Dump All The Things by brozan_syal
Related: Snippet
#Start Dump
overhead "Target Bag for Regs and Gold/Dubs"
@setvar! myShipHold
overhead "Gold Dump"
#Gold in subpacks routine
createlist coinTypes
clearlist coinTypes
@pushlist 'coinTypes' 2539
@pushlist 'coinTypes' 3821
@pushlist 'coinTypes' 3891
foreach x in coinTypes
while findtype x backpack any any 1 as found
lift found 9999
drop myShipHold -1 -1 0
@ignore myVariable
wait 600
if not varexist noidBag
overhead 'Target Item Dump Bag'
setvar! noidBag
overhead "Hull Dump"
createlist regTypes
clearlist regTypes
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3963
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3962
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3973
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3972
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3980
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3981
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3976
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3974
@pushlist 'regTypes' 4225
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3705
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3854
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3617
@pushlist 'regTypes' 3903
@pushlist 'regTypes' 7163
@pushlist 'regTypes' 2545
foreach x in regTypes
while findtype x backpack any any 1 as found
lift found 9999
drop myShipHold -1 -1 0
@ignore myVariable
wait 600
overhead "Unid Dump"
createlist ItemTypes
clearlist ItemTypes
//martial manual
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 22187
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b72 //BronzeShields
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b73 //Buckler
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7b //MetalShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b74 //MetalKiteShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //TearKiteShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //WoodenShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b76 //HeaterShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b77 //HeaterShield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30989
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31184
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31180
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31006
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1408 //CloseHelmet
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1410 //PlatemailArms
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1417 //PlatemailArms
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1411 //PlatemailLegs
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1412 //PlateHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1413 //PlateGorget
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1418 //PlatemailGloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1415 //PlateChest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140a //Helmet
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140c //Bascinet
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140e //NorseHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13bb //ChainmailCoif
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c3 //ChainmailLeggins
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c4 //ChainmailChest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c0 //ChainmailHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ef //RingmailArms
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f2 //RingmailGloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ed //RingmailChest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f1 //RingmailLeggins
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140b //RingmailHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1dba //Studdedcap
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e1 //StuddedLeggings
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13db //StuddedTunic
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d5 //StuddedGloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d6 //StuddedGorget
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dc //StuddedSleeves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ce //LeatherGloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cd //LeatherSleeves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d3 //LeatherChest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cb //LeatherPants
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c7 //LeatherGorget
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1db9 //LeatherCap
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c5 //LeatherArms
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c04 //FemalePlate
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemalePlateSkirt
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0c //FemaleStuddedBustier
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c02 //FemaleStuddedArmor
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleRingmailSkirt
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c00 //FemaleLeatherShorts
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleLeatherSkirt
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c06 //FemaleLeatherArmor
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0b //FemaleLeatherBustier
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c09 //FemaleBoneSkirt
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf62 //Spear
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1403 //ShortSpear
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe87 //Pitchfork
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1405 //Warfork
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1401 //Kryss
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf52 //Dagger
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b0 //Waraxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf0 //BlackStaff
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1439 //WarHammer
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1407 //WarMace
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe89 //QuarterStaff
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143d //HammerPick
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b4 //Club
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe81 //ShepherdsCrook
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f8 //GnarledStaff
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5c //Mace
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143b //Maul
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b9 //VikingSword
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf61 //Longsword
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1441 //Cutlass
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b6 //Scimitar
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec4 //SkinningKnife
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f6 //ButcherKnife
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5e //Broadsword
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ff //Katana
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec3 //Cleaver
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf43 //Hatchet
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf45 //ExecutionersAxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4d //Bardiche
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4b //DoubleAxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143e //Halberd
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fb //LargeBattleAxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1443 //TwoHandedAxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf47 //BattleAxe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf49 //Axe
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fd //HeavyXbow
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf50 //Xbow
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b2 //bow
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb2 //Harp
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9c //Drums
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xeb3 //Lute
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe9e //Tambourine
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x2805 //BambooFlute
//Other Helmets
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140f //NorseHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1451 //BoneHelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1457 //BoneLegs
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1453 //BoneArms
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1455 //BoneGloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf2 //SlayerWands
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf3 //SlayerWands
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf4 //SlayerWands
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands
//OtherSTuff, that wasnt in list...
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf5 //SlayerWands
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xefa //SpellBook
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x141a //platemailleggings
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //woodenshield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13e2 //studdedchets
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //woodenkiteshield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x26bd //harpoon
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c05 //Femaleplatechest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0d //studdedbrasier
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c01 //leathershorts
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b75 //metalkiteshield
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c07 //Femaleleather
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1416 //platemailchest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dd //studdedgloves
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1454 //Bonechest
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d2 //leatherleggings
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1409 //closehelm
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d4 //studdedarms
#new shit
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39898
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39896
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39892
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39918
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39911
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39916
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39897
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39905
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39891
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39917
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39912
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39909
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 39889
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31047
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31017
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31049
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31019
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31055
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31051
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31053
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31025
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31027
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31031
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31041
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31021
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31023
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31029
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31043
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31035
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31033
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31045
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31037
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31002
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20006
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31169
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31006
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30999
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31012
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31009
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30996
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31128
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31188
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20014
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31014
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31004
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31142
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31001
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31000
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31010
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30998
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30988
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30997
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31141
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20008
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31005
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31191
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31008
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31007
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30994
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30993
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31182
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30989
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20012
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31186
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31178
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31015
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30991
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20010
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 20016
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31184
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31190
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30990
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30995
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31176
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31180
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 30992
@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 31130
foreach x in ItemTypes
while findtype x backpack as found
@hotkey 'set last target'
@target found
@setvar myVariable lasttarget
wait 100
@getlabel 'myVariable' myLabel
if 'unidentified' in myLabel
#sysmsg 'Dumping: ' 33
#sysmsg myLabel 65
lift myVariable 1
drop noidBag -1 -1 0
#sysmsg 'Skipping' 33
#sysmsg myLabel 65
@ignore myVariable
wait 400
overhead "Done Dumping" 17