Remove Negative Plant Effects by adamtwelve

Related: TasteID plant

Description: This script will attempt to remove

1#PlantEffectRemoval by AdamTwelve
2#shoutout to Brozen on discord who helped me with the checks.
5#This script will inventory all pots/planters within range, open them, check for negative effects and attempt removal.
6#some positive effects will get removed, the sentient brain handling needs some work.
7#it's possible to get 4 positive effects on a single page, I will be working on adding a check for next page.
10#    Plant pots in range (2)
11#    Defoliant, Fungicide, Farmers Almanac locked down within range
14#Defoliant - flask 6187 0
15#Fungicide - flask 6193 0
16#Farmers Almanac - books 29343 0
17#Plant gump 3224608375
18#Effects buttons 10,11,12,13.  Next page 7, Previous page 6
20#This script will inventory all pots/planters within range, open them, check for negative effects and attempt removal.
21#some positive effects will get removed, the sentient brain handling needs some work.
22#it's possible to get 4 positive effects on a single page, I will be working on adding a check for next page.
26clearlist pots
27createlist pots
30//createlist of all pots in range
31while findtype 6327|6328|6330|4551|6341|28987 true -1 -1 -1 as pot
32    setvar foundpot pot
33    if not inlist pots foundpot
34        pushlist pots foundpot
35        ignore pot
36    endif
39//open each pot and look for effects
40foreach y in pots
41    overhead 'checking pot number'
42    overhead index
43    dclick y
44    waitforgump 3224608375 5000
45    pause 250
46        //change the  number below to reduce or increase the amount of cycles per pot.
47        //we use a for loop in case there are more than 4 effects (multiple pages)
48            if ingump 'Perma'
49                overhead 'one page of effects'
50                setvar pages 0
51            endif
53            if not ingump 'Perma'
54                overhead 'Multiple pages of effects'
55                setvar pages 1
57            endif
59        for 3
60            clearlist gumpbuttons
61            createlist gumpbuttons
62            pushlist gumpbuttons 13
63            pushlist gumpbuttons 12
64            pushlist gumpbuttons 11
65            pushlist gumpbuttons 10
67            foreach x in gumpbuttons
68             clearsysmsg 
69             gumpresponse x
70             waitforgump 3224608375 5000
71                if insysmsg 'Reduces'
72                    gumpresponse x 3224608375 
73                     waitforgump 3224608375 5000
75                        if insysmsg 'Fungal'
76                            overhead 'Removing Fungal effect'
77                            gumpresponse 2
78                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
79                            waitfortarget  5000
80                            targettype 6193 true -1 -1 -1
81                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
82                        endif
84                        if insysmsg 'Pestilent'
85                            overhead 'Removing Pestilent effect'
86                            gumpresponse 2
87                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
88                            waitfortarget  5000
89                            targettype 6187 true -1 -1 -1
90                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
91                        endif
93                        if insysmsg 'Creature'
94                            overhead 'Remiving Creature effect'
95                            gumpresponse 2
96                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
97                            waitfortarget  5000
98                            targettype 29343 true -1 -1 -1
99                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
100                        endif       
101                endif                                
102                        if insysmsg 'Brain'
103                            overhead 'Ugh, brain found'
104                            gumpresponse 2
105                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
106                            waitfortarget  5000
107                            targettype 6193 true -1 -1 -1
108                            waitforgump 3224608375 5000
109                            if insysmsg 'sentient'
110                                while not insysmsg 'Brain Fungi'
111                                    overhead 'removing brain'
112                                    gumpresponse 2
113                                    waitforgump 3224608375 5000
114                                    waitfortarget  5000
115                                    targettype 6193 true -1 -1 -1
116                                    waitforgump 3224608375 5000
117                                endwhile
118                             endif
119                        endif
121                endfor
123            // We found nothing bad, try next page
124            if pages = 2
125                overhead 'Page 2 clean, checking for 3rd page'
126                    if not insysmsg 'reduces'
127                        gumpresponse 7 3224608375
128                    setvar pages 3
129                    endif
130            endif
131                        if pages = 1
132                overhead 'Page 1 clean, checking 2nd page'
133                    if not insysmsg 'reduces'
134                        gumpresponse 7 3224608375
135                        setvar pages 2
136                    endif
137            endif
139            if pages = 0
140                overhead 'no extra pages to check'
141                        if not insysmsg 'reduces'
142                            overhead 'page 1 clean'
143                    endif
144            endif
147        endfor