Shelter Dungeon Magery to 75 by whiskeywalt

Related: Magery magery

1#Train Magery to 75 in Shelter Dungeon
2# Works with Spell Stone
3# By WhiskeyWalt
5//mana check
6if skill 'magery' < 60 and mana < 11
7  useskill "meditation"
8  while mana < maxmana
9  endwhile
10  pause 600
11  elseif skill 'magery' < 75 and mana < 20
12  useskill "meditation"
13  while mana < maxmana
14  endwhile
15  pause 600
18if skill 'magery' < 60
19    cast "greater heal"
20  waitfortarget 15000
21  target self
22  pause 1000
23  elseif skill 'magery' < 75
24    cast "invisibility"
25  waitfortarget 15000
26  target self
27  pause 1000
28  elseif skill 'magery' == 75
29    msg "Move out of new dungeon!"
30  stop