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Auto Animal Lore Scanner by myrkul8303

Description: I was given this script as a gift, but after returning from a long break, this no longer works on the newest mobs in Wildlands. If anyone can help add those tamables into the script, I'd be very grateful (as would the community).

# An - Alpha Script - ! # Make a cooldown called 'Animal Lore' in Paperdoll Options -> Cooldowns. if not timerexists AnimalLoreTimer createtimer AnimalLoreTimer settimer AnimalLoreTimer 2200 endif if not listexists rangefinderAnimal createlist rangefinderAnimal pushlist rangefinderAnimal 2 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 3 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 4 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 5 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 6 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 7 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 8 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 9 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 10 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 11 pushlist rangefinderAnimal 12 endif if insysmsg 'You cannot see that from here' or insysmsg 'You must wait a few moments before using another skill' endif gumpclose 3280914284 if findtype 213|317|385|21|727|74|732|776|39|215|717|51|716|12|60|787|58|715|738|1419|1504|99|211|214|736|204|29|226|59|61|730|393|48|1069|287|169|373|734|173|92|80|98|388|287|302|720|392|386|795|315|210|718|104|251|34|374|720|225|219|244|218|11|81|387|28|212|729|141|206|293|843|202|789|832|21|270|242|739|1503|371|788|737|62|733 ground any any 12 foreach range in rangefinderAnimal while findtype 213|317|385|21|727|74|732|776|39|215|717|51|716|12|60|787|58|715|738|1419|1504|99|211|214|736|204|29|226|59|61|730|393|48|1069|287|169|373|734|173|92|80|98|388|287|302|720|392|386|795|315|210|718|104|251|34|374|720|225|219|244|218|11|81|387|28|212|729|141|206|293|843|202|789|832|21|270|242|739|1503|371|788|737|62|733 ground any any range as animalCheck if noto animalCheck = hostile or noto animalCheck = criminal if lastCheckedAnimal = animalCheck @ignore animalCheck @unsetvar lastCheckedAnimal else getlabel animalCheck label while gumpexists 3280914284 wait 50 endwhile while timer AnimalLoreTimer < 2050 wait 50 endwhile overhead label 91 animalCheck menu animalCheck 0 waitforgump 3280914284 250 if gumpexists 3280914284 overhead '[▼ ↓ ▼]'2884 animalCheck cooldown 'Animal Lore' 2050 settimer AnimalLoreTimer 0 @ignore animalCheck @setvar! lastCheckedAnimal animalCheck elseif insysmsg 'You cannot see that from here' overhead '▷▷ LINE OF SIGHT ◁◁ ' 2760 animalCheck @ignore animalCheck elseif insysmsg 'You must wait a few moments before using another skill' overhead '▷▷ SKILL ON CD ◁◁ ' 2760 animalCheck wait 500 endif endif else @ignore animalCheck endif endwhile endfor endif while findtype 213|317|385|21|727|74|732|776|39|215|717|51|716|12|60|787|58|715|738|1419|1504|99|211|214|736|204|29|226|59|61|730|393|48|1069|287|169|373|734|173|92|80|98|388|287|302|720|392|386|795|315|210|718|104|251|34|374|720|225|219|244|218|11|81|387|28|212|729|141|206|293|843|202|789|832|21|270|242|739|1503|371|788|737|62|733 ground any any any as animalCheck if noto animalCheck = hostile or noto animalCheck = criminal overhead '▷▷ OUT OF RANGE ◁◁ ' 1680 animalCheck endif @ignore animalCheck endwhile @clearignore overhead '◆◆ CHECK DONE ◆◆' 2884