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Chest Picker by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: Used in conjunction with restock agent 10 in order to auto pick chests (dungeon or tmap), then loot immediately afterwards.

1@setvar 'PauseTime' 750
2overhead 'Select Chest to be Picked'
3@setvar 'LockedBox'
5if not find 'LootBox' 'self' 
6    overhead 'Select where to loot to'
7    setvar 'LootBox'
9@setvar 'LockCheck' 0
10dclick 'LockedBox'
11pause 'PauseTime'
12if insysmsg 'It appears to be locked'
13    @setvar 'LockCheck' 1
15if 'LockCheck' = 1
16    gumpresponse 7
17    overhead 'Removing Traps..' 20
18    while not insysmsg 'You have successfully cleared it of traps' and not insysmsg 'That appears to be devoid of traps' 
19       if insysmsg 'You make some progress towards clearing it of traps'
20            overhead 'Progress!' 88
21            pause 200
22            @clearsysmsg 
23            gumpresponse 7
24        endif
25        if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress towards removing traps'
26            overhead 'Failed!' 32
27            pause 200
28            @clearsysmsg 
29            gumpresponse 7
30        endif
31    endwhile
32    overhead 'Traps Cleared!' 63
33    pause 'PauseTime'
34    gumpresponse 4
35    overhead 'Picking Lock..' 20
36    pause 200
37    while not insysmsg 'You successfully pick the lock.'
38        if insysmsg 'You make some progress on the lock.'
39            overhead 'Progress!' 88
40            pause 200
41            @clearsysmsg 
42            gumpresponse 4
43        endif
44        if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress on the lock'
45            overhead 'Failed!' 32
46            pause 200
47            @clearsysmsg 
48            gumpresponse 4
49        endif
50    endwhile   
51    overhead 'Picking Success!' 63
54if 'LockCheck' = 0
55    overhead 'Chest not Locked!' 32
57restock 10 
59target 'LockedBox'
60pause 'PauseTime'
61# script 'Stealth Wiz'