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Open Dungeon Chest or Treasure Map Chest by Jaseowns

# Open Chest or TMap by Jaseowns # UO Outlands - # Credit: based on Auto Dungeon or TMap Chest by @FewUnderstandThis # Description: Opens and loots chest without needing to be hidden clearsysmsg unsetvar chest setvar! locked 0 setvar! trapped 0 # Create loot list if not listexists 'lootTypes' overhead 'Compiling list...' 1150 createlist 'lootTypes' # Gold pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xeed # Chain Link pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xa8c6 # MCD pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x42bf # Mastery Scroll pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x227a # Aspect Extract pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xefc # Aspect Core pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf91 # Skill Orb pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x5740 # Skill Scroll pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xef3 # Research Mats pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x72a4 # Tmap pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x14ec # Black Pearl pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf7a # Blood Moss pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf7b # Mandrake Root pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf86 # Garlic pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf84 # Ginseng pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf85 # Nightshade pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf88 # Spiders Silk pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf8d # Sulphurous Ash pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf8c # Amber pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf25 # Amethyst pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf16 # Citrine pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf15 # Diamond pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf26 # Emerald pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf10 # Ruby pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf13 # Sapphire pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf19 # Star Sapphire pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf21 # Tourmaline pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf2d # Magic spellbook pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xefa # Arrows pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xf3f # Bandages pushlist 'lootTypes' 0xe21 # Bolts pushlist 'lootTypes' 0x1bfb endif # Set loot bag if not find lootBag backpack overhead 'Set Loot Bag:' 1150 setvar! lootBag wait 250 endif # Look for chest if findtype 'metal chest' ground any any 2 as metalChest setvar! chest metalChest elseif findtype 'wooden chest' ground any any 2 as woodenChest setvar! chest woodenChest endif getlabel chest chestLabel wait 100 if 'dungeon chest' in chestLabel or 'treasure map chest' in chestLabel overhead chestLabel 1150 else overhead 'No chest found!' 38 stop endif # Open chest dclick chest waitforgump 736038070 500 if gumpexists 736038070 setvar! locked 1 setvar! trapped 1 else overhead 'Chest not locked!' 38 overhead 'Target chest to continue looting:' 38 setvar chest endif # Remove trap while trapped = 1 gumpresponse 7 wait 250 if insysmsg 'cleared it of traps' or insysmsg 'devoid of traps' overhead 'Trap removed!' 1150 setvar! trapped 0 break elseif insysmsg 'attempt to remove traps' overhead 'Removing trap...' 1150 for 15 if insysmsg 'cleared it of traps' or insysmsg 'devoid of traps' break else wait 250 endif endfor else overhead 'Check Script!' 38 wait 250 endif endwhile wait 250 # Pick lock while locked = 1 gumpresponse 4 wait 250 if not gumpexists 736038070 or insysmsg 'successfully pick the lock' overhead 'Lock picked!' 1150 setvar! locked 0 break elseif insysmsg 'attempt to pick the lock' overhead 'Picking lock...' 1150 for 15 if insysmsg 'successfully pick the lock' break else wait 250 endif endfor else overhead 'Check Script!' 38 wait 250 endif endwhile wait 250 # Loot overhead 'Looting...' 1150 foreach t in 'lootTypes' while findtype t chest as loot getlabel loot lootLabel overhead lootLabel 1150 lift loot 60000 drop lootBag -1 -1 -1 wait 500 endwhile endfor unsetvar chest overhead 'Script Complete!' 1150