Reagent Satchel organizer for people like me by martkedisi
Description: Hello everyone, this is an organizer that I made after getting the idea from my friend Nayman.
It will put regs and scrolls you choose on a specific point in your satchel.
Known issues:
If there are more than one reagent satchel it may not work properly.
Feel free to improve ^^
Special Thanks to :
A VERY BIG thanks to "tetlee" for helping me out setting that reagent satchel
"nev0r" for scroll ID's
"Jaseowns" for figuring out how to drop unwanted scrolls
and Nayman for the idea
If you have any improvement ideas feel free to add ^^
1#Move your regs and scrolls by Tyramiel
3//Variables goes here
5if findlayer self outerbody as the_item
6 @setvar! mySatchel the_item
9getlabel temp_var desc
10sysmsg {{desc}}
11@setvar! lilbit 100
14//Scroll ID list to easy reach
16#### 1st Circle - #### 2nd Circle -
17####"Clumsy Scroll" 7982 ####"Agility Scroll" 7989
18####"Create Food Scroll" 7983* ####"Cunning Scroll" 7990
19####"Feeblemind Scroll" 7984 ####"Cure Scroll" 7991
20####"Heal Scroll" 7985 ####"Harm Scroll" 7992*
21####"Magic Arrow Scroll" 7986 ####"Magic Trap Scroll" 7993
22####"Night Sight Scroll" 7987 ####"Magic Untrap Scrol" 7994
23####"Reactive Armor Scr" 7981* ####"Protection Scroll" 7995
24####"Weaken Scroll" 7988 ####"Strength Scroll" 7996
25#### 3rd Circle #### 4th Circle
26####"Bless Scroll" 7997 #### "Archcure Scroll" 8005*
27####"Fireball Scroll" 7998* #### "Arch Protection Sc" 8006*
28####"Magic Lock Scroll" 7999 #### "Curse Scroll" 8007
29####"Poison Scroll" 8000 #### "Fire Field Scrol" 8008
30####"Telekinisis Scroll" 8001 #### "Greater Heal Scrol" 8009*
31####"Teleport Scroll" 8002* #### "Lightning Scroll" 8010*
32####"Unlock Scroll" 8003 #### "ManaDrain Scroll" 8011
33####"Wall of Stone Scro" 8004 #### "Recall" 8012*
34#### 5th Circle #### 6th Circle
35####"Blade Spirits Scro" 8013 ####"Dispel Scroll" 8021
36####"Dispel Field Scrol" 8014 ####"Energy Bolt Scroll" 8022
37####"Incognito Scroll" 8015 ####"Explosion Scroll" 8023*
38####"Magic Reflection S" 8016* ####"Invisibility Scrol" 8024*
39####"Mind Blast Scroll" 8017 ####"Mark Scroll" 8025
40####"Paralyze Scroll" 8018 ####"Mass Curse Scroll" 8026
41####"Poison Field Scrol" 8019 ####"Paralyze Field Scr" 8027
42####"Summon Creature Sc" 8020* ####"Reveal Scroll" 8028
43#### 7th Circle #### 8th Circle
44####"Chain Lightning Sc" 8029 ####"Earthquake Scroll" 8037
45####xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ####"Energy Vortex Scro" 8038*
46####"Flamestrike Scroll" 8031* ####"Resurrection Scrol" 8039*
47####"Gate Travel Scroll" 8032 ####"Summon Earth Eleme" 8042*
48####"Mana Vampire Scrol" 8033 ####"Summon Daemon" 8041*
49####"Mass Dispel Scrol" 8034 ####"Summon Earth Eleme" 8042*
50####"Meteor Storm Scrol" 8035 ####"Summon Fire Elemen" 8043*
51####"Polymorph Scroll" 8036 ####"Summon Water Eleme" 8044*
53#Asterix removed : 7982|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7999|8000|8001|8003|8004|8007|8008|8011|8013|8014|8015|8017|8018|8019|8021|8025|8022|8026|8027|8028|8029|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037
54#FULL LIST: 7981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8041|8042|8043|8044
56### "If you want to add more spell scrolls, use the template below"
57### "without # and change "spellID" to desired scroll name or ID,"
58### "and x y z coordinates."
59### "You can add it to end of the script, before overhead message"
60### "Or you can change existing scroll IDs"
61### "Satchel inside coordinates range from 40-140x 60-140y 0z"
62### "Temp:"
64### if findtype "spellID" backpack as scroll
65### lift scroll 600
66### drop 'mySatchel' x y z
67### wait globalLatency
68### endif
71//Reagents here
73overhead "Filling Satchel Hold up!" 50
74if findtype "Black Pearl%s%" backpack as regs
75 lift regs 600
76 drop 'mySatchel' 40 64 0
77 wait lilbit
78 endif
79 if findtype "Blood Moss" backpack as regs
80 lift regs 600
81 drop 'mySatchel' 60 64 0
82 wait lilbit
83 endif
84 if findtype "Mandrake Root%s%" backpack as regs
85 lift regs 600
86 drop 'mySatchel' 80 64 0
87 wait lilbit
88 endif
89 if findtype "Garlic" backpack as regs
90 lift regs 600
91 drop 'mySatchel' 100 64 0
92 wait lilbit
93 endif
94 if findtype "Ginseng" backpack as regs
95 lift regs 600
96 drop 'mySatchel' 120 64 0
97 wait lilbit
98 endif
99 if findtype "3981" backpack as regs
100 lift regs 600
101 drop 'mySatchel' 140 64 0
102 wait lilbit
103 endif
104 if findtype "Nightshade" backpack as regs
105 lift regs 600
106 drop 'mySatchel' 40 80 0
107 wait lilbit
108 endif
109 if findtype "Sulfurous Ash" backpack as regs
110 lift regs 600
111 drop 'mySatchel' 60 80 0
112 wait lilbit
113 endif
115//Scrolls from here on
117overhead "Checking Scrolls!"
118 if findtype "Greater Heal Scrol" backpack as scroll
119 lift scroll 600
120 drop 'mySatchel' 40 100 0
121 wait lilbit
122 endif
123 if findtype "Archcure Scroll" backpack as scroll
124 lift scroll 600
125 drop 'mySatchel' 50 100 0
126 wait lilbit
127 endif
128 if findtype "7981" backpack as scroll
129 lift scroll 600
130 drop 'mySatchel' 70 100 0
131 wait lilbit
132 endif
133 if findtype "7983" backpack as scroll
134 lift scroll 600
135 drop 'mySatchel' 80 100 0
136 wait lilbit
137 endif
138 if findtype "7986" backpack as scroll
139 lift scroll 600
140 drop 'mySatchel' 90 100 0
141 wait lilbit
142 endif
143 if findtype "7991" backpack as scroll
144 lift scroll 600
145 drop 'mySatchel' 100 100 0
146 wait lilbit
147 endif
148 if findtype "7995" backpack as scroll
149 lift scroll 600
150 drop 'mySatchel' 110 100 0
151 wait lilbit
152 endif
153 if findtype "7997" backpack as scroll
154 lift scroll 600
155 drop 'mySatchel' 120 100 0
156 wait lilbit
157 endif
158 if findtype "7998" backpack as scroll
159 lift scroll 600
160 drop 'mySatchel' 130 100 0
161 wait lilbit
162 endif
163 if findtype "8002" backpack as scroll
164 lift scroll 600
165 drop 'mySatchel' 60 120 0
166 wait lilbit
167 endif
168 if findtype "8012" backpack as scroll
169 lift scroll 600
170 drop 'mySatchel' 70 120 0
171 wait lilbit
172 endif
173 if findtype "Summon Creature Sc" backpack as scroll
174 lift scroll 600
175 drop 'mySatchel' 80 120 0
176 wait lilbit
177 endif
178 if findtype "Invisibility Scrol" backpack as scroll
179 lift scroll 600
180 drop 'mySatchel' 90 120 0
181 wait lilbit
182 endif
183 if findtype "Energy Bolt Scroll" backpack as scroll
184 lift scroll 600
185 drop 'mySatchel' 100 120 0
186 wait lilbit
187 endif
188 if findtype "Magic Reflection S" backpack as scroll
189 lift scroll 600
190 drop 'mySatchel' 60 130 0
191 wait lilbit
192 endif
193 if findtype "Mass Curse Scroll" backpack as scroll
194 lift scroll 600
195 drop 'mySatchel' 70 130 0
196 wait lilbit
197 endif
198 if findtype "Arch Protection Sc" backpack as scroll
199 lift scroll 600
200 drop 'mySatchel' 80 130 0
201 wait lilbit
202 endif
203 if findtype ""Explosion Scroll"" backpack as scroll
204 lift scroll 600
205 drop 'mySatchel' 90 130 0
206 wait lilbit
207 endif
210 menu 'mySatchel' 0
213 overhead "Dumping useless stuff..." 24
214 while findtype 7982|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7999|8000|8001|8003|8004|8007|8008|8011|8013|8014|8015|8017|8018|8019|8021|8022|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037 self as scroll
215 getlabel scroll scrollDesc
216 overhead "Moving {{scrollDesc}}" 66
217 lift scroll 60000
218 droprelloc 0 0
219 wait 200
220 ignore scroll
221 endwhile
222 overhead "Satchel Organized!" 24
224 clearignore
226 overhead "All Done!" 25