Ultimate Recall (Recall, Runetome, Runebook, Chivalry) by special_sy

1# Made by Chumber
2# Based on https://outlands.uorazorscripts.com/script/fb2d9f3c-0f8a-4de6-b8f3-f5c07b790d8c
3# Expanded with the runetome and swapped the order (runebook before chiv)
4# Added all follow me if you got followers
5# Recall runetome target added, runetome|runebook|rune put into one if
6# Also added a var you can set in other scripts to deactivate the escape...
7if varexist 'dontFlee' and 'dontFlee' = 1
8    overhead "Disabled by dontFlee"
9    stop
12hotkey "Cancel Current target"
13hotkey '> Interrupt'
14hotkey "Cancel Current target"
15if followers > 0
16    setvar! allFollowMe 1
18    setvar! allFollowMe 0
21if findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as mGate
22    while not gumpexists 3899019871
23        dclick mGate
24    endwhile
25    if gumpexists 3899019871
26        if allFollowMe = 1
27            say "all follow me"
28        endif
29        gumpresponse 2 3899019871
30        stop
31    endif
32elseif findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 2 as mGate
33    while not gumpexists 3773199800
34        dclick mGate
35    endwhile
36    if gumpexists 3773199800
37        if allFollowMe = 1
38            say "all follow me"
39        endif
40        wait 200
41        gumpresponse 2 3773199800
42        stop
43    endif
44elseif skill "Magery" > 70 and mana > 11 and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
45    while not targetexists
46        cast "Recall"
47        wait 200
48    endwhile
49    # runetome|runebook|rune
50    if findtype 29103|8901|7956 backpack as portTarget
51        if allFollowMe = 1
52            say "all follow me"
53        endif
54        wait 200
55        target portTarget
56        stop
57    endif
58elseif findtype 29103 backpack as runetome and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
59    dclick runetome
60    waitforgump 167090027 1000
61    if gumpexists 167090027
62        if allFollowMe = 1
63            say "all follow me"
64        endif
65        gumpresponse 100
66        stop
67    endif
68elseif findtype 8901 backpack as runebook and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
69    //change gumpresponse to number correlating to rune in book
70    //Page 1: 2,6,14,20,26,32,38,44  Page 2: 50,56,62,68,74,80,86,92
71    dclick runebook
72    waitforgump 1551740969 1000
73    if gumpexists 1551740969
74        if allFollowMe = 1
75            say "all follow me"
76        endif
77        gumpresponse 2
78        stop
79    endif
81elseif skill "Chivalry" > 95 and not findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 8
82    overhead 'Chivescape!'
83    if not gumpexists 1482653814
84        say '[SacredJourney'
85    elseif gumpexists 1482653814
86        gumpresponse 1
87    endif
88    if findtype 30528 ground 2091 1 2 as mgate
89        dclick mgate
90    endif
91    if gumpexists 3773199800
92        if allFollowMe = 1
93            say "all follow me"
94        endif
95        wait 200
96        gumpresponse 2
97        stop
98    endif
100wait 250