How do I setup my wizard grimoire?
Don't forget, you can mix any spells you want and just update your spell preference.
- 3 points: Create Food, Magic Arrow, Harm
- 1 point: Fireball
- 3 points: Lightning, Curse, Flamestrike
TLDR: Create food, one point of the little ones... or just use this Script to setup your wizard grimoire Auto Bot
Video Example
The video below is a time stamp (starts at 47 minutes) of me explaining the grimoire but also creating the script!
Page 1
- 3 points: Create Food
- 3 points: Magic Arrow
- 3 points: Harm

Page 2
- 1 point: Fireball

Page 3
- 3 points: Lightning
- 3 points: Curse

Page 4
- Nothing: (or replace 3 Flamestrike with 3 Mindblast)

Page 5
- 3 points: Flamestrike (or 0 Flamestrike with 3 Mindblast)

Page 6
- Nothing