How do I setup my spells?
TLDR: Make sure to set things you want to cast to 1 and things you don't want to cast to 0

How the flags work
For spells, I am using the values near the top of the script as bit flags. Zero (0) is false, One (1) is true.
How the Summons work
These values are counts for example, you can have 2 liches instead of 1 lich and 1 earth. Be sure to leverage your summoner tome.
Why certain spells?
Depending on your grimoire, you will want to cast or not cast certain spells. If you have improved magic arrow for example, be sure to cast that using a flag of 1
Video Example
The video below is a time stamp (starts at 1:48:26) of me explaining the entire script - summons and spells are first!
Script Example
2### Choose your spells
4@setvar! castCurse 1
5@setvar! castManadrain 0
6@setvar! castLightning 1
7@setvar! castFireball 1
8@setvar! castHarm 1
9@setvar! castMagicArrow 1
10@setvar! castMindBlast 0
11@setvar! castFlamestrike 1