WIP: Dexxer Attack PK script (4) by Jaseowns

# Dexxer Attack PK? by jaseowns # UO Outlands @setvar! jaseowns_ChugHealPotAtThisHealth 70 @setvar! jaseowns_AttackAgainTimerCD 5000 ################## settimer jaseowns_AttackAgainTimer jaseowns_AttackAgainTimerCD @setvar! myKillTarget lasttarget while not dead if noto myKillTarget = "murderer" or noto myKillTarget = "hostile" or noto myKillTarget = "criminal" or noto myKillTarget = "enemy" if timer jaseowns_AttackAgainTimer >= jaseowns_AttackAgainTimerCD attack myKillTarget settimer jaseowns_AttackAgainTimer 0 endif endif if not bandaging and skill "Healing" >= 50 if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif // white pot if findbuff "weaken" and findtype 3849 backpack as jaseowns_Potion dclick jaseowns_Potion wait 650 endif // black pot if not findbuff "Magic resist" and findtype 3846 backpack as jaseowns_Potion dclick jaseowns_Potion wait 650 endif // yellow pot if hp < jaseowns_ChugHealPotAtThisHealth and findtype 3852 backpack as jaseowns_Potion dclick jaseowns_Potion wait 650 endif wait 200 overhead "● ▼▼ HERE ▼▼ ●" 88 myKillTarget endwhile