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Lockpicking using Restock by neverstopswing

Description: This script checks for a chest near you on the ground. This will then drop the map on the ground, invis you, pick the chest and activate Restock 10.

@setvar PauseTime 750 @clearsysmsg if findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as LockedBox @setvar 'LockCheck' 0 dclick LockedBox if not hidden cast 'Invisibility' wft target self endif pause PauseTime if insysmsg 'It appears to be locked' @setvar 'LockCheck' 1 endif if 'LockCheck' = 1 gumpresponse 4 overhead 'Picking Lock..' 20 pause 200 while not insysmsg 'You successfully pick the lock.' if insysmsg 'You make some progress on the lock.' overhead 'Progress!' 88 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress on the lock' overhead 'Failed!' 32 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif endwhile overhead 'Picking Success!' 63 endif if 'LockCheck' = 0 overhead 'Chest not Locked!' 32 endif restock 10 waitfortarget target LockedBox pause PauseTime while findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as LockedBox getlabel LockedBox desc2 if '(0 items, 0 stones)' in desc2 script 'recall' endif endwhile endif