUserInputList "22 - Ratman Hovel (South)" elseif ": 21" in inputLabel or "21 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "21" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 221 pushlist witUserInputList "21 - Ratman Hovel (North)" elseif ": 20" in inputLabel or "20 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "20" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 220 pushlist witUserInputList "20 - Prevalia Keep (South)" elseif ": 19" in inputLabel or "19 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "19" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 219 pushlist witUserInputList "19 - Brigand Camp 1 (South)" elseif ": 18" in inputLabel or "18 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "18" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 218 pushlist witUserInputList "18 - Brigand Camp 1 (West)" elseif ": 17" in inputLabel or "17 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "17" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 217 pushlist witUserInputList "17 - Prevalia Keep" elseif ": 16" in inputLabel or "16 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "16" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 216 pushlist witUserInputList "16 - Western Ruins Brigands 1" elseif ": 15" in inputLabel or "15 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "15" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 215 pushlist witUserInputList "15 - Western Ruins Brigands 2" elseif ": 14" in inputLabel or "14 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "14" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 214 pushlist witUserInputList "14 - Western Ruins Brigands 3" elseif ": 13" in inputLabel or "13 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "13" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 213 pushlist witUserInputList "13 - Zebra Falls" elseif ": 12" in inputLabel or "12 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "12" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 212 pushlist witUserInputList "12 - Urk Fort/Smugglers Den" elseif ": 11" in inputLabel or "11 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "11" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 211 pushlist witUserInputList "11 - Pool of Power" elseif ": 10" in inputLabel or "10 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "10" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 210 pushlist witUserInputList "10 - Western Ruins" elseif ": 9" in inputLabel or "9 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "9" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 209 pushlist witUserInputList "9 - Vine Covered Cave" elseif ": 8" in inputLabel or "8 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "8" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 208 pushlist witUserInputList "8 - Black Market Vendor" elseif ": 7" in inputLabel or "7 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "7" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 207 pushlist witUserInputList "7 - Black Market Vendor (West)" elseif ": 6" in inputLabel or "6 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "6" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 206 pushlist witUserInputList "6 - Necromancers Cathedral" elseif ": 5" in inputLabel or "5 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "5" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 205 pushlist witUserInputList "5 - Hollow Snow Tower" elseif ": 4a" in inputLabel or "4a a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "4a" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 204 pushlist witUserInputList "4a - Simple Palisade Fort" elseif ": 4" in inputLabel or "4 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "4" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 203 pushlist witUserInputList "4 - Telescope Island" elseif ": 3" in inputLabel or "3 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "3" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 202 pushlist witUserInputList "3 - Corpse Creek/Chaos Hill" elseif ": 2" in inputLabel or "2 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "2" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 201 pushlist witUserInputList "2 - Corpse Creek North Entrance" elseif ": 1" in inputLabel or "1 a r" in inputLabel or inlist witUserInputList "1" setvar! witTargetTome 1 setvar! witGumpResponse 200 pushlist witUserInputList "1 - Corpse Creek Lookout" else setvar! witTargetTome 0 setvar! witGumpResponse 0 pushlist witUserInputList "Unknown target tome number" endif gumpclose witRuneTomeGumpID poplist witUserInputList front if witDebugMode > 0 foreach info in witUserInputList sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Tome: {{witTargetTome}}, Rune: {{info}} ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endfor endif //Use preset tomes if available if witTargetTome = 0 overhead "|* Can't find rune to location *|" cRed //' break elseif witTargetTome = 1 and varexist witTome_01 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_01 elseif witTargetTome = 2 and varexist witTome_02 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_02 elseif witTargetTome = 3 and varexist witTome_03 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_03 elseif witTargetTome = 4 and varexist witTome_04 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_04 elseif witTargetTome = 5 and varexist witTome_05 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_05 elseif witTargetTome = 6 and varexist witTome_06 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_06 elseif witTargetTome = 7 and varexist witTome_07 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_07 elseif witTargetTome = 8 and varexist witTome_08 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_08 elseif witTargetTome = 9 and varexist witTome_09 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_09 elseif witTargetTome = 10 and varexist witTome_10 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_10 elseif witTargetTome = 11 and varexist witTome_11 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_11 elseif witTargetTome = 12 and varexist witTome_12 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_12 elseif witTargetTome = 13 and varexist witTome_13 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_13 elseif witTargetTome = 14 and varexist witTome_14 setvar! witTargetTome witTome_14 else //Scan bank box, preset tome container, ground and backpack for correctly labeled witcher tomes removelist witSourceList createlist witSourceList if witParentContainer > 0 pushlist witSourceList witParentContainer endif pushlist witSourceList "ground" setvar! witSelfSerial self setvar! witBackpackSerial backpack if witParentContainer != witSelfSerial and witParentContainer != witBackpackSerial pushlist witSourceList "backpack" endif unsetvar witSelfSerial unsetvar witBackpackSerial settimer witOverheadTimer witOverheadCD foreach localSource in witSourceList if 999 < witTargetTome //witTargetTome already set to a serial break endif while findtype "runetome" localSource -1 -1 witSearchRange as localTome getlabel localTome localTomeLabel if witTargetTome = 1 if "1-24" in localTomeLabel or "1 - 24" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 2 if "25-49" in localTomeLabel or "25 - 49" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 3 if "50-75" in localTomeLabel or "50 - 75" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 4 if "76-99" in localTomeLabel or "76 - 99" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 5 if "100-123" in localTomeLabel or "100 - 123" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 6 if "124-149" in localTomeLabel or "124 - 149" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 7 if "150-175" in localTomeLabel or "150 - 175" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 8 if "176-201" in localTomeLabel or "176 - 201" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 9 if "202-227" in localTomeLabel or "202 - 227" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 10 if "228-249" in localTomeLabel or "228 - 249" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 11 if "250-275" in localTomeLabel or "250 - 275" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 12 if "276-301" in localTomeLabel or "276 - 301" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 13 if "302-327" in localTomeLabel or "302 - 327" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif elseif witTargetTome = 14 if "328-353" in localTomeLabel or "328 - 353" in localTomeLabel setvar! witTargetTome localTome break endif endif if witDebugMode > 0 overhead "< Checking >" cLightBlue localTome overhead " ▼ " cLightBlue localTome endif @ignore localTome if timer witOverheadTimer > witOverheadCD overhead "|* Searching tome *|" cLightOrange settimer witOverheadTimer 0 endif endwhile endfor @clearignore endif if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Tome definition done ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif //Click target tome if located if 999 > witTargetTome overhead "|* Can't find rune to location *|" cRed //' break elseif witParentContainer > 0 and find witTargetTome witParentContainer or find witTargetTome backpack while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile dclick witTargetTome settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 else settimer witOverheadTimer witOverheadCD while find witTargetTome ground -1 -1 witSearchRange if find witTargetTome ground -1 -1 2 while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile dclick witTargetTome settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 break elseif timer witOverheadTimer > witOverheadCD overhead "|* Move closer *|" cLightOrange overhead " Tome " cLightOrange witTargetTome overhead " ▼ " cLightOrange witTargetTome settimer witOverheadTimer 0 endif endwhile endif waitforgump witRuneTomeGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse if not gumpexists witRuneTomeGumpID overhead "|* Can't find rune to location *|" cRed //' break endif //Left page of the tome gump (even numbers) if 200 = witGumpResponse or 202 = witGumpResponse or 204 = witGumpResponse or 206 = witGumpResponse or 208 = witGumpResponse or 210 = witGumpResponse or 212 = witGumpResponse or 214 = witGumpResponse or 216 = witGumpResponse or 218 = witGumpResponse or 220 = witGumpResponse or 222 = witGumpResponse or 224 = witGumpResponse if UseGateTravel = 1 if UseScrolls > 0 // gumpresponse 13 -> left gate scroll button setvar! witSubMenuButton 13 else // gumpresponse 12 -> left gate cast button setvar! witSubMenuButton 12 endif else if UseScrolls > 0 // gumpresponse 11 -> left recall scroll button setvar! witSubMenuButton 11 else // gumpresponse 10 -> left recall button setvar! witSubMenuButton 10 endif endif //Right page of the tome gump (odd numbers) elseif 201 = witGumpResponse or 203 = witGumpResponse or 205 = witGumpResponse or 207 = witGumpResponse or 209 = witGumpResponse or 211 = witGumpResponse or 213 = witGumpResponse or 215 = witGumpResponse or 217 = witGumpResponse or 219 = witGumpResponse or 221 = witGumpResponse or 223 = witGumpResponse or 225 = witGumpResponse if UseGateTravel = 1 if UseScrolls > 0 // gumpresponse 23 -> right gate scroll button setvar! witSubMenuButton 23 else // gumpresponse 22 -> right gate cast button setvar! witSubMenuButton 22 endif else if UseScrolls > 0 // gumpresponse 21 -> right recall scroll button setvar! witSubMenuButton 21 else // gumpresponse 20 -> right recall button setvar! witSubMenuButton 20 endif endif else //getting here should be impossible if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Wrong gump button set ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cRed endif break endif //Overhead destination info foreach localDest in witUserInputList if AutoTravel = 0 overhead "Opening: {{localDest}}" cGreen elseif UseGateTravel = 1 overhead "Gating: {{localDest}}" cGreen else overhead "Recalling: {{localDest}}" cGreen endif endfor if witDebugMode > 0 if AutoTravel > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Recalling/Gating ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue else sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Opening tome page ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif endif if insysmsg "That rune tome is out of recall charges." or insysmsg "That rune tome is out of gate charges." //Clear relevant system messages endif //Open rune tome page to selected destination gumpresponse witGumpResponse witRuneTomeGumpID if AutoTravel > 0 //Initiate cast waitforgump witRuneTomeGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse witSubMenuButton witRuneTomeGumpID endif //Scroll management if UseScrolls > 0 and AutoTravel > 0 setvar! witShelfGumpID 3232825965 getlabel backpack waitForPing if not insysmsg! "That rune tome is out of recall charges." and not insysmsg! "That rune tome is out of gate charges." //Scroll travel success break elseif not findtype "Recall|Gate Travel Scroll" self and not findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 or AutoRefillScrolls = 0 //Tome empty, no scroll in backpack, no shelf to restock, or no restock wanted by user overhead "|** Out of scrolls **|" cRed break endif if insysmsg "charges to the rune tome." or insysmsg "That item is unavailable." //Clear relevant system messages endif if insysmsg "That rune tome is out of recall charges." //Restock recall charge if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Restocking recall scrolls ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif if not findtype "Recall" self and findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as localShelf while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile dclick localShelf settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 21 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 56 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 23 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 237 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpclose witShelfGumpID while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse and not findtype "Recall" self and not insysmsg "That item is unavailable." endwhile endif if findtype "Recall" self as localScroll while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile @drop backpack -1 -1 -1 lift localScroll settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 @drop witTargetTome -1 -1 -1 while find localScroll self and timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endwhile if timer globalObjectDelayTimer > globalMaxWaitForServerResponse //Restock timeout overhead "|** Restock failed **|" cRed break endif else //Restock failed overhead "|** Restock failed **|" cRed break endif elseif insysmsg "That rune tome is out of gate charges." //Restock gate charge if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Restocking gate scrolls ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue endif if not findtype "Gate Travel Scroll" self and findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as localShelf while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile dclick localShelf settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 21 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 21 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 50 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 23 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpresponse 133 witShelfGumpID waitforgump witShelfGumpID globalMaxWaitForServerResponse gumpclose witShelfGumpID while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse and not findtype "Gate Travel Scroll" self and not insysmsg "That item is unavailable." endwhile endif if findtype "Gate Travel Scroll" self as localScroll while timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalWaitForObjectDelay endwhile @drop backpack -1 -1 -1 lift localScroll settimer globalObjectDelayTimer 0 @drop witTargetTome -1 -1 -1 while find localScroll self and timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endwhile if timer globalObjectDelayTimer > globalMaxWaitForServerResponse //Restock timeout overhead "|** Restock failed **|" cRed break endif else //Restock failed overhead "|** Restock failed **|" cRed break endif endif while not insysmsg "charges to the rune tome." and timer globalObjectDelayTimer < globalMaxWaitForServerResponse endwhile gumpresponse witSubMenuButton witRuneTomeGumpID unsetvar witShelfGumpID elseif UseScrolls > 0 and AutoTravel = 0 overhead " Tome " cLightOrange witTargetTome overhead " ▼ " cLightOrange witTargetTome endif break endwhile gumpclose witRuneBookGumpID gumpclose witRuneTomeRenameGumpID if AutoTravel = 0 gumpclose witRuneTomeGumpID endif //Clean up removelist RunebookContainerList removelist WitcherTomeContainerList removelist witUserInputList removelist witSourceList removetimer witWaitTimer removetimer witOverheadTimer unsetvar AutoTravel unsetvar UseGateTravel unsetvar UseScrolls unsetvar AutoRefillScrolls unsetvar UseBook unsetvar MarkedRuneSerial unsetvar BookOrTomeSerial unsetvar witRuneBookGumpID unsetvar witRuneTomeGumpID unsetvar witRuneTomeRenameGumpID unsetvar witSearchRange unsetvar witNPCMenuMaxRange unsetvar witOverheadCD unsetvar witInputItemSerial unsetvar witParentContainer unsetvar witSharedParentContainer unsetvar witTargetTome unsetvar witGumpResponse unsetvar witSubMenuButton unsetvar witTome_01 unsetvar witTome_02 unsetvar witTome_03 unsetvar witTome_04 unsetvar witTome_05 unsetvar witTome_06 unsetvar witTome_07 unsetvar witTome_08 unsetvar witTome_09 unsetvar witTome_10 unsetvar witTome_11 unsetvar witTome_12 unsetvar witTome_13 unsetvar witTome_14 unsetvar myWitcherTome_01 unsetvar myWitcherTome_02 unsetvar myWitcherTome_03 unsetvar myWitcherTome_04 unsetvar myWitcherTome_05 unsetvar myWitcherTome_06 unsetvar myWitcherTome_07 unsetvar myWitcherTome_08 unsetvar myWitcherTome_09 unsetvar myWitcherTome_10 unsetvar myWitcherTome_11 unsetvar myWitcherTome_12 unsetvar myWitcherTome_13 unsetvar myWitcherTome_14 unsetvar libWitcherTome_01 unsetvar libWitcherTome_02 unsetvar libWitcherTome_03 unsetvar libWitcherTome_04 unsetvar libWitcherTome_05 unsetvar libWitcherTome_06 unsetvar libWitcherTome_07 unsetvar libWitcherTome_08 unsetvar libWitcherTome_09 unsetvar libWitcherTome_10 unsetvar libWitcherTome_11 unsetvar libWitcherTome_12 unsetvar libWitcherTome_13 unsetvar libWitcherTome_14 if witDebugMode > 0 sysmsg "[Witcher Travel] Script done ... ({{witRunTimer}} ms)" cLightBlue unsetvar witDebugMode removetimer witRunTimer endif