Bad Ping Version - Baps Modern Picker by barryroser

Related: Snippet

# "***Bapeths Modern Dungeon Picker***" # Updated July 21th 2024 (Loot List Update) # # "***READ THIS***READ THIS***READ THIS***READ THIS***" # # "***REQUIRED SETTINGS***" # # "In Game Dungeon Chest Menu" # "Continuous Lockpicking" and "Continuous Remove Trap" must be checked in the lockpicking gump menu # This gump menu appears when you attempt to open a chest # # "Auto Loot Control" # This script uses razor "Auto-Queue Object Delay" setting # Make sure this setting is turned ON in the razor Options tab > Targeting & Queues sub-tab # And set "object delay to 500" AUTO LOOTING WILL BE SLOW IF YOU DONT DO THIS! # # "Cooldowns" # This script uses three cooldowns called "Hiding" "Stealth" and "Stealing" (Stealing only for those with 80+ skill) # You must create these in the in-game options menu under Cooldowns and they must be spelled correctly # Leave at 0 default or 10.3 seconds if you use trigger text # "DO NOT" set trigger text below 10.3 seconds if you use it # Sometimes a full game restart is needed if cooldowns are edited # # "***OPTIONAL SETTINGS***" # # "Time Dungeon Locked Doors" # You can now toggle "WARMODE ON" when within range of a locked "Time Dungeon Door" to automatically lockpick it # This will use any random lockpick type you have in your pack # #"Smoke Bomb Cooldown" # Create a cooldown called "Smoke Bomb" (note the space), must be spelled exactly like that # Default cooldown is set to minimum cooldown time of 60 seconds (This assumes you have 3 points in "Without a Trace") # This can be edited by searching (ctrl + f) "60000" and replacing it with your personal cooldown timer that matches your thieves codex # Possible timers for smoke bomb are "60000", "80000", "100000", or "120000" (this is milliseconds) # # "Wizard Hat Stealth Trick" # It is recommended to have in your pack a "Blessed and Aspected Armored Magical Wizard Hat" (Purchaseable at prev vendor) # Alternatively you can buy a cheap "Magical Wizards Hat" from the Mage NPC in town but it is non-aspectable # This is for the stealth part of the script # It will quick swap your hat and reduce your stamina # This will prevent you from stumbling over a player/mob so you dont pop out of stealth # If your hat ever gets stuck in a "spam loop" # Go to Script tab > Options subtab and delete "bwiz" "bmain" and "nonaspectedwiz" # # "Auto Pilfer and Hide/Stealth Blocking" # Toggle "WARMODE ON" for "AUTO-PILFER" - It is best to use the "TAB" button and ensure that "TAB" is set to toggle in UO options # Auto hide/stealth feature for things like "Boss Room Custodians" and saving cooldown time # # "Auto Chest Protection" # "ACP" feature will instantly cast (Minimum "50 Magery" required to use) # Wall of stone, Earth Elemental, Tele + Rope, or Reveal when you are detected # Does not work when player is revealed by the reveal spell # Toggle "Wall" "Earth" "Tele" "Reveal" or "None" by doubleclicking an "Atlas" # Type "[Atlas" in game to spawn a free weightless "Atlas" in your bag # Hotkey "Grants the player an Atlas" in razor hotkey tab if you dont want to doubleclick # # "Lootbag" # Set by using the razor hotkey "Set Grab Item Hotbag" # # "Auto Stealth" # This is an in game setting that is reccomended to be turned ON # Toggle this on and off by typing [AutoStealth in game # # "Spam Reduction" # Options tab > Targeting & Queues subtab > Uncheck "Attack/Target name overhead" # Filters tab > Text & Messages subtab > Check "Filter Repeating System Messages" and "Filter Repeating Razor Messages" # # "Summoners Name Your Elemental" # See "line 108 & 118" if you would like to custom name your earth elemental(s) # Default is "LootGolem" # # ----------------"***Recommended Builds***"------------------- # ----"Summoner"-----------"Pilferer"-------------"Ninja"------ # Detect Hidden - 120 Detect Hidden - 120 Detect Hidden - 120 # Lockpicking ----120 Lockpicking ----120 Lockpicking ----120 # Stealth ------- 120 Stealth ------- 120 Stealth ------- 120 # Hiding -------- 100 Hiding -------- 100 Hiding -------- 100 # Magery -------- 100 Magery --------- 80 Magery --------- 80 # Camping -------- 80 Camping -------- 80 Camping ------- 100 # Spirit Speak --- 80 Stealing ------ 100 Stealing ------- 80 # # "Recommended Aspects, Links, and Codex/Tome" # Harvest or Fortune Aspect (high end tools needed for Fortune and or low level aspect) # Special/Rare loot Chance Links (Max 20) & Chest Success Chances/Progress Links (Max 10) # If you are a Summoner "Spirit Pact" and "Earthpull" upgrades are recommended (Summoner Tome) # If you are a Ninja 3pts "Overlooked" and 3pts "Without a Trace" is recommended (Thieves Codex) # If you are a Pilferer 3pts "Camouflage" 3pts "Shadow Hands" and 3pts "Without a Trace or Extortion" is recommended (Thieves Codex) # Lockpicking/Detect can be lowered slightly to raise Camping if high end tools are used # # "Notes on Rares" # Not all "Rares" are on the auto loot list # Keep an eye out for unlooted rares # I update the list as I find them # # "Notes on error" # "Screen transitions" and "teleporting far distances" will on occasion error the script # This is a bug in razor, simply play the script again if this happens # It helps to make a habit of replaying the script often to ensure its always playing # I recommend, if you know how to, loop this script into your other commonly used scripts # # "Script Starts Here" if skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and findtype "an earth elemental" ground -1 -1 1 as Summon if not find "bsummon1" ground -1 -1 while findtype "an earth elemental" ground -1 -1 1 as bsummon1 if noto bsummon1 = "friend" @setvar "bsummon1" bsummon1 # Name your summon if you like (no spaces must be unique) rename bsummon1 "LootGolem" endif break endwhile getlabel backpack ping elseif not find "bsummon2" ground -1 -1 while findtype "an earth elemental" ground -1 -1 1 as bsummon2 if noto bsummon2 = "friend" @setvar "bsummon2" bsummon2 # Name your summon if you like (no spaces must be unique) rename bsummon2 "LootGolem" endif break endwhile endif endif if not varexist "bwiz" and findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc overhead "I should keep my wizard hat in my pack..." 36 stop endif endif if not find "bwiz" backpack and findtype 5912 backpack as bwiz @setvar "bwiz" bwiz getlabel bwiz desc if "armored" in desc //donothing else @setvar "nonaspectedwiz" bwiz endif endif if not find "bmain" self and findlayer self head as hat @setvar "bmain" hat endif if not varexist "bmain" overhead "I will need a hat to wear..." 38 overhead "It can not be a magical wizard hat..." 38 stop endif if skill "Lockpicking" >= 50 and not findtype "lockpicks" backpack and not timerexists lockpickcheck overhead "I have no Lockpicks..." 38 createtimer lockpickcheck endif if timerexists lockpickcheck if timer lockpickcheck > 7000 overhead "I have no Lockpicks..." 38 settimer lockpickcheck 0 endif endif if findtype "lockpicks" backpack removetimer lockpickcheck endif if skill "Detect" >= 50 and not findtype "drill" backpack and not timerexists drillcheck overhead "I have no Removal Tool..." 38 createtimer drillcheck endif if timerexists drillcheck if timer drillcheck > 7000 overhead "I have no Removal Tool..." 38 settimer drillcheck 0 endif endif if findtype "drill" backpack removetimer drillcheck endif if timerexists ots removetimer ots endif if timerexists bchestopen removetimer bchestopen endif if not timerexists tab createtimer tab endif if not timerexists getpilf createtimer getpilf endif if not timerexists spellinvis createtimer spellinvis settimer spellinvis 1200 endif if not timerexists ACPcheck createtimer ACPcheck endif if not timerexists rptimer createtimer rptimer endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 if timerexists reflect if timer reflect > 30000 overhead "Magic Reflect is ready..." 201 settimer reflect 12000 endif endif if findbuff "Magic Reflection" and timerexists reflect removetimer reflect endif if not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and not timerexists reflect createtimer reflect endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 20 if timerexists reactive if timer reactive > 30000 overhead "Reactive Armor is ready..." 139 settimer reactive 13500 endif endif if findbuff "Reactive Armor" and timerexists reactive removetimer reactive endif if not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and not timerexists reactive createtimer reactive endif endif if not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Bleed" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew pause 1200 dclick cbrew createtimer brew elseif not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Diseased" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew dclick cbrew createtimer brew endif if timerexists brew if timer brew >= 120000 removetimer brew endif endif if not hidden and findbuff "Weaken" and not targetexists and findtype "White Potion" backpack as stpot dclick stpot endif if not hidden and insysmsg "You are too fat" and not findbuff "Strength" and findtype "White Potion" backpack as wpot dclick wpot endif if not hidden and stam <= 1 and timer rptimer > 1200 and findbuff "Strength" and findtype "Red Potion" backpack as redpot if counttype "Red Potion" >= 2 dclick redpot settimer rptimer 0 endif endif if not hidden and paralyzed and not targetexists and findtype "pouch" backpack 38 say "[Pouch" endif if not hidden and poisoned and not targetexists and findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot dclick curepot endif if skill "Stealth" >= 80 and hidden and stam = maxstam and findtype 5912 self while not queued if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" else dclick "bwiz" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping dclick "bmain" endif endif break endwhile endif if not findlayer self head dclick "bmain" endif if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" endif endif if not gumpexists 736038070 and skill "Lockpicking" >= 50 for 18 if index > 0 and findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 index as chest getlabel chest desc if "lock" in desc overhead "{{desc}}" 2085 chest break else overhead "{{desc}}" 1779 chest @ignore chest endif endif endfor @clearignore endif if warmode and findtype "barred metal door|metal door" ground -1 -1 2 as doorlock if findtype 5373 backpack as picks clearsysmsg overhead "Time is of the essence..." 67 for 2000 dclick picks wft 1000 target doorlock getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "That is not locked" warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen" warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif pause 3150 if insysmsg "You pick the lock!" overhead "What lay beyond this door..." 87 dclick doorlock warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif if not findtype 5373 backpack overhead "Argh, it was my last pick..." 38 warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif if not findtype "barred metal door" ground -1 -1 2 warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif if not warmode break endif if insysmsg "You have worn out your tool" overhead "This tool is worn out!" 805 endif if insysmsg "fail" //do nothing elseif insysmsg "You pick the lock!" //do nothing elseif insysmsg "You must remain stationary" //do nothing else warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping break endif endfor else overhead "I am out of lockpicks!" 38 warmode "off" getlabel backpack ping endif endif if skill "Stealing" >= 80 and warmode if timer getpilf >= 600 settimer getpilf 0 for 12 hotkey 'Next Grey Monster Target' @setvar pilfertarget lasttarget if find pilfertarget ground -1 -1 2 overhead "Pilfer target acquired..." 2085 getlabel pilfertarget desc overhead desc 1161 break endif endfor endif if hidden while find pilfertarget ground -1 -1 2 if not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" clearsysmsg if not targetexists if not timerexists repeatinvis and findbuff "Invisibility" settimer spellinvis 0 endif skill "Stealing" wft 1000 target pilfertarget hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif getlabel backpack ping break endif if not warmode break endif endwhile if insysmsg "You Steal" overhead "I Pilfer Thee!" 68 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 removetimer repeatinvis warmode off if not hidden if skill "Stealth" >= 80 and not cooldown "Smoke bomb" and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and findtype 52149 backpack as sbombs dclick sbombs getlabel backpack ping if hidden if not cooldown "Smoke bomb" cooldown "Smoke bomb" 60000 endif else overhead "I teleported too recently to Smoke..." 45 endif endif if timer spellinvis >= 1200 and not hidden and skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana >= 20 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Invisibility" wft 3000 target self warmode on warmode off hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif endif endif if insysmsg "The creature is barren" overhead "Another thief beat me to it..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "That is too far away" overhead "Argh, not close enough..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen" overhead "Argh, I cant see it..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "You have already stolen" overhead "I have already pilfered this..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "You fail" overhead "Argh, I failed to Pilfer..." 1779 warmode off cooldown "Stealing" 5000 if skill "Stealth" >= 80 and not cooldown "Smoke bomb" and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and findtype 52149 backpack as sbombs dclick sbombs getlabel backpack ping if hidden if not cooldown "Smoke bomb" cooldown "Smoke bomb" 60000 endif else overhead "I teleported too recently to Smoke..." 45 endif endif if timer spellinvis >= 1200 and not hidden and skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana >= 20 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast "Invisibility" wft 3000 target self warmode on warmode off hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' createtimer repeatinvis endif endif elseif not hidden while find pilfertarget ground -1 -1 2 if not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" clearsysmsg if not targetexists skill "Stealing" wft 1000 target pilfertarget hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif getlabel backpack ping break endif endwhile if insysmsg "retaliate" overhead "Argh, I failed to Pilfer" 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off if not hidden and findtype "yellow potion" backpack as healpot dclick healpot endif endif if insysmsg "You Steal" overhead "I Pilfer Thee!" 68 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "The creature is barren" overhead "Another thief beat me to it..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "That is too far away" overhead "Argh, not close enough..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen" overhead "Argh, I cant see it..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif if insysmsg "You have already stolen" overhead "I have already pilfered this..." 1779 cooldown "Stealing" 5000 warmode off endif endif endif if gumpexists 736038070 gumpclose 736038070 endif if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 as bchest and not targetexists clearsysmsg if not warmode warmode on warmode off endif dclick bchest @setvar "bchest" lastobject waitforgump 736038070 1000 if gumpexists 736038070 and not ingump "Cleared Of Traps" while gumpexists 736038070 gumpresponse 7 waitforgump 736038070 1000 if insysmsg "You attempt to remove traps" clearsysmsg break endif if insysmsg "That appears to be devoid" clearsysmsg break endif if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif endwhile if not hidden if followers >= 1 if find "bsummon1" menu bsummon1 2 wft 1000 target self getlabel backpack ping if find "bsummon2" menu bsummon2 2 wft 1000 target self endif elseif find "bsummon2" menu bsummon2 2 wft 1000 target self getlabel backpack ping if find "bsummon1" menu bsummon1 2 wft 1000 target self endif endif endif if not warmode and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and skill "Hiding" >= 80 warmode on warmode off skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif endif overhead "Traps never deter me..." 67 while not dead if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 warmode on warmode off skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif if findbuff "Invisibility" and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 removetimer ots endif endif if not warmode and hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not timerexists ots and skill "Stealth" >= 80 skill "Stealth" getlabel backpack ping if not timerexists ots createtimer ots endif endif if insysmsg "move quietly" getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Stealth" 10000 endif if hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and insysmsg "hide first" and skill "Hiding" >= 80 pause 1000 getlabel backpack ping skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif removetimer ots endif if insysmsg "You have successfully cleared it of traps" break endif if not findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 break endif if find "bchest" ground -1 -1 2 # Note for author: # The break here will not work on special Urkton Chests or possibly new Time Dungeon chests. # It is not a big deal as this part is only for a specific sceanario in which another player # opens a chest while you are trying to snatch their chest. It will break into looting instantly. # I still want to figure out a better way here. getlabel bchest desc if "wooden" in desc //do nothing elseif "metal" in desc //do nothing elseif "lock" in desc //do nothing else break endif endif if ingump "Cleared Of Traps" break endif if timer tab > 1000 if not warmode warmode on warmode off endif settimer tab 0 endif if insysmsg "You have worn out your tool" overhead "This tool is worn out!" 805 endif if skill "Stealth" >= 80 and hidden and stam = maxstam and findtype 5912 self while not queued if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" else dclick "bwiz" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping dclick "bmain" endif endif break endwhile endif if not findlayer self head dclick "bmain" endif if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" endif endif if ingump "Shrines" if not timerexists "Wacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Wall of Stone ACP ------Enabled------" 2031 createtimer "Wall" createtimer "Wacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Eacp" and skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and skill "Magery" >= 100 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Earth Elemental ACP ------Enabled------" 1501 createtimer "Elemental" createtimer "Eacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Tacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Teleport + Rope ACP ------Enabled------" 1272 createtimer "Tele" createtimer "Tacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Racp" and skill "Magery" >= 80 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Reveal Spellcast ACP ------Enabled------" 2040 createtimer "Racp" createtimer "Reveal" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" elseif not timerexists "Nacp" gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Auto Chest Protection ------Disabled------" 38 createtimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "Reveal" endif endif if insysmsg "You have been revealed!" if timerexists "Tele" and mana >= 9 say "[Spit" cast 'Teleport' if findtype "rope" backpack as rope dclick rope else overhead "I am out of rope..." 34 endif removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Tele" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Wall" and mana >= 9 say "[Yell" cast 'Wall of Stone' removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Elemental" and mana >= 50 say "[Anger" cast 'Earth Elemental' removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Elemental" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Reveal" and mana >= 20 say "[Surprise" cast 'Reveal' removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Reveal" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Eacp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif endif if timer ACPcheck > 7000 if timerexists "Tele" overhead "Teleport ACP active" 1272 endif if timerexists "Wall" overhead "Wall ACP active" 2031 endif if timerexists "Elemental" overhead "Elemental ACP active" 1501 endif if timerexists "Reveal" overhead "Reveal ACP active" 2040 endif settimer ACPcheck 0 endif if insysmsg "Another player" while gumpexists 736038070 replay endwhile endif endwhile waitforgump 736038070 1000 overhead "That should do it..." 67 endif if gumpexists 736038070 and ingump "Cleared Of Traps" while gumpexists 736038070 gumpresponse 4 waitforgump 736038070 1000 if insysmsg "You attempt to pick the lock" clearsysmsg break endif if insysmsg "It appears to be unlocked" clearsysmsg break endif if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif endwhile if not hidden if followers >= 1 if find "bsummon1" menu bsummon1 2 wft 1000 target self getlabel backpack ping if find "bsummon2" menu bsummon2 2 wft 1000 target self endif elseif find "bsummon2" menu bsummon2 2 wft 1000 target self getlabel backpack ping if find "bsummon1" menu bsummon1 2 wft 1000 target self endif endif endif if not warmode and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and skill "Hiding" >= 80 warmode on warmode off skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif endif overhead "Locks cant keep me out..." 87 while not dead if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 warmode on warmode off skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif endif if findbuff "Invisibility" and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not cooldown "Stealing" and not warmode and skill "Hiding" >= 80 skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 removetimer ots endif endif if not warmode and hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and not timerexists ots and skill "Stealth" >= 80 skill "Stealth" getlabel backpack ping if not timerexists ots createtimer ots endif endif if insysmsg "move quietly" getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Stealth" 10000 endif if hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" and insysmsg "hide first" and skill "Hiding" >= 80 pause 1000 getlabel backpack ping skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping if hidden getlabel backpack ping cooldown "Hiding" 10000 endif removetimer ots endif if insysmsg "You successfully pick the lock" break endif if not findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 break endif if find "bchest" ground -1 -1 2 # Note for author: # The break here will not work on special Urkton Chests or possibly new Time Dungeon chests. # It is not a big deal as this part is only for a specific sceanario in which another player # opens a chest while you are trying to snatch their chest. It will break into looting instantly. # I still want to figure out a better way here. getlabel bchest desc if "wooden" in desc //do nothing elseif "metal" in desc //do nothing elseif "lock" in desc //do nothing else break endif endif if timer tab > 1000 if not warmode warmode on warmode off endif settimer tab 0 endif if insysmsg "You have worn out your tool" overhead "This tool is worn out!" 805 endif if not find "nonaspectedwiz" backpack and skill "Stealth" >= 80 and hidden and stam = maxstam and findtype 5912 self while not queued if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" else dclick "bwiz" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping dclick "bmain" endif endif break endwhile endif if not findlayer self head dclick "bmain" endif if findlayer self head as hat getlabel hat desc if "magical" in desc dclick "bmain" endif endif if ingump "Shrines" if not timerexists "Wacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Wall of Stone ACP ------Enabled------" 2031 createtimer "Wall" createtimer "Wacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Eacp" and skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and skill "Magery" >= 100 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Earth Elemental ACP ------Enabled------" 1501 createtimer "Elemental" createtimer "Eacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Tacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Teleport + Rope ACP ------Enabled------" 1272 createtimer "Tele" createtimer "Tacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Racp" and skill "Magery" >= 80 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Reveal Spellcast ACP ------Enabled------" 2040 createtimer "Racp" createtimer "Reveal" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" elseif not timerexists "Nacp" gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Auto Chest Protection ------Disabled------" 38 createtimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "Reveal" endif endif if insysmsg "You have been revealed!" if timerexists "Tele" and mana >= 9 say "[Spit" cast 'Teleport' if findtype "rope" backpack as rope dclick rope else overhead "I am out of rope..." 34 endif removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Tele" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Wall" and mana >= 9 say "[Yell" cast 'Wall of Stone' removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Elemental" and mana >= 50 say "[Anger" cast 'Earth Elemental' removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Elemental" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Reveal" and mana >= 20 say "[Surprise" cast 'Reveal' removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Reveal" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Eacp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif endif if timer ACPcheck > 7000 if timerexists "Tele" overhead "Teleport ACP active" 1272 endif if timerexists "Wall" overhead "Wall ACP active" 2031 endif if timerexists "Elemental" overhead "Elemental ACP active" 1501 endif if timerexists "Reveal" overhead "Reveal ACP active" 2040 endif settimer ACPcheck 0 endif if insysmsg "Another player" while gumpexists 736038070 replay endwhile endif endwhile endif endif if find "bchest" ground -1 -1 2 as bchest clearsysmsg while findtype "cathedral tapestry|Darkscale tapestry|large painting|landscape painting|portrait painting|hieroglyph|figurine|statue|44987|49730|47107|18653|45127|20103|47103|29363|47105|29361|43453|5899|47109|45250|41509|43447|18657|4025|51308|45156|51304|45214|28769|28799|28803|28765|45211|45248|51259|45220|51328|45218|3842|51327|45222|45241|51336|51375|45282|54722|45255|45246|28795|44983|45235|45251|45238|51258|51314|28761|45236|51260|54718|18400|45252|18656|47111|3839|45239|45242|45254|45281|45247|42241|45216|28775|2594|51321|3838|51318|5901|5905|5903|48407|51302|4248|27611|15296|43166|5359|5981|4026|3985|25359|17686|3836|17087|5356|29030|24434|22336|29036|3843|29025|51098|29034|8826|51094|576|3827|22326|45315|3891|2539|39898|39896|39892|39918|39911|39916|39897|39905|39891|39917|39912|39909|39889|31047|31017|31049|31019|31055|31051|31053|31025|31027|31031|31041|54717|31021|31011|31023|31029|31043|31003|31035|31033|31045|31037|31002|20006|31169|31006|30999|31012|31009|30996|7109|7107|3922|31128|31188|20014|31014|31004|31142|31001|31000|37181|31010|30998|31172|30988|30997|31038|31141|7947|20008|31005|31191|31008|31007|30994|30993|31182|30989|20012|31186|31178|31015|30991|20010|20016|31184|31190|30990|30995|31176|31180|30992|31130|5207|7031|7026|7034|7033|7027|7035|7029|5078|5063|5059|5105|5060|5138|5129|5201|5142|5143|5076|5106|7610|5139|5090|5103|5132|7177|5061|7181|7179|3920|5042|5127|5117|5185|5125|3938|5177|3937|5044|5121|3915|3909|3568|3932|5123|5144|5119|5056|5135|5187|5074|5089|3934|3913|3917|3721|5075|5046|5049|7170|5146|5205|5203|5115|5204|5040|5179|5070|5182|5085|5181|3719|7173|5131|3911|5101|7175|7169|3713|5112|22187|9917|3859|3862|3878|3865|3856|3873|3877|3834|3742|3762|3740|3763|10245|3572|3573|3571|3885|7127|4225|12686|19985|19981|19984|19982|19983|19991|19989|19986|19987|19988|19994|19995|19992|19993|19990|19980|19977|19976|19978|7154|19979|3861|3821" bchest as bitem if not timerexists bchestopen createtimer bchestopen overhead "The treasure is mine!" 2091 endif hotkey 'Grab Item' target bitem while queued wait 500 endwhile if insysmsg "That container cannot hold" overhead "My cup runneth over!..." 1779 if not targetexists clearall endif if findtype "gold coin" backpack as gold lift gold 12000 drop "bchest" while queued wait 500 getlabel backpack ping endwhile endif endif if not findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 break endif endwhile endif if ingump "Shrines" if not timerexists "Wacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Wall of Stone ACP ------Enabled------" 2031 createtimer "Wall" createtimer "Wacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Eacp" and skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and skill "Magery" >= 100 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Earth Elemental ACP ------Enabled------" 1501 createtimer "Elemental" createtimer "Eacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Tacp" and skill "Magery" >= 50 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Teleport + Rope ACP ------Enabled------" 1272 createtimer "Tele" createtimer "Tacp" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "None" removetimer "Reveal" elseif not timerexists "Racp" and skill "Magery" >= 80 gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Reveal Spellcast ACP ------Enabled------" 2040 createtimer "Racp" createtimer "Reveal" removetimer "Nacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "None" elseif not timerexists "Nacp" gumpclose 341416395 overhead "Auto Chest Protection ------Disabled------" 38 createtimer "Nacp" removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" removetimer "Elemental" removetimer "Tele" removetimer "Reveal" endif endif if insysmsg "You have been revealed!" if timerexists "Tele" and mana >= 9 say "[Spit" cast 'Teleport' if findtype "rope" backpack as rope dclick rope else overhead "I am out of rope..." 34 endif removetimer "Tacp" removetimer "Tele" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Wall" and mana >= 9 say "[Yell" cast 'Wall of Stone' removetimer "Wacp" removetimer "Wall" createtimer "Eacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Elemental" and mana >= 50 say "[Anger" cast 'Earth Elemental' removetimer "Eacp" removetimer "Elemental" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Racp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif if timerexists "Reveal" and mana >= 20 say "[Surprise" cast 'Reveal' removetimer "Racp" removetimer "Reveal" createtimer "Wacp" createtimer "Nacp" createtimer "Tacp" createtimer "Eacp" dclicktype "atlas" backpack endif endif if timer ACPcheck > 7000 if timerexists "Tele" overhead "Teleport ACP active" 1272 endif if timerexists "Wall" overhead "Wall ACP active" 2031 endif if timerexists "Elemental" overhead "Elemental ACP active" 1501 endif if timerexists "Reveal" overhead "Reveal ACP active" 2040 endif settimer ACPcheck 0 endif loop